If you’re facing a short-term recovery with assistance or a long-term plan for your health and well-being, you may ask yourself, “Do I qualify for in-home care services in Harrisburg, PA?”. Or perhaps you’re looking into this option for a loved one. You are not alone. Many people seek out highly qualified caregivers, like those provided by AmeriBest Home Care, as an alternative to respite or nursing homes. It’s far more comfortable and soothing. You know where everything is and everyone who enters your door.
Of course, not all caregiving services are created equal. When you care for a vulnerable individual with physical, intellectual, or emotional challenges, you are left in the unenviable position of making responsible choices in their stead. Nonetheless, there are certain qualifying factors for getting aide services at an affordable price.
A significant determining factor is insurance. Each carrier has its definitions of the individual’s condition and what type of care they can receive at home. You’ll see the term “medically necessary” frequently. Most often, a physician has to delineate the present needs and the means required to keep the individual safe.
Age is also a factor. Medicare is designed for people over 65, but it also covers people who become disabled before that. So, a 50-year-old individual who becomes disabled can qualify for having at least part of their home care costs covered. The beauty of medicare is consistency. Regular insurance companies don’t have that.
The basic qualifications for in-home care services in Harrisburg PA are:
- Attestation by a physician as to your specific needs (like physical therapy or skilled nursing)
- Having a provider that is properly registered in your state (like AmeriBest).
- Having a plan of care reviewed and updated regularly by your health team.
So, Where Do You Begin?
Pennsylvania has a “one-stop” resource for information, including home health agency licensure qualifications. The Department of Aging offers Medicare counseling and a program called Options. You qualify for this program if you’re 60 or older, a Pennsylvania resident, a legal US citizen, and have unmet needs regarding daily functionality.
Be prepared to gather various types of paperwork as proof of qualification. Examples include a driver’s license, social security card, and proof of insurance; If there is a spouse or family member assisting, they may need a Power of Attorney to ask questions about you over the phone.
It’s expected that the State of Pennsylvania will review services regularly due to the rapidly growing elderly population. When you use a home care health provider like AmeriBest, they keep abreast of these changes and guide you through any that affect your care or that of a loved one.
AmeriBest: Home Healthcare Provider in Harrisburg, PA
Our agency prides itself on the quality of services offered, professionalism, and caring staff. Your situation, or that of your loved one, is wholly unique. Personalization is a big key to the overall happiness of our clients.
We also gladly train family caregivers to provide proper care and get paid for it!
You can use our online contact form HERE
You can also email us at info@ameribest.org
Our Harrisburg office number is 717-545-2920; you can also call 1800-HOMECARE