Navigating the Options: How to Choose the Right Philadelphia Home Care Agency

How to Get an In-Home Caregiver in Harrisburg, PA

When it comes time to get additional care for your loved one, you want to choose a Philadelphia home care agency that offers the very best. But without a reference point, finding the agency best suited to your loved one’s needs can be difficult. This article will discuss what to look for in a home care provider so you can make the best choice for your loved one.

What to Look for in a Philadelphia Home Care Agency

Service Options

Families must ensure the agency they choose is suited to their loved one’s needs. Some seniors require basic care, such as meal preparation, cleaning, and mobility assistance.

Others have more advanced needs for medical conditions. They may require vital sign monitoring, medicine administration, and other types of specialized care.

Find out what services the agency offers to ensure they provide the care your loved one requires.


Affordability is not only about the rates the agency charges. Agencies can offer other services that make care more affordable.

For example, they may work with Medicaid to provide government-funded services. They may even train family members so they can get paid to care for loved ones.

Families should also look for agencies that accept their insurance and offer private pay plans that allow relatives to split the bill.

Skilled Workers

Find out about caregiver skill level. Do the aides receive ongoing training? Are they required to hold a certification to perform certain tasks?

A skilled caregiver is more likely to provide your loved one with the care and attention they require.

Referrals, Reviews, and Recommendations

Modern technology makes it possible to look online and learn about the level of service a Philadelphia home care agency provides. Research reviews and customer ratings. Determine if you feel the agency will be the right fit for your loved one.

Ask friends and family if they have an agency they would recommend. They may provide a trusted opinion.

You can also ask the agency if they can put you in touch with past and current clients. They will provide insight into the agency’s quality of service.

Caring, Compassionate Caregivers

It can be difficult to determine whether caregivers are caring and compassionate until you work with them. However, if you meet with the agency and staff, you will get an idea of their level of empathy and understanding. Your gut will tell you whether they will provide the loving care your senior relative deserves.


Home Care Assistance in Harrisburg, PA


AmeriBest is a Preferred Philadelphia Home Care Agency

You can spend hours, days, or weeks navigating your home care options or save yourself time by choosing AmeriBest first. AmeriBest has been rated one of Pennsylvania’s top five home care agencies. We take a patient-centric approach ensuring each client receives the personalized care they deserve.

We make care more affordable by allowing family members to get paid for caregiving. We offer competitive pay and an impressive benefits package. Caregivers train in a team-oriented, collaborative environment.

Contact us for all your loved one’s home care needs.  

Training and Education: Essential Skills for Home Health Caregivers in Allentown, PA

Caregiving is a rewarding profession. Many caregivers take pride in knowing they are making a difference in another person’s life. They are improving their client’s physical and emotional health so they can enjoy higher states of well-being.

Additionally, family caregivers can train to get paid to care for a loved one, significantly reducing financial burdens.

If you are considering a caregiving career, you may wonder what training and education requirements are involved. Qualifications vary depending on the level of care you wish to provide. This article will give you an idea of what to expect if you want to become a home health caregiver in Allentown, PA.

Training and Educational Requirements for a Home Health Caregiver in Allentown, PA

A home health aide is recommended for patients who require ongoing medical care but do not have immediate health needs. They will help the patient with daily tasks like feeding and dressing. They may also offer medical assistance such as applying and removing artificial limbs, checking and changing wound dressings, ensuring patients follow their treatment plans, and applying skin remedies.

To become a home health caregiver in Allentown, PA, you must complete a 75-hour training course, which includes 16 hours of clinical instruction. You must also take a 12-hour continuing education course each year to maintain your license. Criminal background checks and child abuse clearances are also required.

Home health caregivers may advance their careers by obtaining a nurse aide certification. They can continue their education to become a qualified nurse.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education can help you find a local training program. Several home care agencies also offer training.

Other Options for Home Health Training

People who wish to enter the home care field may also consider these options:

·  Personal Aide/Caregiver: A personal aide assists with daily tasks. They must take an eight-hour course and pass an exam. They will learn communication best practices, emergency procedures, infection control, and other non-medical skills.

