Becoming a Caregiver: How to Navigate Your Way through the Stress

Becoming a Caregiver: How to Navigate Your Way through the Stress

As COVID-19 sends us all to our homes and families, many Americans are suddenly finding themselves having to act as caregivers.

Adult children, who never before had to care for someone else’s life, are now having to cope with the stresses of caregiving. They’re having to learn how to balance the time, the money, the work load, as well as how to actually take care of a senior citizen.

If you’ve suddenly found yourself in the same or similar boat, keep on reading for some pro suggestions to help you navigate your way through this ever-changing time.

Remember: You’re not alone.

The most important thing about becoming a caregiver is to remember that you are not in it alone.

In fact, according to AARP’s research report on Caregiving in the United States in 2020, there is an estimated 41.8 million Americans providing care for seniors 50 and older.

This means, that you have resources. And you should take advantage of those resources. You don’t have to figure everything out on your own. You can get help and advice from those who have already gone through what you’re going through now.

And if you’re still struggling to stay afloat, you can always ask a friend or hire an experienced aide to come in and take care of your senior every now and then. This will give you some time to take a breath and get yourself caught up.

Don’t forget about your own health.

When you’re busy taking care of someone else, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself.

Sadly, 23% of Americans have claimed that caregiving has had a negative impact on their own health- a 6% increase from 2015.

No matter what, you should always be watching your health, both physical and emotional. Don’t neglect things like exercise, nutrition, social interaction, relationships, self-care, etc.

Family caregivers often rationalize that caring for their loved seniors takes precedence over caring for themselves. But, what they don’t realize is that it’s not an either-or situation.

You can care for your seniors and care for yourself.

  • If you’re making a healthy meal for your senior, make one for yourself too.
  • If you’re making your senior exercise, follow along with your own workout.

Find little ways to care for your own health at the same time that you care for your senior’s.

Get paid to be a caregiver.

One of the biggest stress factors of caregiving is finances. The reason is two-fold:

  1. Caregivers often end up dipping into their own checking and savings accounts to pay for their seniors’ medical necessities.
  2. Caregiving takes the time of a full-time job. Which means, that caregivers lose out earning money from jobs they would have been able to do had they not been caregiving.

Ease the financial stress by getting paid to be a caregiver.

Agencies like AmeriBest Home Care are always looking for new talent to join the family. AmeriBest has opportunities for full-time, part-time, and per diem work- no experience necessary!

Sometimes, caregiving isn’t a choice. It’s a necessity.

And, when that happens, you may as well make the most of it.

6 Tips for New Caregivers During the COVID Pandemic

6 Tips for New Caregivers During the COVID Pandemic - AmeriBest Home Care

Stuck at home these days, many of us are finding ourselves having to take on new roles that we would otherwise pay someone else to fill. And this can be a little scary to do without positive guidance.

If you’ve suddenly found yourself having to act as a family caregiver, here are 6 tips and tricks of the trade.

Write things down.

When you’re caring for someone else, it’s important to stay organized. It’s all too easy to forget someone else’s schedule, so make things simple for yourself and write things down.

If you prefer typing that’s cool too.

Just having a mapped-out list of what needs to be done and when can easily knock down the stress levels a few notches.

Automate as much as possible.

Another easy way to keep track of everything is to set up daily reminders. There are a ton of apps out there that can help with medication scheduling, appointment tracking, as well as just general to-do list entries.

These apps will not only help remind you of what needs to be done, but also give you the extra push to get up and get going.

Don’t be afraid to ask for outside help.

One of the biggest mistakes new caregivers make is thinking that they have to take care of everything themselves.

But the truth is, there are plenty of people able and willing to help. If you’re getting overwhelmed, stressed, or just want some guidance- don’t be afraid to ask for outside help.

Call up friends, family, or professional home care aides. And, don’t let yourself get to a mental breaking point before you do so.

Asking for help demonstrates responsibility and caring.

Schedule family time.

It’s easy to get so wrapped up in the work of caregiving, that you start to ignore the fun of it.

Caregiving is a remarkable task that lets you care, bond, and connect with your senior. If you’re not enjoying the work you do, you’re missing out on the core of caregiving.

To rekindle the spark, schedule some fun family time. This could be watching some TV together in the evening, building a project together in the afternoons, or even just bonding over some old photos in the basement. The main idea is to find something you both enjoy and set aside quality time for each other.

