Are you looking for Home Care in Harrisburg?

Have you been caring for your loved one at home without assistance? Caregiving can wear you out and create anxiety about maintaining the individual’s quality of life. That’s where AmeriBest can help. If you are looking for top-quality home care in Harrisburg, PA we have a local office that can provide you with all the information you’ll need to move forward.

Why AmeriBest Home Care?

AmeriBest Home Care believes in high-quality, comprehensive service, both home health, and personal care. Each person we service receives a personalized assessment, coordinating with their primary physician and any current clinical staff. It’s a holistic approach that gives people peace of mind. 

If we had to summarize AmeriBest in three words, they would be comfort, safety, and dignity. 

  • Your loved one stays in their own home. There are no strangers wandering the halls of a facility. This gives them some peace of mind, and a sense of assurance. Our amazing home nursing services and in-home caregiver program strives daily to connect with both the individual and family, offering answers to any questions you may have.
  • A direct care worker looks at your home through a different lens; one focused on making sure everything’s in the best possible place for safety. That slippery rug or lack of handrail? You may not have thought about them before. We can help.
  • Having compassionate, trustworthy staff means your loved one never feels like a “number,” boosting morale and a deep sense of self-worth. 

Benefits of Having a Home Health Care Aide

Whether you live in Harrisburg, PA, or in the Philadelphia, PA area, AmeriBest is here. You may be new to the idea of having an aide, but there are many benefits to consider:

  • Extra eyes and hands. You are only one person. An experienced aid provides coverage during times when you cannot be “eyes-on.”
  • An home health aide can take care of transporting an individual to various medical appointments. 
  • The caregiver or direct care worker provides the individual with companionship and socialization
  • Home care often proves more affordable than a facility
  • Your personal assistant can help keep the home in order when the individual’s ability is limited
  • The nurse can watch for physical or emotional changes that may indicate an underlying problem. 

What you can Expect from AmeriBest Home Care

Dependability is one of the keynotes that makes AmeriBest one of the top-rated home health care agencies in Harrisburg and Philadelphia, PA. Our office lowers the risk of call-outs and no-shows by always having a backup plan. We seek only the best candidates in our hiring process. 

Our staff members provide essential support services. Your nurse or aide will familiarize themselves with existing medical practitioners and providers and coordinate with them for high-quality care. 

AmeriBest can also help you navigate insurance coverage, including Medicaid. The paperwork can become overwhelming and it helps to have a professional “interpreter” for all the jargon.

If you would like more information, there are several ways to contact us. Beyond the online form, you can email or call 1-800-HOMECARE.

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month with the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America – Caregiving for Someone with MS 

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Month takes place in March of every year. During this time, many organizations including AmeriBest Home Care Agency in Philadelphia and Harrisburg, PA, shine a light on the struggles faced by people living with MS. In order to care for your loved one, you may find having a caregiver home health aid improves the individual’s quality of life. It also helps to learn as much as you can about how MS manifests and what you can do to make your life, or that of a loved one, better. 

An Invisible Disease

To look at a person with MS, you might never know there was anything wrong with them. The symptoms often remain invisible, and not everyone is vocal about their situation. Some days they may have a flare-up, and a week or month later the symptoms subside. It’s not a contagious condition. Researchers aren’t fully aware of the triggers for MS and continue seeking answers. 

MS A Closer Look

When a person’s immune reaction damages protective sheaths around nerves in the brain, Multiple Sclerosis begins. 

When MS appears it’s often in a young adult. Nonetheless, Multiple Sclerosis is age “blind”-it can be diagnosed at any time. There are various signs of MS, including

  • Visual changes or problems
  • Numbness
  • Bladder or digestive issues
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or joint pain

Multiple Sclerosis is rarely fatal. While new medications exist to help control the frequency of MS symptoms, there is no known cure. 

Worsening Progression

For some with MS, their condition continues to progress with more severe symptoms. As Multiple Sclerosis advances, it severely impacts every aspect of a person’s life, often shortening it by up to 7 years. Some families find it hard to help such individuals alone. 

That’s where caregiving for someone with MS can use helping hands, namely by seeking a top home care agency in their area. AmeriBest ranks highly among Home Health Aide Services in Harrisburg, PA, for our dedication, the quality of our care, and our compassionate aids. 