 ·  CNA: A certified nursing assistant (CNA) assists with daily living activities. They monitor vital signs, administer medications, and offer light medical assistance. They must take an 80-hour state-approved program and pass the Pennsylvania National Nurse Aide Assessment Program.

·  Nurse: A nurse performs many of the duties of a CNA but typically works in a hospital rather than a home environment. Nurses must earn a degree through an approved nursing program. They must also take three hours of board-approved child abuse recognition training and 30 hours of continuing education each year to retain their licenses.

AmeriBest Can Help You Become a Home Health Caregiver In Allentown, PA

AmeriBest offers training for family members who wish to get paid to care for their loved ones. We offer competitive pay and benefits, a supportive environment, and opportunities to advance in your career. We will help reduce the financial strain and stress of caring for a senior relative.

Contact us to learn more about our supportive services.

Savoring Independence: How Meal Prep Services Empower Seniors in Allentown

Meal Preparation Services

Older adults often have trouble in preparing their meals. They may have mobility issues that make it challenging to work in the kitchen, or they may have cognitive conditions that interfere with their ability to make healthy meals. AmeriBest caregivers can help. We can assist seniors in preparing nutritious dishes that help them achieve higher levels of physical and mental health. Read on to learn more about how meal prep services in Allentown.

Local Meal Prep Assistance in Allentown, PA

Seniors are often vulnerable, low-income, and many are disabled. However, there is hope. They face daily challenges meeting basic needs. 

However, amidst these difficulties, there is hope. Local services offer a lifeline by providing affordable meals, ensuring our beloved elders have access to nourishment and support. They come together to ensure every senior goes hungry and feels remembered.

For example, Allentown, PA, offers several food banks. These non-profit organizations distribute food to low-income people at soup kitchens and food pantries. The city also provides a Meals on Wheels program that delivers food directly to seniors’ doors.

These programs are beneficial and can do even more to help seniors with comprehensive care from in-home aides. Additionally, many home caregiver agencies also offer programs that allow family members to get paid for caring for senior loved ones to make care more affordable.

What Does Meal Prep for Seniors in Allentown Entail?

Both family and professional caregivers can assist with meal prep, which may include:

  • Mixing ingredients
  • Heating things in the stove or microwave
  • Plating and serving food
  • Storing uneaten food

They may also provide services that are related to home care meal preparation, such as:

· Grocery shopping: Caregivers can provide transportation and accompany seniors on grocery shopping trips to ensure they get the healthy items they require

· Feeding Assistance: In-home aides offer feeding assistance to seniors who are unable to feed themselves

· Clean Up: Aides can wash dishes and wipe down surfaces after meals to ensure the home is clean.

Why are Meal Preparation Services for Seniors Important?

  • Ensures They Eat Regularly: Many seniors need to remember to eat or follow an irregular eating schedule. Caregivers maintain a regular eating schedule that benefits physical and mental health.
  • They Eat Healthy: When caregivers oversee meal preparation for seniors, they ensure they eat healthy foods and follow doctor recommendations.
  • Improves Physical and Mental Health: Home care meal preparation means seniors eat nutritious food that benefits physical health. They also feel cared for. They maintain a regular eating schedule that provides a sense of comfort and minimizes anxiety and depression.
  • Minimizes Accidents: Seniors are more likely to become injured in the kitchen. They can cut or burn themselves or trip and fall over items. 


Meal Preparation Services


AmeriBest Offers Meal Prep Help for Seniors in Allentown

AmeriBest provides meal prep for seniors in Allentown and so much more. We also help with housekeeping, shopping, laundry, self-care medication reminders, and appointment scheduling. Our caring and compassionate aides provide companionship to decrease feelings of depression and anxiety.

Family caregivers can get paid for caregiving with AmeriBest. We offer competitive pay and benefits, a supportive environment, and an opportunity to learn valuable career skills. We give you the tools you need to provide a high level of care.

Contact us to learn how we can ensure your loved one enjoys optimal physical and mental health.


Arthritis Awareness Month

May is Arthritis Awareness Month. This condition causes individuals chronic pain that can affect their ability to enjoy life fully. The swelling in a person’s joints often limits mobility and impacts having a normal lifestyle.

