Caregiving Rules: How to Stay on Top of Your Game

How to Stay on Top of Your Game - AmeriBest Home Care

Whether you’ve recently started caregiving for a loved one or you’ve been doing it for a while, here are 4 rules that can really make or break your time as a caregiver.

Rule #1: Accept Help

This is the first rule because it’s the most important. When you’re caregiving, you often want to do everything by yourself. Not because you don’t trust others, but because you think it’s your duty. And you think it’s your responsibility to do it all on your own.

This is the biggest trap that caregivers fall into. And they’ll even run themselves ragged thinking they just need to push themselves a little more. But this is not a sustainable way of life. And, it certainly is not a sustainable way of caregiving. Eventually, both you and your loved one will feel the consequences of your pushing yourself too hard.

So, you need to understand, you don’t have to do everything by yourself.
And, it’s okay to accept help.

If someone is willing to offer you an extra hand- take it. The same way you want to help your loved senior, others want to help you. You wouldn’t want your senior to reject your help, so don’t reject others’ help to you.

Rule #2: Stay Organized

When you’ve finally decided to accept help from others, it can get a little hectic remembering who is doing what for your senior.

And when things are hectic, it makes others less likely to continue to give their support. When someone offers help, they want to actually be able to help or they’ll come away feeling frustrated. They don’t want to show up, only to find your senior being helped by two other friends as well, because of your overbooked.

So, you’ve got to keep a good schedule. Don’t just make lists in your head, because you’re likely to forget those. Instead, have a physical (or digital) calendar, and write everything down. Who, what, where, and when.

Rule #3: Take Care of Yourself

While you’re scheduling your senior’s healthcare appointments, make sure to schedule your own as well. Whether it be mental or physical.

As the popular saying goes, you can’t help others if you don’t help yourself first.
Because you simply can’t give someone good care if you don’t have the energy to do so.

Take care of yourself.
Keep yourself healthy and strong, even if that means taking some time off for yourself.

Rule #4: Consider Your Options

In addition to getting help from friends and family, you can also get help from professionals.

It doesn’t have to be all the time, but having a professional caregiver come to your home and take care of things every now and then is a huge stress reliever. Even just knowing that you have a professional to rely on, is comforting.

This way, when you need to take time for yourself, or simply can’t take off from work for another doctor appointment, you can pay a professional caregiver to do the work for you.

Home Care Aids for the Win – The Future of Caregiving

Home Care Aids for the Win - AmeriBest Home Care

What does caregiving mean to you?
Responsibility. Kindness. Assistance. Medical expertise.

These are the four core aspects of good caregiving for seniors. These are the four core aspects needed to keep your senior healthy, happy, and living a good life.

Yet, it’s hard for family caregivers to satisfy all four needs when they’ve got their own lives to live. When family members become caregivers, they have to dedicate a significant amount of their own free time to their senior’s wellbeing.

Which is great, if you have the time. But many of us, have full time jobs, families, and errands we need to attend to. And this makes the job of a family caregiver extremely complicated.
Causing many to now opt for professional home care aids.

Because, home care aids are the future of caregiving.

What is a professional home care aid?

A professional home care aid comes to you, as opposed to you going to them. This means, that your senior can enjoy the comforts of his or her own home, while also getting the necessary medical and personal assistance needed. Home care aids can help in a variety of ways, anywhere from simply changing bed linens, to overseeing hygiene care, to emptying urinary bags.

Essentially, they do a lot.

Female nurse visiting senior patient for checking blood pressure

How can a professional home care aid meet the 4 core caregiving needs?

Responsibility – Professional home care aids take their jobs seriously. They understand the meaning of reliability and efficiency. When you’re caring for someone else’s life, you’ve got to be there for them, and ready to help them with whatever they need.

Kindness – You don’t just want someone who will come in, do the bare minimum, and leave. You want someone who loves what they do, so that they will go above and beyond. You want someone who will show kindness to your senior, because they really care for your senior. And that’s exactly what home care aids are trained to do.

Assistance – There are all different jobs that a home care aid can do. Housekeeping, meal prep, transportation, personal care– just to name a few. Home care aids provide assistance to your senior, so that your senior can keep living the life they want.