Consider the difficulty of attending to the safety and well-being of an individual who

  • Cannot talk or walk
  • Struggles with breathing
  • Experiences spasms or tremors
  • Has balance problems, creating a fall risk
  • Develops paralysis or partial immobility
  • Illustrates difficulty with swallowing
  • Show signs of memory loss

While not all people with severe MS develop all of the symptoms, these represent the range of potential problems ahead. 

Coping & Helping

There’s no question that people with MS and their families experience ongoing stress, worry, fear, and sometimes guilt. As you understand what a person is experiencing, you can find the best possible course of care, one where you’re supported too. From providing transportation to medical appointments and medication reminders to helping with everyday chores, a home caregiver aid is a support unit. 

You don’t have to try to do everything by yourself. Reach out to the professionals at
AmeriBest Home Care by filling out our contact form or by email: You can also call one of our two offices: 

Philadelphia, PA 215-925-3313 

Harrisburg, PA 717-545-2920

or 1-800-HOMECARE

American Heart Month: What is it and How to Observe it?

Every February, AmeriBest Home Care of Philadelphia and Harrisburg, PA, joins with many other organizations, physicians, nurses, in-home care workers, and families alike to observe American Heart Month every February. Why? Because over 600,000 people die annually from heart disease in the United States alone. Heart disease shows no preference for age, gender, or ethnicity. However, the following factors impact your risk:

  • Alcohol consumption
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Inactivity 
  • Poor diet
  • Smoking

If you have been thinking about caring for your loved one at home due to their heart health (combined with other matters), there are ways to give them heart-healthy habits and choices. In addition, you and your family can become advocates for raising awareness about heart disease by first learning about it. This is part of what American Heart Month is all about. 

Heart Disease 101

The term “cardiovascular disease” (CVD) is often used synonymously with “heart disease.” Both are umbrella terms covering everything from congenital heart defects and heart rhythm problems to the most common form of heart disease, coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD is a hardening and narrowing of the arteries going to the heart, leading to stroke and heart attack. And while all that sounds frightening, the good news is that many deaths can be prevented with proper care. The earlier, the better. 

Signs of Heart Disease

CVD often goes hand in hand with old age. At AmeriBest, we work with seniors, giving them ways of strengthening their circulatory system. The first step is teaching families and individuals the signs of heart disease so prompt medical treatment occurs:

  • Chest pain (or pressure in the chest)
  • Feeling constantly tired or exhausted
  • Nausea and vomiting regularly
  • Palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness

Preventing Heart Disease

Home health aid services like those AmeriBest Home Care provides help you monitor heart health, but that’s only one part of the equation. There are great ways to keep a person’s heart in shape. Think of healthy habits like a daily vitamin supporting wellness. 

By making minor changes, you can get on the road to improved heart health. Start with increasing activity levels. Don’t go from zero to one hundred—small, progressive steps matter. About two and a half hours of moderate activity a week is all it takes. If your loved one has physical limitations, AmeriBest’s outstanding caregivers can help develop a safe routine.  

Next, think about diet. Limit saturated fats, salt, and meats with high-fat content. Stress fruits, whole grain, nuts, and vegetables. Look into the Mediterranean diet for ideas.

Monitor yourself or your loved one. When you go for a check-up, talk with the physician about blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol. There are medications specifically designed to target these two risk factors. And, people may not have to take them forever if they make suitable lifestyle choices. 

Finally, get more rest and avoid stress factors. Both support your immune system and improve both mental and emotional well-being.

Need Help?

If you’re in the Philadelphia or Harrisburg, PA area and have a loved one who needs more support than you can provide, reach out to us, asking about home care services. As a professional home health care agency, our staff provides compassionate and insightful assistance. Feel free to contact us HERE any time with your questions. 

COVID Mandates for Healthcare and Home Care Workers 

Philadelphia senior citizens and residents of other age cohorts will be happy to learn the city has achieved a comparably high vaccination rate for healthcare industry workers. Government officials at the federal level highlight Philadelphia’s vaccine mandate for its elevated vaccination rate. The high rate of vaccination among the city’s medical industry personnel is especially important now that the highly contagious Omicron variant of the virus is rearing its ugly head.

About Philadelphia’s Vaccination Mandate

The city of Philadelphia issued a coronavirus vaccine mandate as the summer drew to a close. The mandate has lead to nearly every single hospital employee in the greater Philadelphia area being fully vaccinated against coronavirus. Furthermore, the city’s health department reports more than 95% of the city’s nursing home employees are fully vaccinated against the virus. This statistic is especially striking when juxtaposed with the comparably low 75% vaccination rate of nursing home employees throughout the rest of the country. 