According to the CDC, there is no cure for Arthritis. Some medications along with structured exercise may, however, provide relief and improve joint flexibility with on-going effort. 


Arthritis Awareness Month recognizes the growing health problem Arthritis represents. There are over 53 million (or 1 in 4) people in the US at the time of this writing who have the condition. By 2030 that number will likely come close to 67 million. Some of these people will lose their jobs because of pain or the loss of joint functionality, range of motion, or decreased muscle strength for things like lifting and intricate handwork. 

With this in mind, AmeriBest Home Care Services, Philadelphia, PA strives to assist seniors struggling with arthritis in a variety of ways. Our highly trained staff offers home and community-based assistance with daily activities which, in turn, decreases frustration and anxiety. It also provides families with comfort in knowing their loved ones are getting excellent care, especially when they cannot be present for help.

Types of Arthritis:

There are three prevalent types of arthritis:

  1. Osteoarthritis: When the cartilage at the end of bones wears down, the bones rub together. This is osteoarthritis, and it’s the most commonly known form.
  2. Psoriatic: This form only happens to people with psoriasis, affecting ligaments, tendons, and joints.
  3. Rheumatoid: Rheumatoid arthritis is actually an autoimmune disease. The lining of the joints becomes inflamed, and they begin deteriorating. 

It’s important to remember that while more common in the aging community, arthritis can happen at any age. Also, just because your loved one is talking about joint aches, you need to have them see a physician to conclusively render a diagnosis. Other conditions including lupus, gout, and bursitis cause joint pain. 

Caring for Individuals with Arthritis

Arthritis Awareness Month isn’t just dedicated to raising awareness, but also to education. What can you do to help someone in your life with arthritis? Perhaps most importantly listen. It’s hard to understand the pain someone has radiating from within. You can, however, SEE how they move, when they hesitate or stumble, or when they strain to open jars (for example). 

Now, people have pride. They may not ask for help. So you can open the lines of communication. Approach it from the point of view that you want to learn from them about how arthritis impacts their life. A lot of great ideas will result from that conversation. Just take care to step back when the answer is, “no, let me do this.” A sense of independence is important so long as they are not putting themselves in harm’s way. 

Professional Assistance

When you have an in-home caregiver, that person can keep your loved one as active as possible while still taking safety precautions. Examples of the types of assistance AmeriBest Home Care Philadelphia, PA provides include:

  • Bathing
  • Bending/reaching
  • Dressing
  • Grooming
  • Lifting
  • Medication regulation
  • Mobility, and much more. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us on our web form, by email at, or by calling our Philadelphia office 215-925-3313; 1-800-HOMECARE (PA only).

The Parkinson’s Caregiver

The Parkinson's Caregiver

Each year April is National Parkinson’s Awareness Month. As a top in-home caregiver agency in Philadelphia, PA, we at AmeriBest home care encourage people to learn more about Parkinsons and what they can do during April to make a difference.

What is Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s is a nervous system disorder, that primarily affects a person’s movement. The most common symptoms of the disease, which increase over time, include

  • Decreased Facial Expressiveness: Parkinson’s weakens facial muscles, so the person may show no signs of smiling or frowning.
  • Emotional Impact: Depression and behavior changes.
  • Fatigue.
  • Memory Loss. 
  • Muscle Stiffness: A Parkinson’s sufferer’s muscles never relax fully. Over time, this leads to limited motion, which is sometimes painful. 
  • Posture Changes: Over time it becomes difficult for someone with Parkinson’s to stand upright, and they may also experience balance issues.
  • Sleep Disruption
  • Slow Movement: Spontaneous movement becomes difficult with Parkinson’s. People move more slowly, shuffle, lower their speech volume, etc. In some instances, their gait may freeze temporarily.
  • Tremors: Starting as small as one finger or foot, tremors occur usually when the body is at rest. 

Men are at a higher risk for developing Parkinson’s. It usually begins around the age of 60, but sometimes manifests as early as age 50. Some cases of Parkinson’s are hereditary, while others come from a combination of environmental factors and genetic predisposition. 

Many people dismiss early signs of Parkinson’s thinking of them as an effect of the normal aging process. The signs begin on one side of the body, or in one limb of the body. Eventually, Parkinson’s affects the entire way the body functions.