Medical Expertise – In addition to basic living assistance, professional home care agencies can also get you skilled nurses and doctors. So your senior can get all the medical and emotional help they need.

Where can I find a professional home care aid that will satisfy the 4 core caregiving requirements?

Are you located in Philadelphia, PA? Then come on by AmeriBest Home Care agency to get a reliable home care aid today!

At AmeriBest Home Care, we match your needs with our experienced and talented staff. Whether your senior needs skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, medical social work, or a home health aide, we’ve got it all.

Give us a call today at 1800-HOMECARE.
So that we can help you make the life that’s right for you.

It’s Time for A Break: Caregiver Vacation Tips

Caregiver Vacation Tips - AmeriBest Home Care

It’s almost summer, and you know what that means… vacation time!

Caregiving is hard work. So, it’s important to give yourself time off to rejuvenate and unwind. This way, when you get back to work, you’ll be ready to get back at it with some pep in your step.

Now, as a caregiver, you’ll know that things don’t just stop moving the moment you go on vacation. Life goes on, and the people in your care continue to need caring.

Often times, this thought prevents caregivers from taking the well-deserved vacations that they need. But don’t let that happen! Because, there are ways around it.

If you’re planning a vacation, here are some tips to make sure everything is safe and sound at home, while you’re away.

Hire backup

The most important thing to arrange before leaving for vacation, is who will be taking care of your loved one in your stead. Although you’ll only be gone for a short time, it’s important to find someone who will take just as good care of your loved one as you do. This means, getting a caregiver who will actively listen to yours and your loved one’s needs, as well as is kind and experienced.

If you’re having trouble finding a caregiver on your own, consider contact-using a home care agency who will do the search for you. At AmeriBest, we match you with top-notch caregivers, who will work hard and do good by you and your loved one.

Portrait Of Female Nurse Wearing Scrubs In Hospital

Make sure the house is stocked

Before taking off, make sure that everything is ready. And we don’t just mean your suitcase.

You’ll want to be certain that the house is fully stocked with everything your loved one might want and need. Of course, if there’s anything your loved one needs while you’re away, your hired substitute caregiver can take care of it. But, if you know that most things are already taken care of before you leave, you’ll feel a lot better about leaving the nest.

Not to mention, only you know what your loved one loves and his or her favorite things. Which means, that you can leave a few nice surprises in the house that will make your loved one happy and know how much you care.

Organize your contact-us info

It’s always a good idea to make sure your loved one or your hired caregiver can reach you easily. So, take the time before you leave to organize your contact-us info. Obviously, you’ll want to leave your regular cell or the overseas number you’ll be using. But it’s also smart to leave hotel contact-us info as well.

Leave your loved one a list with the names of the hotels you’ll be staying at, as well as the hotel numbers. This will leave your loved one feeling safe and relaxed, because they’ll know that they can easily reach you if the need should arise.

Plus, it might be fun to chat and catch up on all the vacation happenings.

Caregiving is Actually Good for Your Health: The Why and How

Caregiving is Actually Good for Your Health - AmeriBest Home Care

It used to be said that being a caregiver for someone else, lead to both emotional and physical health troubles.

Luckily, this does not have to be the case.

Though caregiving can be tiresome at times, there’s a lot about it that actually enhances our lives and our health. And, just like any job, if you take proper care of yourself when times are stressful, you’ll come out all the better for it.

So, here are some ways in which caregiving can actually improve your state of being, as well as some tips to keep the good times rolling.

Giving makes us happy.

As social beings, when we willingly give to others, the act actually makes us happier.
Which means, that being a caregiver, and truly caring and giving to others, increases one’s level of joy and peace of mind.

When we take the time to selflessly give to others, especially those we care about, it makes us feel that we are living a more fulfilled life because of the positive actions we choose to take. Because, rather than obsessing over ourselves, caregivers look outward towards others. Caregivers concentrate on making someone else’s world a little better, and in return, get to share in the true happiness of others.

Providing care for elderly

If you’re getting stressed- take a break.

Too often, caregivers push themselves to the brink of utter exhaustion. This is a bad idea. Because, not only do they harm themselves, but they also harm their loved ones. Our loved ones can tell when we’re tired, and overworked, and it makes them feel even worse when they know they might be the cause. It’s hard enough to rely heavily on others as it is, and to know your reliance is harming someone you care and love, doesn’t help at all.

