FAQ: Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

FAQ: Post-Stroke Rehabilitation - AmeriBest Home Care

What is a stroke?

Strokes can be divided into two main categories: Ischemic and Hemorrhagic.

Ischemic is the more common of the two types. An ischemic stroke occurs when clots or plague block the blood’s path to the brain. This can happen directly in the brain’s blood vessels or it can happen in other blood vessels that run toward the brain.

A hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, occurs when a blood vessel actually breaks. In some ways, this can be worse because the blood contained within the vessel escapes and damages the brain’s tissue.

Can you recover from a stroke?

The good news is- yes!
The bad news is- recovery can take some time.

Strokes can cause serious damage to the brain. Often times, it damages motor neurons, resulting in physical mobility loss. This can show in the form of speech impairment, facial expression impairment, or limb control impairment.

Recovering from a stroke may not always be as neat as one would like. If survivors are lucky, they are able to recover fully with minimal residual effects. But other times, survivors may be left with some kind of disability to work through.

How long does it take to recover from a stroke?

Depending on the severity of the damage, stroke survivors could take anywhere from days to years to recover.

What is post-stroke rehabilitation?

Post-stroke rehabilitation is a type of therapy treatment.

As aforementioned, strokes often result in some after-effects as an outcome of brain damage. Post-stroke rehabilitation cannot undo brain damage. It is not a cure. But, it can help alleviate and manage symptoms.

Post-stroke rehabilitation works to provide a long-term solution to the aftermath of a stroke. And, to get stroke survivors functioning as independently as possible.

When should you start post-stroke rehabilitation?

Post-stroke rehabilitation begins as soon as a stroke survivor has been stabilized.

There are two ways to begin rehabilitation. If the stroke patient is paralyzed or unable to move on his or her own, a therapist will begin the rehabilitation by physically moving the patient around to increase mobility. If the stroke patient has some mobility control already, the therapist will have the patient independently exercise his or her own limbs.

After that, the main key to successful rehabilitation is continuous and consistent exercising and therapy.

Where to go for post-stroke rehabilitation?

When it comes to rehabilitation, it’s extremely important to do the therapy sessions consistently. And on a regular basis.

Keeping to a regular schedule can be hard for many, especially when it involves coordinating transportation. If this is the case for you or a loved one, we highly recommend hiring a professional home care aid.

When you hire through a home care agency like AmeriBest, we send our therapists and nurses straight to your own home. So that you never have to worry about traveling to your therapy sessions and getting there on time.

At-home rehabilitation is a great time saver and an even greater way to make sure you’re getting the care you need.

4 Quick Tips for Stress Relief in Caregivers

4 Quick Tips for Stress Relief in Caregivers - AmeriBest Home Care

If you follow our blog you definitely know by now: caregiving is hard work.

But, you’ll also know that there are ways to make that work easier. And ways to relieve the stress that comes with the job of caregiving.

So, here are 4 quick tips for caregivers when it comes to stress relief.

Get paid for your caregiving.

Let’s be honest. One of the biggest stresses for caregivers is financial insecurity.
Caregiving is basically a full-time job. And when you’re a family caregiver, you’re usually not getting paid for the time spent caring.

Which means, that you’re working a regular job on top of working regular caregiving hours. And, that equals a huge amount of stress.

But, there is a solution: get paid to caregive.
If you’re caregiving anyway, why not make money doing it? Sign up with home care agencies, like AmeriBest, where you actually get paid to be a caregiver.

At AmeriBest, we also help our caregivers with career growth, experience, and competitive pay.

Take time for yourself.

You may be tired of hearing this one, but it’s so so important that you take time for yourself to refresh and reenergize.

And, you have to actively set aside time to do so. If you just keep saying you’ll relax when you get a break, that break is never going to happen. You have to choose a specific time, let all your friends and family know, and then take that time for yourself.

Caregiving is demanding work. It requires constant focus and decision making, things that often wear a person down. And, worn down people don’t do good work. Which means, that not only are you harming yourself by not taking time to breathe, you’re also harming those you care for.

It’s okay to take a break. We give you permission.

Find meaning in the work you do.

More often than not, we get caught up in the routine of the work we do. On the one hand, this is great, because the less decisions we have to make in a day, the better. On the other hand, when we’re just going through wrote motions, we don’t challenge ourselves, and we don’t find meaning in the work we do.

As conscious beings, we need meaning. And when we don’t have it, we start to feel stressed out and down about ourselves.

Solution? Once a week, take a bit of time to process what you’re doing and why. Caregiving is important work. It’s work that matters. It’s work that makes a huge positive difference in someone else’s life.

And you need to remind yourself that, every once in a while.

Spend time with friends.

Friends make us happy.
They know what we need, and they know how to make us feel better.