How to Get Involved

  1. Donate toward further research and community assistance.
  2. If you have noticed worrisome symptoms, make an appointment with a neurologist for yourself (peace of mind is worth it).
  3. Participate in fundraising walks virtually: 
  4. Put up links on your Facebook Page or personal webpage so people can find webinars and request publications. 
  5. Visit someone you know with Parkinson’s to offer your support, or volunteer at a facility specializing in the disease. 

The Parkinson's Caregiver


Being a Parkinson’s Caregiver

When you discover your loved one has Parkinson’s Disease, you want to do your best to help them. But what does “help” in this situation really mean? It’s a challenging diagnosis with equally challenging daily issues. 

Tips for Effective Home Care

It might be tempting to take over responsibilities for your loved one. It’s a normal, but sometimes unnecessary, reaction. Let them do whatever they are capable of doing, for as long as they can. A sense of ongoing independence and self-sufficiency is important for mental wellbeing. Keep your dialog open to true needs. Have those tough conversations openly and honestly.

This is a complex disease. Learn all you can about Parkinson’s so you know what to expect. Nonprofit organizations like the National Parkinson’s Foundation have educational materials at the ready. Also, ask your health care provider and team for suggestions about community supports. The more you know, the less you’ll feel inadequate for the task ahead.

Going one step further, if your loved one will allow, come with them to each medical appointment. This gives you the opportunity to take notes and gain perspectives. 

Beyond these actions, watch every missive from insurance companies, making sure prescriptions and services are adequately covered, and likewise make sure this individual takes their medications properly. 

Need Help?

As Parkinson’s progresses, you may find you need professional assistance. AmeriBest caregivers are happy to step in and provide superior service for your loved one with Parkinson’s. We have a variety of services, one of which is sure to meet your needs. Our top home care agency offices stand by to review your request for information or reply to your email ( You can also call us:

Philadelphia 215-925-3313

Harrisburg 717-545-2929

Toll Free 1-800-HOMECARE

Are you looking for Home Care in Harrisburg?

Have you been caring for your loved one at home without assistance? Caregiving can wear you out and create anxiety about maintaining the individual’s quality of life. That’s where AmeriBest can help. If you are looking for top-quality home care in Harrisburg, PA we have a local office that can provide you with all the information you’ll need to move forward.

Why AmeriBest Home Care?

AmeriBest Home Care believes in high-quality, comprehensive service, both home health, and personal care. Each person we service receives a personalized assessment, coordinating with their primary physician and any current clinical staff. It’s a holistic approach that gives people peace of mind. 

If we had to summarize AmeriBest in three words, they would be comfort, safety, and dignity. 

  • Your loved one stays in their own home. There are no strangers wandering the halls of a facility. This gives them some peace of mind, and a sense of assurance. Our amazing home nursing services and in-home caregiver program strives daily to connect with both the individual and family, offering answers to any questions you may have.
  • A direct care worker looks at your home through a different lens; one focused on making sure everything’s in the best possible place for safety. That slippery rug or lack of handrail? You may not have thought about them before. We can help.
  • Having compassionate, trustworthy staff means your loved one never feels like a “number,” boosting morale and a deep sense of self-worth. 

Benefits of Having a Home Health Care Aide

Whether you live in Harrisburg, PA, or in the Philadelphia, PA area, AmeriBest is here. You may be new to the idea of having an aide, but there are many benefits to consider:

  • Extra eyes and hands. You are only one person. An experienced aid provides coverage during times when you cannot be “eyes-on.”
  • An home health aide can take care of transporting an individual to various medical appointments. 
  • The caregiver or direct care worker provides the individual with companionship and socialization
  • Home care often proves more affordable than a facility
  • Your personal assistant can help keep the home in order when the individual’s ability is limited
  • The nurse can watch for physical or emotional changes that may indicate an underlying problem. 

What you can Expect from AmeriBest Home Care

Dependability is one of the keynotes that makes AmeriBest one of the top-rated home health care agencies in Harrisburg and Philadelphia, PA. Our office lowers the risk of call-outs and no-shows by always having a backup plan. We seek only the best candidates in our hiring process. 

