Keeping Up with New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

Keeping Up with New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors - AmeriBest Home Care

They may seem like nonsense, but New Year’s resolutions actually hold a lot of power.
Especially, for seniors.

New Year’s resolutions are important because they set your sights on the future. They keep you moving forward and focused on a better life- even if the past has been a difficult one.

As seniors get older, they often get lost in regrets and “what ifs.”
When that happens, they can easily find themselves stuck in a spiral that takes them deeper and deeper into the angst of past events.

And, that’s where New Year’s resolutions come in.

New Year’s resolutions give seniors hope. They can pull seniors out of the deepest of spirals by shifting their perspectives from a lost past to an attainable future.

So, this bright 2020, help your senior make a powerful New Year’s resolution that will last.

Easy New Year’s Resolutions for You and Your Senior

On the other hand, choosing a resolution that’s too easy will make you feel bored and unfulfilled.

That’s why the best tip for keeping new year’s resolutions is choosing the right resolution from the get-go.

Some good new year’s resolutions for you and your senior to try are:

  1. Exercise 1.5 hours a week
  2. Volunteer once a month
  3. Read 13 books
  4. Host family night every 2 weeks
  5. Start and finish 50% of a project you’ve been pushing off
  6. Smile when you see a stranger

Making New Year’s Resolutions Last Longer

It’s easy to make New Year’s resolutions. It’s harder to keep them and make them last longer than January.

However, there are a few tips and tricks that can really help you stick to your guns, and fulfill your resolution. The best one we can tell you today is: Schedule a time.

Telling ourselves “I’ll do it later,” is one of the biggest traps we fall for, because, we all know that later all too easily turns into never.

The best way to dodge this fall is by scheduling a specific time to do your resolution. If it’s a broader resolution, you can plan one day a week that you’ll be more cognizant of it. If it’s a specific resolution, you can plan a more specific time.

You wouldn’t miss an appointment you make with others, so don’t miss an appointment you make with yourself.

Helping Your Seniors Stick to Their Resolutions

If you notice that your senior is having trouble sticking to his or her New Year’s resolution, there are a few ways in which you can help.

First, check-in on your senior’s progress. We all need reminders every now and then, and we all need a little peer pressure – the good kind. Call up your senior and politely ask, “how’s the resolution going?” It might be enough to get them going again.

If that doesn’t work, the second thing you can do is offer to join them in their resolution. You don’t have to join in every time, but once and a while could really help your senior stay motivated.

And lastly, give encouraging words. If your senior is falling behind, remind them why they chose that resolution in the first place. Stress the fact that it’s never too late to get back on track.

Healthy Springtime Activities for Seniors

Healthy Springtime Activities for Seniors - AmeriBest Home Care

Start saying your goodbyes to freezing temperatures and icy winds because spring is on its way!
Which means, it’s time to start planning those springtime outings and activities.

As we get older, it can be harder to push ourselves to make time for meetups with others. But it’s extremely important for seniors to connect and socialize. Because, we humans are not meant to be alone. Connecting with others keeps us emotionally healthy, and keeps our brains working on optimal levels.

So, this spring, plan activities that will get you up, moving, and making some new friends.

  • Chess in the park

As cliché as it may sound, playing chess in the park is a great way to get outdoors and meet new people. Not only that, but it’s also a great way to keep your mind sharp.

You don’t need to be an expert in the game, just sit down and have some fun. You can bring your own chessboard to the park, or find a park near you where they’ve already got springtime chess events happening. It’s simple and easy.

Active retired seniors, two old men playing chess at park


  • Gardening club

Most people think of gardening as a lone activity. But it doesn’t have to be! If you love gardening and want to share the experience with others, join a gardening club. This will give you the opportunity to talk about something you love with others who love it too. Some gardening clubs have their own gardens that they grow communally. Others might have just a few communal plants or so.

  • Walking club

Exercising is something we all have to do if we want to stay happy and healthy. So, why not do it with others? Joining a walking club can be just the thing you need for some extra motivation and a new friend or two.

Being part of a walking club, makes the tedious work of exercising into something fun and enjoyable. Plus, it gives you an added layer of safety, because if anything happens to you on the walk, someone else will be there to pick you up and get you back on your feet.

  • Water aerobics i.e. Swimming!

Going to a public pool is another great way to turn exercising into a social activity. Indoors or outdoors, swimming is an extremely healthy form of exercise. And, when you do it at a public pool, you have the opportunity to connect with others who are also there for a healthy sport.

Elderly woman in pool

Don’t Forget to Ask for Help

Some of these springtime activities can be difficult to do or arrange all on your own. If that’s the case, ask for a little help! Never be afraid to ask for help- especially, when it comes to your health and happiness.

At AmeriBest, we’re here to help you with all your needs and concerns! Which includes helping you arrange springtime social activities. We’ll get you to where and when you need to be in a safe, convenient, and reliable manner.

Happy spring!