Watch your health.

You’ve probably heard this before, but you can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself.

Letting yourself get run down and weary is no way to treat yourself as a caregiver. If you want to give your senior the best care possible, then you have to be up for the challenge and in good spirits. And, in order to feel that way, you have to take care of your own health too.

This means, taking breaks when you need them, giving yourself some alone time to refresh, watching your diet and fitness, and being overall kind to yourself.

Which leads us to our last tip…

Speak to yourself with compassion.

If you missed something on your to-do list, or you just didn’t have time to get something done- don’t stress. The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up over something you’re only just getting the hang of. You wouldn’t do that to others, so don’t do that to yourself.

Instead, look at where you went wrong with a non-judgmental perspective. Understand what led you to make that mistake and learn from it. Then move on and give yourself some compassion.

You’re doing the best you can.

Senior Caregiver Health at Risk: Facts, Signs, and Solutions

Senior Caregiver Health at Risk - AmeriBest Home Care

When it comes to seniors and caregiving, attention is always placed on the seniors’ well-being.

Which makes sense.

However, there’s another important player in the caregiving cycle that deserves attention too. And, that another player is the one giving the care- the dutiful family member who spends the day in and day out helping to care for the loved senior, and who often gets overlooked or overworked.

In this article, we’ll go through the facts of caregiver health, the signs of an overworked caregiver, and some practical solutions.

The facts behind caregiver health.

As more and more baby boomers enter their senior age, more family members are being called upon to care for their parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts.

While caregiving is amazing to work and truly exemplifies the meaning of family, it can also be quite a strenuous job. Especially, for those family members who also have their own spouses and children to take care of. Needless to say, the time commitment and workload of caregiving can be difficult to manage.

Unfortunately, this often leads to overworked or overwhelmed caregivers, which can result in poor health. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that of the 18 million Americans who are informal caregivers (meaning, they are not paid for their caregiving services), about 1 in 5 are in roughly moderate or bad health.

Essentially, while caregivers are working to keep their loved seniors in good health, they are letting their own health slip away. A sad consequence that we, at AmeriBest, aim to prevent.

The signs of an overworked caregiver.

When it comes to determining someone’s health, direct questions don’t always work.

Because it is not uncommon for caregivers to brush off questions with “I’m fine” or “I have it under control.” And the problem is that these caregivers really might really be fine at the moment. But burn out can happen in an instant. Informal caregivers are fine until they’re not fine. At which point their physical and mental health may be at serious risk.

So, while open and honest communication is usually the best option, sometimes a little something else is required. Something called tactful observation. 

If you’re worried about a caregiver you love, look out for these tell-tale signs of burnout:

  1. Persistent tiredness
  2. Anxiety or sadness
  3. Forgetfulness
  4. Weak immune system (I.e. getting sick easily and often)
  5. Loss of weight

Obviously, everyone exhibits signs of burnout differently. But, if you notice any of these signs within yourself or a caregiver you love, consider that it might be time to intervene and help.

The option for help.

Whether it’s for you, a friend, or a loved one- don’t be afraid to call a home care agency for a bit of extra help.

Caregivers often avoid calling for help because they see it as a lack of responsibility on their part. They worry that by calling in someone else to do the job, they are casting off their beloved seniors.

But if you know what home care really is, you know that’s not the case.

With at-home care, family caregivers can come in and out as they please. There are no visiting times and no need to call in advance. Family caregivers can help monitor their seniors’ schedules and care, while also having a professional home care aide to lean on for support and advice.

With at-home care, seniors never feel alone and caregivers never feel overwhelmed.

Fighting Depression in Caregivers

Fighting Depression in Caregivers - AmeriBest Home Care

Caregiving can be tough.
Especially when it’s for your own family member. Because it means seeing someone you love at their weakest and most vulnerable. And that kind of experience can take an emotional toll on even the strongest caregivers amongst us.

Which is why it’s not uncommon for caregivers to become depressed.

So, here are some words of encouragement:

  • To all the caregivers out there: Stay strong. Take care of yourself. You are doing a wonderful thing. And, you are not alone.
  • To all the seniors out there: Aging is hard, but you have so much more to live for. Stay happy for the ones you love.
  • To all the young ones who may one day become a caregiver: There’s no real preparation, except knowing that when the time comes, you can do it. Like many have done before you.