Our staff members provide essential support services. Your nurse or aide will familiarize themselves with existing medical practitioners and providers and coordinate with them for high-quality care. 

AmeriBest can also help you navigate insurance coverage, including Medicaid. The paperwork can become overwhelming and it helps to have a professional “interpreter” for all the jargon.

If you would like more information, there are several ways to contact us. Beyond the online form, you can email or call 1-800-HOMECARE.

American Heart Month: What is it and How to Observe it?

Every February, AmeriBest Home Care of Philadelphia and Harrisburg, PA, joins with many other organizations, physicians, nurses, in-home care workers, and families alike to observe American Heart Month every February. Why? Because over 600,000 people die annually from heart disease in the United States alone. Heart disease shows no preference for age, gender, or ethnicity. However, the following factors impact your risk:

  • Alcohol consumption
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Inactivity 
  • Poor diet
  • Smoking

If you have been thinking about caring for your loved one at home due to their heart health (combined with other matters), there are ways to give them heart-healthy habits and choices. In addition, you and your family can become advocates for raising awareness about heart disease by first learning about it. This is part of what American Heart Month is all about. 

Heart Disease 101

The term “cardiovascular disease” (CVD) is often used synonymously with “heart disease.” Both are umbrella terms covering everything from congenital heart defects and heart rhythm problems to the most common form of heart disease, coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD is a hardening and narrowing of the arteries going to the heart, leading to stroke and heart attack. And while all that sounds frightening, the good news is that many deaths can be prevented with proper care. The earlier, the better. 

Signs of Heart Disease

CVD often goes hand in hand with old age. At AmeriBest, we work with seniors, giving them ways of strengthening their circulatory system. The first step is teaching families and individuals the signs of heart disease so prompt medical treatment occurs:

  • Chest pain (or pressure in the chest)
  • Feeling constantly tired or exhausted
  • Nausea and vomiting regularly
  • Palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness

Preventing Heart Disease

Home health aid services like those AmeriBest Home Care provides help you monitor heart health, but that’s only one part of the equation. There are great ways to keep a person’s heart in shape. Think of healthy habits like a daily vitamin supporting wellness. 

By making minor changes, you can get on the road to improved heart health. Start with increasing activity levels. Don’t go from zero to one hundred—small, progressive steps matter. About two and a half hours of moderate activity a week is all it takes. If your loved one has physical limitations, AmeriBest’s outstanding caregivers can help develop a safe routine.  

Next, think about diet. Limit saturated fats, salt, and meats with high-fat content. Stress fruits, whole grain, nuts, and vegetables. Look into the Mediterranean diet for ideas.

Monitor yourself or your loved one. When you go for a check-up, talk with the physician about blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol. There are medications specifically designed to target these two risk factors. And, people may not have to take them forever if they make suitable lifestyle choices. 

Finally, get more rest and avoid stress factors. Both support your immune system and improve both mental and emotional well-being.

Need Help?

If you’re in the Philadelphia or Harrisburg, PA area and have a loved one who needs more support than you can provide, reach out to us, asking about home care services. As a professional home health care agency, our staff provides compassionate and insightful assistance. Feel free to contact us HERE any time with your questions. 

Should You Become an Organ Donor? Pros & Cons

As a leading home care health provider in Pennsylvania, we at AmeriBest field many questions from families with aging clients. Among them is whether or not your loved one (or yourself, for that matter) should become an organ donor. It’s a complex decision and one in which reliable data is essential. 

Organ Donor Myths

In considering the pros and cons of organ donation, there are a lot of myths floating around that you need to circumnavigate. Misinformation taints your ability to make an informed choice. For example, some feel that physicians don’t work as hard to save organ donors. That goes against the Hippocratic Oath in every way. In fact, your health care team before a transplant is usually different than the one doing it.

Age and Health

You do not have to be young or in pristine health to be an organ donor. Before any transplant occurs, doctors evaluate all the conditions involved. There are a few exceptions, of course, like active cancer. Basically, the organ’s health is more important than your age group.