However, it must be noted the definition of “fully vaccinated” has the potential to change as time progresses. It is quite possible only those who receive a booster shot will be considered fully vaccinated by the time winter comes to an end. At the moment, more than 75% of all Philadelphia residents are fully vaccinated, meaning they have at least two vaccine shots. Though this percentage is lower than that of those who work in local hospitals and nursing homes, it is still an encouraging sign. 

Why Philadelphia’s Vaccine Mandate is so Important

Pennsylvania has one of the nation’s highest rates of hospitalization stemming from coronavirus infections. The state’s intensive-care units are struggling to provide care for individuals who require intubation and other forms of assistance. Sadly, nearly 400 individuals were hospitalized in early December in Philadelphia alone.’s city data shows the city’s hospitalization trend is moving in the wrong direction as a mere 200 were hospitalized within the city’s limits prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Philadelphia’s high vaccination rate is the elevated employee retention rate. The vast majority of local Philadelphia hospitals and nursing homes retained nearly the entirety of their staff despite the vaccine mandate. The Pennsylvania Health Care Association reports that of the city’s 47 nursing homes, an average of seven individuals departed their posts as a result of the vaccine mandate. 

It is clear that Philadelphians are willing to put their self-interest and political differences aside for the greater good. However, it is slightly disturbing to learn that merely 40% of the hospitals in the United States have vaccine requirements. This low nationwide percentage is a large part of the reason why transmission rates are climbing with no signs of slowing down as the Omicron variant continues to wreak havoc throughout Philadelphia and beyond.

AmeriBest Home Care Philadelphia is a Call Away

AmeriBest’s home care team is here to help you and your loved ones live with dignity. If you or a family member need or want home care assistance and you live in the greater Philadelphia area, reach out to us for more information about our service. You can contact our home care team by phone at 1-800-HOMECARE. You can also contact us by email at or online through our convenient contact form.

National Cholesterol Education Month With the CDC

National Cholesterol Education Month With the CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has designated September as National Cholesterol Education Month. Cholesterol levels are often neglected as most people don’t want to make the dietary and life changes necessary for optimal health. However, the longer your cholesterol level remains elevated, the greater your chances are of suffering a serious health problem. Let’s take a quick look at why everyone living in and near Philadelphia should do what they can to keep their cholesterol level at a healthy level.

A Brief Explanation of Cholesterol’s Importance and Potential Harm

Cholesterol is a perfectly natural part of biological functionality. If cholesterol were not present, the human body would not be capable of creating healthy cells. However, there is good and bad cholesterol. The good variety, high-density lipoprotein, known by the acronym of HDL, assists in the elimination of the bad cholesterol from the body. Bad cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, referred to with the acronym of LDL, causes plaque to form in the arteries, heightening the chances of vascular problems, heart disease, clots, and even heart attack or stroke.

When Should Cholesterol Be Checked?

In an ideal world, cholesterol will be checked much sooner than it actually is. The average person living in Philadelphia waits until there is a serious health problem to address a cholesterol problem. Some people refuse to go to the doctor, meaning they don’t even know their cholesterol is high.

Adolescents and kids should have their cholesterol levels gauged by a medical professional. Those age 20 on up should have their cholesterol level checked once in every 4-6 years. However, those who have a high risk for cardiovascular disease due to genetics or lifestyle flaws (hamburger and fries, anyone?) should have their cholesterol checked every couple of years or even annually.

National Cholesterol Education Month With the CDC

Cholesterol in the Context of Race

Did you know that African-Americans are much more likely to have higher cholesterol levels than members of other races? In particular, African-American men are likely to have elevated cholesterol. This comparably high level is the result of a unique form of a gene found in African-Americans.

Tips To Keep Your Cholesterol Under Control

The most important thing you can do to keep your cholesterol at a healthy level is practice mindful eating and maintain a healthy diet.

Do not eat mindlessly in front of the TV or computer! Read food ingredient labels when shopping for groceries. Zero in on food products that do not contain trans fats. Trans fats elevate cholesterol and even damage the heart if consumed in excess or at a high frequency.

It will also help to prepare food the right way. Cut the fat and skin off from fish and meat prior to cooking it. This approach maximizes your protein intake while minimizing the amount of fat consumed. Instead of deep fat frying or breading your food, opt to poach, bake or broil it. Choose a healthy cooking method and you will have done your part to minimize your fat consumption, ultimately keeping your cholesterol in check.