Warning Signs of Depression in Caregivers

Whether you’re a caregiver yourself, a friend of a caregiver, or the one being cared for, it’s good to know the signs of depression. This way, you can recognize the symptoms and get help if need be.

And with that, you can make a positive difference in someone else’s or your own life.
Some depression symptoms to look out for are:

  • Loss of interest
    This could be a loss of interest in people, activities, or things. When caregivers are depressed they tend to lose hope in the world and their life, which in turn causes them to lose interest in doing anything.
  • Insomnia
    Caregivers with depression often have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep at night. Once or twice is okay, but when it happens for consecutive nights over an extended period of time, something might be wrong.
  • Fatigue
    This symptom is more than just not having the energy to do something. It’s a constant state of fatigue and can often be tied with the symptom of loss of interest.
  • Sadness
    This one might be obvious, but it’s still important to take note of. Sadness is one of the main symptoms of depression. This feeling of sadness can also appear as anxious or restless thoughts. And intense loneliness often accompanies them.

What you can do to help with depression?

If you recognize any of these symptoms in a caregiver near you, it may be a good idea to talk to them delicately about what you’re seeing. Before it’s too late.

And, if you’re a caregiver or someone looking to become a caregiver, consider doing your work with a homecare agency.

Caregiving on your own can be difficult.
As social creatures, we need support and encouragement.

Which is why it’s best to get paid for caregiving with an established and reputable homecare agency like AmeriBest. At AmeriBest, we have a close-knit team of nurses, doctors, and medical staff so that you never have to feel alone. We support all our nurses and caregivers. We give you the skills to succeed, and then we give you the emotional support to do it.

Get paid to caregive this month at AmeriBest HomeCare!

Don’t worry. Be happy.

Make the Most of Life with these 3 Summer Activities for Caregivers

Make the Most of Life with these 3 Summer Activities for Caregivers - AmeriBest Home Care

When you’re busy caring for someone else, it’s easy to forget about yourself.
But you matter too!

And the sunny, lazy days of summer are the perfect time to catch up on some me-time.

Begin by making a list. Think of all the new things you want to start, all the old things you want to finish, and all the things you’ve always wished you were but didn’t have the time to be.

Then start checking them off one by one. By the end of the summer, you’ll be a new you, a happier you, and the you, you always wanted to be.

And to get you started here’s an easy 3-point checklist to help you make the most of your summertime.

Read two new books

Need a little inspiration? Read some new stories that light your spark and get you rolling on the road to a better life this summer. Choose just two books whose journeys call to you, and read away. Maybe you need a pick me up from the hard work of caregiving. Or maybe you want to read caregiving stories of others just like you. Whichever you need, you can find it in a book.

This can also be where you finally get around to those books on your shelf you’ve always wanted to read but just never did. Or, this can be when you make time for some new books you’ve never heard of before.

Whatever the case may be, reading just two books is an easy, yet productive goal.

Business concept, ideas, books and exercise book on a wooden background with pencils

Write down your story

Everyone’s got a story. Whether it’s about you or your loved one, everyone has something they’ve always wanted to write down and share with others.

So, now’s your chance.
Write down your life’s journey, struggles, and maybe how you became a caregiver. Share your story with others so that they can gain inspiration from you. So they can feel that they’re not alone.

This can also be a great activity to do with your senior. Together, the two of you can craft and write your stories together, laughing and bonding over shared memories that make you smile.

Finish something old

Sometimes, starting something new can be overwhelming.
Where do you start? How do you start? Should you even start?

Sit back and take a breath. Because you don’t have to start new things to feel productive or changed. Instead, look to old things you never finished, but wished you had, and get working.

Picking up old projects and finally finishing them can be just as cathartic and relaxing, if not more, than starting something new. And you might even get rid of some old piles of unfinished odds and ends that have been sitting around in the attic for who knows how long.

A win-win for everyone.
So, this summer spend your time doing things that make you happy and feel accomplished. And walk away into the fall feeling like a better, more refreshed you.

Caregiving is Actually Good for Your Health: The Why and How

Caregiving is Actually Good for Your Health - AmeriBest Home Care

It used to be said that being a caregiver for someone else, lead to both emotional and physical health troubles.

Luckily, this does not have to be the case.