Living Organ Donors

Many people do not know about living donors. Tissues from certain parts of the body including the kidney, liver, and lungs, all qualify for living donations. By participating in this kind of organ donorship, you save the recipient’s life and that of someone who needs a full-fledged transplant. 

Religious Beliefs

AmeriBest works with families to get a familiar person into at-home care. Said individual typically knows the personal beliefs of someone before getting them involved in living or after-death donations. Most major religions have no taboo against organ donations; it is an act of kindness. 

Closed Casket Funerals

While you might think otherwise, unless there is serious disfiguration from the cause of death, there is no reason families cannot have an open-casket funeral. Donors get respectful, dignified care. Also, there is no cost for the procedure to the donor or their family. 

Organ Donation by the Numbers

One of the things that may figure into your discussions of organ donation is the sheer volume of need. Twenty-two people die daily while waiting for a transplant. There are over 120,000 people currently on the waiting list for organs in the U.S. alone. That number grows by 10 every 10 minutes.

The impact of organ donation is substantial. Just one person can save up to 8 lives, and a tissue donor can improve the lives of 50.

Organ Donation Cons:

  • Uncertainty: You, your loved one, or your family may find the idea uncomfortable or troubling. Allaying those feelings is often simply a matter of education and discussion.
  • Risk & Recovery: As a living donor, be aware that the process is major surgery, and it has risks that your physician will outline. Recovery can take time, and it is not always pain-free.
  • Scaring: Living donor procedures may leave lasting scars.
  • Insurance Woes: Some insurance companies do not cover any resulting problems ensuing from the donation.
  • Emotional Discomfort: If your loved one is a donor, their body will be kept on life support to protect the organs. For many, the “waiting game” is highly distressing.

Organ Donation Pros:

  • Knowing you Helped Others: Organ donation saves one, if not many, lives. 
  • Comfort upon Death: Knowing your loved one’s organs went forward to save others provides consolation and closure in the midst of tragedy. 
  • Comfort in Life: As a living donor, you’ll learn about some of the lives you’re helping (no specific names, of course, but situational information).
  • Full Body Donation: Should someone choose to become a full-body donor for medical research, the studies can lead to solutions for diseases in the future. Medical students can learn through working on cadavers, and in most cases, the organization accepting the donation provides a free return of the individual’s ashes.

Becoming an Organ Donor

If you want to learn more about becoming an Organ Donor, your caregiver, home health aid can become a bridge for learning more. It’s essential that an individual, or their power of attorney, can speak about personal wishes after death. The process includes:

  1. Signing up as a donor
  2. Register as a donor
  3. Add your status to your state identification
  4. Sign and carry your donor card (or let people know where to find it with other vital documents)
  5. Tell your medical care providers about your choice
  6. Include your directives in a living will

No matter what, AmeriBest is here for you. We have offices in Harrisburg (717-545-2920) and Philadelphia (215-925-3313). Or you can call any time: 1-800-HOMECARE.

Interested in working as an in-home care assistant? Start HERE.

Do Your Parents Need Home Care Help? Be Mindful of These Signs

Do Your Parents Need Home Care Help Be Mindful of These Signs

Your parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle in Philadelphia might be in need of home care assistance yet too proud to ask for help. You can do your part to ensure your loved one lives with dignity by keeping an eye out for the common signs seniors display when in need of care. If you notice any of the signs detailed below, do not hesitate to ask for assistance from our Philadelphia and Allentown home care providers.

Alterations in Physical Appearance

Be particularly mindful of your loved one’s personal aesthetic. Even a slightly diminished personal appearance is an indication of a senior in need of assistance. Significant weight loss or weight gain is also a sign that his or her nutritional intake should be addressed with the assistance of a meal preparation assistant. 

Furthermore, if you spot bruising and the senior refuses to explain how those bruises occurred or cannot remember how they occurred, it is an indication that he or she suffered a fall. If your parent or other loved one has an odor, it is a sign that he/she failed to bathe properly and should be provided with home care that helps with mobility, bathing and personal grooming.

Mobility Limitations

A senior who fears the challenge of getting in/out of the shower or bathtub or a senior who does not want to get out of bed due to pain when moving, is in desperate need of a home healthcare assistant. The installation of grab bars along with a shower seat will certainly help yet it will not be enough in and of itself. A home care specialist who provides ongoing care and mobility assistance will help your loved one make the transition from bed to the bathroom, into the living room and possibly even outside.