But most importantly, spending time with friends means getting out of the house and focusing on something other than caregiving. So, meeting up with friends every now and then is a great way to relieve stress. Because, whether you use the time to vent or catch up, you’re giving your mind time to relax and enjoy life.

Something we all need to do.
Stay happy!

Welcoming Men into the World of Caregivers

Welcoming Men into the World of Caregivers - AmeriBest Home Care

Or, saying hello to the many that are already here.

For years, caregiving has been dominated by women. Accompanied by the picture-perfect image of a kindhearted young girl sitting beside a senior citizen, reading books and drinking tea.

Okay, so maybe that’s more of the image presented in historical fictional pieces on television.

But the fact still stands: men are not often associated with the idea of caregiving for the elderly.
And the truth is: there are already many male caregivers, and there are many more on their way.

Some men are embarrassed to admit it because of the stereotype that has surrounded caregivers for so many years. And, some men don’t even realize that what they are already doing -caring for a parent or spouse- is, in fact, considered caregiving.

So, for all the men out there who already identify as caregivers, and for all the men out there who want to be caregivers, here are some tips and tricks of the trade specifically for you.

Be proud of what you do.

We sometimes get caught up in the appearance of what we do, and what others might think of the work we do. But, we’ll tell it to you straight: being a caregiver is a wonderful thing.

As a caregiver, you are dedicating your time to helping another life the best life that they can. You are giving up night outs or days in, to make a huge positive difference in someone else’s life.

Caregiving is one of the most self-less jobs you could have. And for that, you deserve all the respect and recognition that one can give.

You should be proud of being a caregiver and yell it to the streets.

Be even more proud of what you do.

Now, there’s another extremely important reason you should be proud of being a caregiver.
When you’re embarrassed about the work you do, it shows in how you work. It shows in the little grimaces you might make here and there, and the sluggishness you might have when doing a job.

Seniors sense this unease and that makes them feel uneasy as well. And, when everyone is feeling uneasy, it makes for a weird atmosphere. Not just weird, but lonely and a little bit sad.

If you really want to be a great caregiver, you need to be proud of the work you do and show it!

Get paid for the work you do.

Since men are relatively new to the field of caregiving, they’re not always part of caregiving communities.

This means, they miss the memo: you can get paid to be a caregiver.

Homecare agencies, like AmeriBest Home Care, will actually pay you to caregive. Not only that, but they’ll also give you the training and advice you might need to be an outstanding caregiver.

Caregiving alone is hard. But when you’re getting paid and you have people to rely on, it makes the whole thing so much more enjoyable.

Fighting Depression in Caregivers

Fighting Depression in Caregivers - AmeriBest Home Care

Caregiving can be tough.
Especially when it’s for your own family member. Because it means seeing someone you love at their weakest and most vulnerable. And that kind of experience can take an emotional toll on even the strongest caregivers amongst us.

Which is why it’s not uncommon for caregivers to become depressed.

So, here are some words of encouragement:

  • To all the caregivers out there: Stay strong. Take care of yourself. You are doing a wonderful thing. And, you are not alone.
  • To all the seniors out there: Aging is hard, but you have so much more to live for. Stay happy for the ones you love.
  • To all the young ones who may one day become a caregiver: There’s no real preparation, except knowing that when the time comes, you can do it. Like many have done before you.

Warning Signs of Depression in Caregivers

Whether you’re a caregiver yourself, a friend of a caregiver, or the one being cared for, it’s good to know the signs of depression. This way, you can recognize the symptoms and get help if need be.

And with that, you can make a positive difference in someone else’s or your own life.
Some depression symptoms to look out for are:

  • Loss of interest
    This could be a loss of interest in people, activities, or things. When caregivers are depressed they tend to lose hope in the world and their life, which in turn causes them to lose interest in doing anything.
  • Insomnia
    Caregivers with depression often have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep at night. Once or twice is okay, but when it happens for consecutive nights over an extended period of time, something might be wrong.
  • Fatigue
    This symptom is more than just not having the energy to do something. It’s a constant state of fatigue and can often be tied with the symptom of loss of interest.
  • Sadness
    This one might be obvious, but it’s still important to take note of. Sadness is one of the main symptoms of depression. This feeling of sadness can also appear as anxious or restless thoughts. And intense loneliness often accompanies them.

What you can do to help with depression?

If you recognize any of these symptoms in a caregiver near you, it may be a good idea to talk to them delicately about what you’re seeing. Before it’s too late.

And, if you’re a caregiver or someone looking to become a caregiver, consider doing your work with a homecare agency.

Caregiving on your own can be difficult.
As social creatures, we need support and encouragement.

Which is why it’s best to get paid for caregiving with an established and reputable homecare agency like AmeriBest. At AmeriBest, we have a close-knit team of nurses, doctors, and medical staff so that you never have to feel alone. We support all our nurses and caregivers. We give you the skills to succeed, and then we give you the emotional support to do it.