Establishing a consistent workout routine also helps to lower your cholesterol. Exercise on most days of the week to feel the difference. Weight management also helps.

Quit smoking – within just one year of quitting, your risk of heart disease will be half that of a smoker!

Drink alcohol in moderation – surprisingly enough, moderate use of alcohol is linked with higher levels of HDL (the “good”) cholesterol.

Get Assistance With AmeriBest Home Care of Philadelphia

We are eager to provide you or your loved one in the greater Philadelphia area with assistance. Our home care services are held in high regard by our local community. Give us a call today at 215-925-3313, reach out to us via email at, or contact our team online to find out more about how we can help improve your quality of life with expert home care.


National Recovery Month With Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

National Recovery Month With Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

September marks the start of the Philadelphia Eagles’ season yet this month is also quite important for those struggling with substance abuse and those who have recovered from addiction. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, or SAMHSA for short, has designated September as National Recovery Month. This is the time of year when we raise awareness about substance abuse in seniors.

Risk Factors of Substance Abuse in Seniors for their Caregivers

Most people living in the greater Philadelphia area and beyond assume substance abuse is primarily a problem amongst teens, twenty-somethings, and other young adults. The truth is senior citizens are just as vulnerable to developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol as others. In particular, senior citizens dealing with chronic pain have a tendency to abuse pain relief medication, alcohol, and additional substances.

Risk factors include:

  • Being white
  • Having higher income
  • Living alone
  • Losing a spouse
  • Retiring unexpectedly/being laid off
  • Having chronic pains
  • Being disabled
  • Having a history of mental illness or substance abuse

If you notice the senior in your life requires more medication than they used to, drinks alone, or is secretive about drinking, it is a sign that he or she needs professional substance abuse counseling.

How To Support Someone in Their Recovery Effort

An elderly individual or any other person struggling to stay sober is in need of help yet unwilling or unsure of how to ask for it. You can help in subtle ways. Do not immediately resort to an intervention with a substance abuse counselor. A forced intervention is a last resort. 

Instead of performing a forced intervention, start by educating yourself about the problem. Get a sense of whether the individual’s use of a particular substance is harmful to him/herself or others. If you don’t know much about substance abuse, read up on the subject on the web or at your local library. Do not persuade your loved one to completely abstain from the substance in question right away. Encourage gradual weaning off of the substance for incremental progress that eventually leads to sobriety. 

Ask for Professional Assistance

National Recovery Month With Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

Most attempts at “do it yourself” (DIY) sobriety do not work. Even if a family member or friend provides support, the person with drug dependence will likely need professional substance abuse counseling. All sorts of groups from Alcoholics Anonymous to Nar-Anon for those addicted to illegal and prescription drugs are ready and willing to help. Nudge your loved one in the direction of such a counselor. 

Consider attending counseling sessions with the senior, caregiver, or other friends/family member if he or she needs additional support in the quest for sobriety. In some cases, simply discussing the addiction with a professional counselor builds momentum to the point that the person with drug dependence is willing to take the next step toward returning his/her life to normal.

Coordinate AmeriBest Home Care Service at Your Home

If you need assistance with the challenges of daily living, contact our Philadelphia home care services providers today. Our caring team provides extensive home care services.  This service liberates current care providers to return to normal living. If you live in the greater Philadelphia area and need home care assistance, reach out to us today at 215-925-3313, send us an email at or contact us through our convenient online contact form.


What You Need To Know About the Delta Variant

What You Need To Know About the Delta Variant

Turn on the nightly news and you are sure to hear mention of the Delta variant of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. AmeriBest Home Care is proud to provide PPE, medical supplies, and ongoing support to our caregivers during this difficult time. We go to great lengths to ensure each of our Philadelphia homecare providers is healthy and perfectly safe to be around. Between disinfecting, social distancing, and testing, AmeriBest has implemented extensive measures to protect our team and our clients. 

Recognize the Threat That Is the Delta Variant

The masses ditched their face masks earlier this summer, declaring the pandemic to be over. Unfortunately, those masks will likely be put back on due to the rise of the Delta variant. There is the potential for COVID-19 to morph into even more variants in the days, weeks, and months ahead. 

Delta is a major problem as it is highly contagious. Delta is more contagious than the common cold. Furthermore, Delta is even more contagious than Ebola, SARS, MERS, and influenza. The latest information indicates Delta is also just as contagious as chickenpox. The variant has become the predominant variant in the United States, meaning it is in the Philadelphia community and also surrounding communities. 