Do Your Parents Need Home Care Help Be Mindful of These Signs

Mood Alterations and Forgetfulness

Though identifying depression in senior citizens is not easy, those who pay close attention to their parent or other loved one will be able to identify changes in outlook and demeanor that indicate depression. Money woes, health issues and the lack of friendships negatively influences mood. If your loved one is more irritable, lacks energy or no longer has interest in the activities he or she enjoyed in prior years, it is a sign of depression.

If you notice alterations in your loved one’s memory, an increase in forgetfulness or the mismanagement of medication, it is an indication of dementia. There is also a chance your family member is suffering from both depression and dementia at the same time. 

Assistance from a home care provider will lift your loved one’s spirit, give him/her something to look forward to and also prevent a spiraling depression that leads to suicidal thoughts. Home care service also provides invaluable reminders pertaining to medication, ensuring your family member takes his or her medication at the scheduled times every single day without exception.

AmeriBest Home Care is Here to Help

If you recognize the signs detailed above that indicate your parent needs home care, contact our Philadelphia home care specialists today. You can reach our home care providers by phone at 1-800-HOMECARE or by email at

Do Your Parents Need Home Care Help Be Mindful of These Signs

Halloween for the Elderly: COVID-proof Activities and Ideas

Halloween is only a week away. Now is the time to start preparing for trick-or-treaters, scheduling get-togethers and planning for other spooky Halloween festivities. If you are a senior citizen in Philadelphia or the child/grandchild of a local senior, do not assume the elderly cannot partake in all the fun Halloween activities. Be creative and you will find there are several ways to safely participate in Halloween even as the pandemic continues.

Whip up Some Tasty Halloween Treats

You can socially distance without completely skipping Halloween. Stay inside this year, bake some delicious cookies, cupcakes and other sugary concoctions with your family and play some Halloween music to get into the spirit of the holiday. A Graveyard Cake, a Berry Scary Martini and a Brainy Cupcake will lift your spirit and also provide something sweet to enjoy. 

A Halloween Movie Marathon

Instead of venturing out to a Philadelphia movie theater and risking exposure to coronavirus, stay inside and watch a couple Halloween movies with your parent, grandparent or other elderly relative. Fill a bowl with Halloween candy, stretch out on the couch with some warm blankets and enjoy a Halloween movie marathon.

Hold a Scavenger Hunt

If your parent or other elderly loved one is capable of walking and bending over without significant pain, hold a scavenger hunt on Halloween afternoon. Hide sweets and diminutive Halloween decorations around the house, dress up in a spooky costume and have a contest to see who can find the most Halloween treasures.

Create Your own Halloween Costume

As long as your beloved senior citizen doesn’t have painful hand/finger arthritis, creating a Halloween costume will be fun and fulfilling. Break out the sewing machine, draw some costume designs and bring them to life. Once your Halloween costumes are ready to go, load up on the candy and wait by the door for trick-or-treaters. 

Just be sure the costume you select doesn’t have a mask that restricts airflow.  Also, lean toward costumes that are more of a snug fit than a loose fit as costume elements that dangle or drag are that much more likely to result in a potentially debilitating trip and fall.

Consider Holding a Virtual Halloween Party

In-person Halloween parties will undoubtedly occur throughout the greater Philadelphia area and beyond this October. However, surrounding yourself with potential virus-carriers is especially dangerous if you are a senior citizen. 

You can enjoy the company of others without leaving your home by participating in a virtual Halloween party. If you are a Philadelphia senior citizen, ask your care provider or a family member to help you set up a Zoom videoconference where you interact with your family and friends through your computer and you won’t have to spend this Halloween alone. Be sure to don your favorite Halloween costume during the virtual get-together to enjoy this special time of the year to the fullest.

Schedule Home Care With AmeriBest

There is no shame in asking for help, especially when you have reached your golden years. If you or a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle in Philadelphia need assistance in the home, reach out to AmeriBest today. You can reach our Philadelphia care providers by phone at 215-925-3313 or through our contact form.