Though caregiving can be tiresome at times, there’s a lot about it that actually enhances our lives and our health. And, just like any job, if you take proper care of yourself when times are stressful, you’ll come out all the better for it.

So, here are some ways in which caregiving can actually improve your state of being, as well as some tips to keep the good times rolling.

Giving makes us happy.

As social beings, when we willingly give to others, the act actually makes us happier.
Which means, that being a caregiver, and truly caring and giving to others, increases one’s level of joy and peace of mind.

When we take the time to selflessly give to others, especially those we care about, it makes us feel that we are living a more fulfilled life because of the positive actions we choose to take. Because, rather than obsessing over ourselves, caregivers look outward towards others. Caregivers concentrate on making someone else’s world a little better, and in return, get to share in the true happiness of others.

Providing care for elderly

If you’re getting stressed- take a break.

Too often, caregivers push themselves to the brink of utter exhaustion. This is a bad idea. Because, not only do they harm themselves, but they also harm their loved ones. Our loved ones can tell when we’re tired, and overworked, and it makes them feel even worse when they know they might be the cause. It’s hard enough to rely heavily on others as it is, and to know your reliance is harming someone you care and love, doesn’t help at all.

That’s why, as a caregiver, it’s crucial to take breaks when you need them, maybe even before you need them. The key is, knowing what you can handle and acknowledging when you need an extra hand or time to rest. Know your limits.

Take time to check in with yourself to see what you’re feeling. Then act accordingly. If you’re starting to feel run down, or weak, notice the signs and take a rest. That’s your body telling you that it’s time for some me-time. It’s doesn’t have to be a long vacation or anything, but just a bit of time off to relax and rejuvenate, will do wonders for your mental and physical health.

We all need to reload and refresh every now and then.

The bottom line.

At the end of the day, every job or role in life has its ups and its down. though times may get hard, you’ve got to persevere and push forward, because the good times are right around the corner if you do. And they only get better.

Getting to share smiles, laughs, and good vibes with your loved one makes caregiving worth it all.

Changes to Medicare Advantage Coming in 2019 That’ll Make Caregivers Smile

Oftentimes, hearing about CMS policy changes on the news can make you wary. But this year the news regarding upcoming changes to Medicare Advantage policy is both welcome and exciting! For the first time, non-skilled in-home care services will be allowed as a supplemental benefit for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. That means services provided by in-home care providers (like the talented folks who work for AmeriBest Home Care) could be covered by a host of different Medicare Advantage plans, beginning in 2019.

This is a very big deal for in-home care providers and the people that rely on them. Never before has CMS allowed supplemental benefits to include daily maintenance provided by non-skilled, in-home providers under Medicare Advantage plans. Yet in the announcement made in April, CMS declared that they are re-thinking and expanding the definition of what “primarily health-related” means as it relates to supplemental benefits. Where previously “primarily health-related” pertained to care given only by skilled nurse staff or other health care providers, the new policy will extend to encompass daily maintenance care supplied by non-skilled caregivers. “Under the new definition, the agency will allow supplemental benefits if they compensate for physical impairments, diminish the impact of injuries or health conditions, and/or reduce avoidable emergency room utilization,” a CMS representative announced.

The policy change is welcome news for Medicare Advantage users, a population that is rapidly growing. In fact, according to CMS data, nearly one-third of Medicare beneficiaries in 2015 were participants in Medicare Advantage, a figure that is projected to continue growing over the coming years. Payors also seem to be embracing the change, expressing a willingness and eagerness to cover non-skilled care if it means keeping people out of hospitals and emergency rooms.

Tracy Moorehead, a CEO of industry group ElevatingHome, spoke on the issue at the Home Health Association’s National Leadership Conference in March. “[Home Health Providers] have greater flexibility than the fee-for-service providers do. They don’t have a homebound requirement in many cases. So they are tasked with full capitation, where they have an amount they are provided to care for a patient and they will do whatever they need to make sure that patient doesn’t cost them more money than necessary. And if that includes private duty services, then I’m sure a plan is more than ready to pay for that.” Indeed, as the population of dual-eligible patients qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid expands, plans have increased incentive to cover personal services in response to keep costs low and prohibit unnecessary hospital visits. While Humana, UnitedHealthcare, and Aetna were some of the first to adopt this new move towards embracing home health (establishing the relationship even before CMS’s policy change announcement), other insurance providers are beginning to follow suit.