Who Is Feeling Delta’s Wrath the Most?

The unvaccinated are in Delta’s crosshairs. Those who have not yet received the vaccine jab are much more likely to suffer serious illness, be hospitalized, and pass away after contracting the Delta variant than those who are fully vaccinated. Though the vaccinated can transmit the Delta variant, the CDC does not believe the vaccinated can transmit other variants.

Delta Might Cause a Hyperlocal Outbreak

Delta has the potential to accelerate the ongoing pandemic as it is highly transmissible. Those living in dense urban areas where practicing social distancing is challenging and those in areas with minimal vaccination might experience a hyperlocalized outbreak. Such outbreaks are likely to be that much more common in areas with low vaccination rates that are surrounded by areas with comparably high vaccination rates. In other words, such hyperlocal outbreaks might generate some COVID hotspots throughout the United States.

Delta Variant

Delta Continues To Reveal New Information

The puzzle of the Delta variant is still being put together by the brightest minds in the medical industry. Scientists are unsure if Delta causes more significant sickness than the original version of the virus. A study conducted in Scotland states the Delta variant is two times more likely to cause hospitalization in unvaccinated people than the Alpha variant. However, other data shows the variant is unlikely to cause the hospitalization of the unvaccinated. 

The medical community is also continuing to learn more about the symptoms of the Delta variant. It appears as though losing the sense of smell and frequently coughing are not as common of symptoms as occur with the original virus. Data stemming from the United Kingdom, where Delta wreaked havoc, shows that headaches, fever, runny noses, and sore throats are the most common symptoms.

AmeriBest Home Care Philadelphia Is at Your Service

If you or a loved one can benefit from home care in Philadelphia, reach out to us today. Our Philadelphia home care agency provides home and community-based services, home health aides, skilled nursing, physical therapy, and more. You can reach us by dialing 215-925-3313.

AmeriBest Home Care

August is National Immunization Awareness Month With the CDC

August is National Immunization Awareness Month With the CDC

The summer is flying by. We are quickly approaching August, meaning the warm temperatures will be around for another month until the fall season gets into gear. August is important in that it is National Immunization Awareness Month. Senior citizens, their caregivers, and other members of the Philadelphia community should be immunized against diseases including the highly contagious coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. However, coronavirus is only one virus you need to be immunized against. The elderly and their caregivers should also be immunized against other diseases with preventative shots.

Sadly, plenty of people have forgotten about these preventative measures or simply ignored them as the pandemic stretched on for well over a year. If you know you are overdue for an immunization shot or if you suspect you might be overdue for such a shot, it is in your interest to meet with your doctor to coordinate immunization, get a physical, and possibly coordinate personalized care.

Vaccines Are Important for Everyone

There is a common belief that vaccination is only important for infants. The truth is immunization through preventive shots is important for individuals of all ages. This means kids, tweens, teens, adults, seniors, and also those who provide care for seniors should be immunized with preventive shots in accordance with the schedule detailed by their personal doctor.

Vaccines Are Important for Everyone

Timely vaccines are important as they play a vitally important role in guarding against serious diseases. Though the vast majority of the diseases that vaccines are available for are unlikely to occur, outbreaks still take place. The bottom line is the experts at the forefront of the medical industry are adamant that vaccines are safe, highly effective, and recommended throughout the course of one’s life. Even if you are a senior citizen living in Philadelphia and received vaccines when you were in your youth or when you were in your early adult years, you can still benefit from vaccines. Meet with your physician to determine which vaccines are ideal for you. Furthermore, anyone who is traveling should also consider whether additional vaccines are necessary. 

Don’t Forget About the Flu Vaccine!

If you are like most people, the coronavirus vaccine is at the forefront of your mind. However, every senior living in or near the greater Philadelphia area should receive the flu vaccine. The flu vaccine is typically available toward the end of the summer. Schedule your flu vaccine now and you will rest easy knowing you have done your part to prevent coming down with the flu this fall or winter. 

Reach Out to AmeriBest Today

Home care in Philadelphia should not bust your budget. If you have a loved one, friend, or other important people in your life who could benefit from home care, encourage them to reach out to AmeriBest today to find out more about our unique services. You can reach our Philadelphia home care providers by phone at 215-925-3313. We can also be reached by email at

AmeriBest Home Care

Caregiving Improves Quality of Life for Both Women and Men

Caregiving Improves Quality of Life

There is a common misconception that women are better caregivers than men. In reality, men are just as capable of providing exemplary care as women. In fact, caregiving proves mutually beneficial for the patient as well as the individual providing care. A recent study shows men who provide care for others are less likely to commit suicide. 