Get paid to caregive this month at AmeriBest HomeCare!

Don’t worry. Be happy.

6 Big Benefits of Home Health Care for Seniors

6 Big Benefits of Home Health Care for Seniors - AmeriBest Home Care

The loving comforts of home

Changing environments isn’t just scary, it’s also stressful.
And this stress can actually place negative effects on the body, making it harder to stay healthy and strong. Because, when the body has to exert energy to fight off stress, it doesn’t have the energy to fight off other more serious health hazards.

Environmental strain is a real thing. And, for this reason, many seniors opt to live in the comfort of their own homes with at-home health care. So, they can rest and recuperate to the best of their body’s abilities.

More time with family

At-home care allows seniors to spend more time with their families and friends. When you’re stuck in a hospital all day with strict visiting hours, it can be difficult to spend time with the ones you love. But when you choose home health care, you get to choose who you see and when.

This gives seniors a chance to spend real quality time interacting with others. Which can have a very beneficial effect on their physical health, as well as emotional and psychological.


Not only does at-home care let you choose when you see your family and friends, it also lets you choose your doctors.

At home care agencies offer a wide range of services and specialists. Seniors can choose from physical therapists, occupational therapists, registered nurses, medical social workers, and home health aides. And, seniors can create their own schedules, so they’re never stuck living according to someone else’s plan.

Seniors who choose home health care can also get help with daily tasks, transportation, meal prep, and more.


If you’ve ever had to stay at a hospital overnight, you know just how expensive nightly visits can be. That’s why so many choose at-home care instead when it comes to the happiness of their wallets. Because, with home health care, you’re not paying for a room and board. You’re simply paying for the services needed. Which can save you a ton.

For seniors looking to hold on to their money, and get the most bang for their buck, at-home care is a great resource.

Better medical attention

At-home care allows seniors to get the individual attention they need to stay at the top of their health game.

Hospitals can be so packed with patients, that they often have trouble giving them all the care they need. But with at-home care, seniors are guaranteed to get all their medical, emotional, and physical requirements met. It’s like the difference between commercial and privately own companies. Often times, the small, family own places give you the better service.

The one-on-one ratio that comes with at-home care can really make a big impact on your senior’s overall health and happiness.


Not only do seniors get more social interaction because they are getting extensive one-on-one care, they can also get companionship by hiring a home care volunteer.

Home care agencies offer companions as a way to keep seniors stay mentally aware and emotionally healthy. This way seniors never get lonely and keep their minds sharp.

Home Care Aids for the Win – The Future of Caregiving

Home Care Aids for the Win - AmeriBest Home Care

What does caregiving mean to you?
Responsibility. Kindness. Assistance. Medical expertise.

These are the four core aspects of good caregiving for seniors. These are the four core aspects needed to keep your senior healthy, happy, and living a good life.

Yet, it’s hard for family caregivers to satisfy all four needs when they’ve got their own lives to live. When family members become caregivers, they have to dedicate a significant amount of their own free time to their senior’s wellbeing.

Which is great, if you have the time. But many of us, have full time jobs, families, and errands we need to attend to. And this makes the job of a family caregiver extremely complicated.
Causing many to now opt for professional home care aids.

Because, home care aids are the future of caregiving.

What is a professional home care aid?

A professional home care aid comes to you, as opposed to you going to them. This means, that your senior can enjoy the comforts of his or her own home, while also getting the necessary medical and personal assistance needed. Home care aids can help in a variety of ways, anywhere from simply changing bed linens, to overseeing hygiene care, to emptying urinary bags.

Essentially, they do a lot.

Female nurse visiting senior patient for checking blood pressure

How can a professional home care aid meet the 4 core caregiving needs?

Responsibility – Professional home care aids take their jobs seriously. They understand the meaning of reliability and efficiency. When you’re caring for someone else’s life, you’ve got to be there for them, and ready to help them with whatever they need.

Kindness – You don’t just want someone who will come in, do the bare minimum, and leave. You want someone who loves what they do, so that they will go above and beyond. You want someone who will show kindness to your senior, because they really care for your senior. And that’s exactly what home care aids are trained to do.

Assistance – There are all different jobs that a home care aid can do. Housekeeping, meal prep, transportation, personal care– just to name a few. Home care aids provide assistance to your senior, so that your senior can keep living the life they want.

Medical Expertise – In addition to basic living assistance, professional home care agencies can also get you skilled nurses and doctors. So your senior can get all the medical and emotional help they need.

Where can I find a professional home care aid that will satisfy the 4 core caregiving requirements?

Are you located in Philadelphia, PA? Then come on by AmeriBest Home Care agency to get a reliable home care aid today!