That’s why, as a caregiver, it’s crucial to take breaks when you need them, maybe even before you need them. The key is, knowing what you can handle and acknowledging when you need an extra hand or time to rest. Know your limits.

Take time to check in with yourself to see what you’re feeling. Then act accordingly. If you’re starting to feel run down, or weak, notice the signs and take a rest. That’s your body telling you that it’s time for some me-time. It’s doesn’t have to be a long vacation or anything, but just a bit of time off to relax and rejuvenate, will do wonders for your mental and physical health.

We all need to reload and refresh every now and then.

The bottom line.

At the end of the day, every job or role in life has its ups and its down. though times may get hard, you’ve got to persevere and push forward, because the good times are right around the corner if you do. And they only get better.

Getting to share smiles, laughs, and good vibes with your loved one makes caregiving worth it all.

Caregiving is Hard- Give Yourself a Break

Give Yourself a Break - AmeriBest Home Care

Being a caregiver is a wonderful opportunity.
It’s a role that allows you to finally give back to your loved ones, make them happy, and watch them enjoy life.

But, it’s also a role that can be tiring, and a little difficult at times. Because being someone’s sole caregiver is full time job. And that can be hard to manage when you’ve got your actual full-time job to attend to and your own family to take care of.

Many caregivers think the solution to managing both their own life and their senior’s life, is to push themselves even harder; to spend less time leisurely, and more time running around. But this strategy can be detrimental to both your and your family’s health. Because it will eventually just wear you out.

The real solution to managing both your own life and your senior’s, is to make sure you take breaks and give yourself the rest you need. The real key to being a good caregiver, is knowing when to let yourself have some time off to recuperate and refresh. It’s extremely important to notice the signs of fatigue before the real fatigue hits, and give yourself time to rejuvenate.

If you’re feeling energized you’ll do a better job at, well, everything. You’ll be happier, healthier, and your loved senior will be better off knowing you’re doing well.

So, how does one strike this critical balance? How does one attentively care-give, while also watching their own personal health?

Providing care for elderly

Ask for help!

Premium Homecare to the Rescue

Hiring homecare assistance gives you time to rest while making sure your senior is getting everything he or she needs. You can hire experienced nurses to watch over your senior on the regular. Or, you can hire trained assistants to stay with them just when you want a vacation.

Either route you choose, will give you the extra time you need to keep yourself going strong. No one works well when they’re burned out. But by getting yourself some extra help, you’re giving yourself time to relax and time to keep from tiring yourself out. This way, when you do spend time caregiving, you’ll be able to do it happily and with your best efforts.

Contacting a Homecare Agency for Help

When you call up a homecare agency for help, they’ll offer a wide range of services for you and your senior.

At AmeriBest we offer all kinds of services from physical therapy, to housekeeping, to transportation, to occupational therapy, and more. Our nurses and practitioners are all well trained and experienced to give you the help you need.

We cherish your and your senior’s health and happiness, at AmeriBest. When you hire an AmeriBest nurse or assistant, you’re hiring more than just a nameless face- you’re hiring a friend that cares. You’re hiring someone that’s going to give you the little bit of extra help you need to keep both you and your senior enjoying life, love, and good times.

Learn to Care for Your Grandparents While Getting Paid

Learn to Care for Your Grandparents While Getting Paid - AmeriBest Home Care

The hardest part about caregiving for family, is having to give up precious time from work.

Because less time at work equals less pay, which can be difficult when you’ve got your own bills to pay and family to take care of.

But what if we told you, it didn’t have to be that way? Nowadays, you can easily keep earning money while still caring for your grandparents. In fact, you can get paid to care for your grandparents!

It’s a total game changer. And here’s how that change can ultimately change your life!