About the Study

The researchers who conducted the study included men who provided care to family members. These men lived in nearly two dozen different countries during the study. The suicide rates were lower in nations where men provided more family care, regardless of whether that care was for adults or kids. This means there is an inherent benefit to performing family care work. The benefit is so strong that it reduces the chances of suicide. This is an important finding as researchers had typically focused on areas of employment as potential factors that influence suicide rates. 

Most people errantly assume the lack of income or economic success is the sole cause of male suicide. However, as the study noted above shows, simply providing care to others, regardless of their age or unique condition, appears to lower the risk of male suicide.

Additional Study Details

It is particularly interesting to note the study also higher unemployment rates did not link to an elevated suicide rate in men in nations where men took on more care-oriented roles. However, in nations where men reported less involvement in providing care, the elevated unemployment rates were tied to an increase in the suicide rate. 

The mere fact that the female suicide rate did not significantly increase as more women entered the workforce in the past century is proof that providing care is mutually beneficial to caregivers and those receiving care. Women have maintained their roles as the primary caregivers in spite of the fact that most now have part-time or full-time employment. 

Caregiving Improves Quality of Life

Caregiving’s Latent Benefit Is Becoming Quite Clear

Caregiving clearly provides both men and women with an important connection to fellow human beings, be it those in their family or those who are a part of the larger community. People are quietly craving for meaning in life and new connections. The dependence on others gives one meaning and a reason to continue moving forward with life, reducing the chances of suicide, and also helping the caregiver feel that much more fulfilled. 

If you are looking for a job that provides you with the opportunity to give back to others, consider becoming a caregiver. Working as a caregiver gives your life that much more meaning and helps you obtain a sense of satisfaction from work.

Get Home Care in Philadelphia Through AmeriBest

Do not suffer through your injury, illness, old age, or other challenges in silence. If you can benefit from home care or if you know someone who can – contact us today. You can reach our Philadelphia home care services providers by phone at 215-925-3313 or by email at

AmeriBest Home Care

July is Healthy Vision Month

July is Healthy Vision Month

July is the perfect time for sun, swimming, and focusing on vision health. This is Healthy Vision Month, meaning it is an opportunity to pay close attention to whether your eyes are as healthy as they can be. In particular, those who care for individuals with visual impairment should be hyper-focused on providing top-notch care. Let’s take a look at a few tips for providing care for individuals in Philadelphia with visual impairment.

It Takes a Healthy Caregiver To Provide Care

If you are not healthy, you will not be able to care for your loved one with a visual impairment or other challenges. Take care of yourself first and you will be in the condition necessary to care for others. In particular, it will help to get your eyes examined at least once per year. Eat a balanced diet with colorful fruits and vegetables, continue to exercise, and get eight hours of sleep each night.

Sweat the Small Stuff To Make Seeing That Much Easier

A subtlety such as adding brightly-colored tape to steps in the home has the potential to prevent a painful and potentially fatal fall down the steps toward the basement, first floor, or elsewhere. Look for additional similar areas throughout the home where you can add light or bright colors to ensure the individual in your life with vision challenges can see as clearly as possible. 

Eliminate Slipping Risks

Eliminate Slipping Risks

Look around the home for anything that might cause your family member with vision limitations to slip or trip. Clean up all clutter. Mop, sweep and dry all hallways. Move cords out of the way. If there are any loose rugs, remove them or ensure they are firmly connected to the floor so the home can be traversed with ease. Buy your loved one a pair of shoes with rubber soles to wear around the house and he or she will have footing with a stronger grip, ultimately reducing the chances of a slip and fall that much more.

Organize the Entirety of the Home

If the home is well-organized, it will be easier for the senior in your life to move around, finding what he or she needs without tripping, slipping, or having to step over clutter. Even if it takes an entire day or two to organize the home so nothing is stepped on, investing the time just might prevent a costly and painful fall. There is even the potential for organizing the living space to saved your loved one’s life. Be thorough with the organization and you just might set the stage for the senior to remember where items are based on touch or memory.

Ameribest Is At Your Service

Our Philadelphia home care services providers are here to help during your time of need or that of your loved one. If you or a family member can benefit from home care, dial 215-925-3313 for more information. You can also contact us by email at

AmeriBest Home Care