At AmeriBest Home Care, we match your needs with our experienced and talented staff. Whether your senior needs skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, medical social work, or a home health aide, we’ve got it all.

Give us a call today at 1800-HOMECARE.
So that we can help you make the life that’s right for you.

Make the Most of Life with these 3 Summer Activities for Caregivers

Make the Most of Life with these 3 Summer Activities for Caregivers - AmeriBest Home Care

When you’re busy caring for someone else, it’s easy to forget about yourself.
But you matter too!

And the sunny, lazy days of summer are the perfect time to catch up on some me-time.

Begin by making a list. Think of all the new things you want to start, all the old things you want to finish, and all the things you’ve always wished you were but didn’t have the time to be.

Then start checking them off one by one. By the end of the summer, you’ll be a new you, a happier you, and the you, you always wanted to be.

And to get you started here’s an easy 3-point checklist to help you make the most of your summertime.

Read two new books

Need a little inspiration? Read some new stories that light your spark and get you rolling on the road to a better life this summer. Choose just two books whose journeys call to you, and read away. Maybe you need a pick me up from the hard work of caregiving. Or maybe you want to read caregiving stories of others just like you. Whichever you need, you can find it in a book.

This can also be where you finally get around to those books on your shelf you’ve always wanted to read but just never did. Or, this can be when you make time for some new books you’ve never heard of before.

Whatever the case may be, reading just two books is an easy, yet productive goal.

Business concept, ideas, books and exercise book on a wooden background with pencils

Write down your story

Everyone’s got a story. Whether it’s about you or your loved one, everyone has something they’ve always wanted to write down and share with others.

So, now’s your chance.
Write down your life’s journey, struggles, and maybe how you became a caregiver. Share your story with others so that they can gain inspiration from you. So they can feel that they’re not alone.

This can also be a great activity to do with your senior. Together, the two of you can craft and write your stories together, laughing and bonding over shared memories that make you smile.

Finish something old

Sometimes, starting something new can be overwhelming.
Where do you start? How do you start? Should you even start?

Sit back and take a breath. Because you don’t have to start new things to feel productive or changed. Instead, look to old things you never finished, but wished you had, and get working.

Picking up old projects and finally finishing them can be just as cathartic and relaxing, if not more, than starting something new. And you might even get rid of some old piles of unfinished odds and ends that have been sitting around in the attic for who knows how long.

A win-win for everyone.
So, this summer spend your time doing things that make you happy and feel accomplished. And walk away into the fall feeling like a better, more refreshed you.

Caregiving is Actually Good for Your Health: The Why and How

Caregiving is Actually Good for Your Health - AmeriBest Home Care

It used to be said that being a caregiver for someone else, lead to both emotional and physical health troubles.

Luckily, this does not have to be the case.

Though caregiving can be tiresome at times, there’s a lot about it that actually enhances our lives and our health. And, just like any job, if you take proper care of yourself when times are stressful, you’ll come out all the better for it.

So, here are some ways in which caregiving can actually improve your state of being, as well as some tips to keep the good times rolling.

Giving makes us happy.

As social beings, when we willingly give to others, the act actually makes us happier.
Which means, that being a caregiver, and truly caring and giving to others, increases one’s level of joy and peace of mind.

When we take the time to selflessly give to others, especially those we care about, it makes us feel that we are living a more fulfilled life because of the positive actions we choose to take. Because, rather than obsessing over ourselves, caregivers look outward towards others. Caregivers concentrate on making someone else’s world a little better, and in return, get to share in the true happiness of others.

Providing care for elderly

If you’re getting stressed- take a break.

Too often, caregivers push themselves to the brink of utter exhaustion. This is a bad idea. Because, not only do they harm themselves, but they also harm their loved ones. Our loved ones can tell when we’re tired, and overworked, and it makes them feel even worse when they know they might be the cause. It’s hard enough to rely heavily on others as it is, and to know your reliance is harming someone you care and love, doesn’t help at all.

That’s why, as a caregiver, it’s crucial to take breaks when you need them, maybe even before you need them. The key is, knowing what you can handle and acknowledging when you need an extra hand or time to rest. Know your limits.

Take time to check in with yourself to see what you’re feeling. Then act accordingly. If you’re starting to feel run down, or weak, notice the signs and take a rest. That’s your body telling you that it’s time for some me-time. It’s doesn’t have to be a long vacation or anything, but just a bit of time off to relax and rejuvenate, will do wonders for your mental and physical health.

We all need to reload and refresh every now and then.

The bottom line.

At the end of the day, every job or role in life has its ups and its down. though times may get hard, you’ve got to persevere and push forward, because the good times are right around the corner if you do. And they only get better.

Getting to share smiles, laughs, and good vibes with your loved one makes caregiving worth it all.