Upon full policy implementation in 2019, Medicare Advantage plans en masse should be willing, eager, and excited about supplemental benefits that extend to non-skilled caregivers. And for the thousands of Medicare Advantage users that have turned to AmeriBest Home Care for loving and thoughtful provision of in-home care, this is great news. As we continue to provide exceptional care to our clients and exceptional training and support to our employees, Medicare Advantage’s embrace of our services as part of supplemental benefits only proves the indelible value and importance of our work in people’s lives.

Seven Steps to Being the Absolute Best Caregiver to your Loved One

If you’re the talented, professional caregiver to a member of your own family, you’re in a wonderful position. You get to offer loving care and support to someone important to you as they heal and work back towards a life of independence, something they just couldn’t do without you. It’s vital for them, it’s rewarding for you: it’s truly a win-win all around. But just because you have this great job with someone you care about and trust doesn’t mean things will be a walk in the park: whether you’re caring for a family member or someone you just met, caregiving can be a challenge. Preparing for your day and taking extra steps to ensure you’re providing the best care possible will not only help your family member heal and grow, but will ensure that you get the most out of your job as well. So, ready to be the best caregiver you can be? Here are seven tips to ensuring the care you provide is exceptional and the relationship you cultivate with your loved one is healthy and empowering for you both.

  1. Take care of your own health. No, you don’t need to be a body-builder to give thoughtful and attentive care to your loved one. But depending on their needs, their level of mobility and a host of other factors, the physical aspects of caregiving could be demanding. You might find yourself carrying heavy groceries, lifting or assisting your loved one, pushing a wheelchair for long walks – all things that can wear on you if you’re not in the best shape. So join a gym! Stretch in the morning; do the things you need to do to make sure you’re in adequate shape to care for the person who needs you.
  2. Remain open to suggestion. In any job, it’s easy to fall into your own pattern or style of operation and to resist change. But the routine you and your loved one might have set up for yourself may not ultimately be in the best interest of their health. If doctors, nurses or other caregivers make suggestions or give advice, listen with open ears and consider thoughtfully the changes being proposed. And on that note:
  3. Learn how to communicate effectively with doctors. Your loved one might have challenges communicating or articulating their needs. But even if they don’t, a part of the care you provide is in playing an active role in your loved one’s care team, which includes doctors, nurses, and others. So make the most of those doctor’s visits: take notes during discussions, or bring a list of questions to go over while you’re at your loved one’s appointment. Make sure that when you communicate with doctors, you’re advocating for your loved one and working together with the doctor as a member of a team. This is definitely an art more than a science, but becoming an exceptional communicator is a vital part of providing the very best care.
  4. Give yourself breaks. Caregiving can be physically and emotionally draining, even if you’re working with a family member that you love and trust. So on weekends or evenings when opportunities arise to relax, take them! Read books, take naps, do what you need to do to mentally and physically recharge so that you can go into each day feeling great.
  5. Organize, organize, organize! Your loved one will likely have stacks of paperwork: medical discharge forms, pharmaceutical benefit information, insurance information… it’s a lot to keep up with! Help them keep organized and in control of this information by using file folders, binders, envelopes, or whatever works best so that you both know where to find this vital information when it’s needed.
  6. Be a detective. You need to be vigilant and watch out for a lot of different things when you’re caring for another person. First (obviously), you’re watching their health: are they deteriorating in any way? Showing signs of depression or stress? But you’re also watching other things. You’re watching the relationship with your loved one and their doctor – is this doctor answering the questions that need to be answered? You’re watching the news! Maybe new technologies are emerging that could benefit your loved one, or a new therapy has just been unveiled in your area that could help this person in some way. In so many ways, a caregiver needs to keep their ears open, their eyes peeled, and always be investigating for the sake of the person their caring for.
  7. Finally, seek help for yourself! You might be the only designated caregiver for your loved one, but you are NOT doing this alone. You have support – many, many resources and organizations are available to help make sure you are getting the most out of your job, and your loved one is getting the absolute best care available. At Ameribest Homecare, we’re here to make sure that you have everything you need to succeed as the qualified, talented caregiver to a person you love. Reach out to us with questions, concerns, or issues you’re having: we’re happy to help and provide you with the resources and tools you need to succeed!