  • No More Financial Stress
    Say goodbye to the financial crunch and worry that comes with having to split all your time between financially supporting yourself and caring for your grandparents. Luckily, getting paid to care for your grandparents, takes the worry out of the situation! Not only does it take out the worry, but it adds in some additional relief.
  • Extra Downtime
    When getting paid to care for your grandparents, you’ll find that you have way more time for other things, and other people. You’ll finally have time to finish that project you started months ago, or catch up with old friends, or maybe even have some much-needed self-pampering nights. Whatever it is you like to do with your time, it’s up to you! Because now you’ll actually have the time to do it.
  • Better Care for Your Grandparents
    With less financial stress and more free time, you’re sure to be less overwhelmed. Which means, that you’ll actually be able to enjoy caring for your grandparents, as opposed to dreading it. And when you enjoy what you do, you tend to do a better job of it. You’ll be able to pay more attention to your grandparents, give them the consideration they deserve, have more patience for their needs, and most importantly, laugh, love, and appreciate every moment you spend with them.
  • A Happier Life
    It’s no magic formula, it’s just simple math. When you don’t have to worry about money, and you have more free time to accomplish your goals, and you can rest assured your grandparents are getting the care they need- you’re going to be happier. You are going to be a happier person, with a happier life.

Middle aged black man bringing roast meat to the table for the Sunday family dinner with his partner, kids and their grandparents, front view

So… Now What?

Make the move to change your life! It’s that easy. There are two main ways you can get paid for caregiving. The first, is to apply for the right financial aid services and receive payments/stipends for you and your grandparents. The second, is to become a licensed caregiver and get paid for the work you do.

Have any questions? Interested in learning more? Give us a call at (215) 925-3313, or 1800-HOMECARE.

At AmeriBest, we’ll help you and your loved one in any way we can! So, learn to get paid for giving care to your grandparents and change your life in the process.

What more could you want?

Provide Philadelphia Home Care to Your Loved One in the Comfort of Their Home

Ready to provide caring and capable Home Health to a loved one in the comfort of their very own home? Ameribest Home Care can help you!

Illness, injury, and hospital stays can leave many in need of assistance when completing activities of daily life. And while it’s most comfortable to receive that assistance at home and at the hands of someone you genuinely love and trust, no one wants to feel like they’ve become a burden to their children, relatives, or friends. That’s where AmeriBest Home Care comes in. We provide you with the appropriate training and skill set so that you can become a knowledgeable, capable, and caring personal caregiver to the friend or loved one who is in need. That means your mother, father, aunt or uncle, close friend or distant relative can receive quality and thoughtful care from you in the comfort of their very own home! Our home and community-based services (or Home Waiver Services) are available to those covered by MA (Medicaid/ medical assistance), and enable your loved one to remain in a community setting rather than being admitted to a nursing facility while they receive care from someone they love and trust the most: you!

Smiling elderly man in a wheelchair and friendly caregiver in a


Well-Paying Philadelphia Home Care That You Provide to Your Loved One… Tell Me More!

Once you’ve been thoroughly trained by the skilled and capable staff at Ameribest Home Care, you’ll be fully equipped and able to assist your close friend or loved one in all aspects of their regular daily living. The two of you can decide together what their plan of care will look like. Services can include:

  • Meal preparation
  • Light housekeeping – to meet individual health needs
  • Shopping
  • Laundry
  • Bathing
  • Dressing
  • Medication management
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Securing transportation
  • Supervised walks
  • And so much more…

With care in the comfort of their own home that’s provided by someone they genuinely love and trust, your loved one’s health care plan will truly cater to their individual needs. So, how does your loved one qualify? Eligibility requirements are minimal; all they need to qualify is:

  • A medically-verified long-term condition or disability (where long-term means a condition that will last for longer than 6 months)
  • A monthly income of less than $2,163
  • No more than $8,000 of countable resources (including savings, checking, stocks, bonds, and other liquid assets or investments)

Further, if your loved one owns their own home, please mention this fact to our staff: it may affect their application for the waiver program.

So, are you ready for the person you love the most to receive professional, thoughtful, and well-qualified home care from an utterly caring caregiver that they know and trust? Call Ameribest Home Care, or fill out an inquiry form at our website, to find out how you and a loved one can partner together in pursuit of their healthy, guided living. It’s time for health care that’s truly comfortable, provided in the familiar space of home, and at the hands of a trusted loved one. At Ameribest Home Care, we’re answering the call for the comfortable home health care your loved one deserves.