Should You Become an Organ Donor? Pros & Cons

As a leading home care health provider in Pennsylvania, we at AmeriBest field many questions from families with aging clients. Among them is whether or not your loved one (or yourself, for that matter) should become an organ donor. It’s a complex decision and one in which reliable data is essential. 

Organ Donor Myths

In considering the pros and cons of organ donation, there are a lot of myths floating around that you need to circumnavigate. Misinformation taints your ability to make an informed choice. For example, some feel that physicians don’t work as hard to save organ donors. That goes against the Hippocratic Oath in every way. In fact, your health care team before a transplant is usually different than the one doing it.

Age and Health

You do not have to be young or in pristine health to be an organ donor. Before any transplant occurs, doctors evaluate all the conditions involved. There are a few exceptions, of course, like active cancer. Basically, the organ’s health is more important than your age group.

Living Organ Donors

Many people do not know about living donors. Tissues from certain parts of the body including the kidney, liver, and lungs, all qualify for living donations. By participating in this kind of organ donorship, you save the recipient’s life and that of someone who needs a full-fledged transplant. 

Religious Beliefs

AmeriBest works with families to get a familiar person into at-home care. Said individual typically knows the personal beliefs of someone before getting them involved in living or after-death donations. Most major religions have no taboo against organ donations; it is an act of kindness. 

Closed Casket Funerals

While you might think otherwise, unless there is serious disfiguration from the cause of death, there is no reason families cannot have an open-casket funeral. Donors get respectful, dignified care. Also, there is no cost for the procedure to the donor or their family. 

Organ Donation by the Numbers

One of the things that may figure into your discussions of organ donation is the sheer volume of need. Twenty-two people die daily while waiting for a transplant. There are over 120,000 people currently on the waiting list for organs in the U.S. alone. That number grows by 10 every 10 minutes.

The impact of organ donation is substantial. Just one person can save up to 8 lives, and a tissue donor can improve the lives of 50.

Organ Donation Cons:

  • Uncertainty: You, your loved one, or your family may find the idea uncomfortable or troubling. Allaying those feelings is often simply a matter of education and discussion.
  • Risk & Recovery: As a living donor, be aware that the process is major surgery, and it has risks that your physician will outline. Recovery can take time, and it is not always pain-free.
  • Scaring: Living donor procedures may leave lasting scars.
  • Insurance Woes: Some insurance companies do not cover any resulting problems ensuing from the donation.
  • Emotional Discomfort: If your loved one is a donor, their body will be kept on life support to protect the organs. For many, the “waiting game” is highly distressing.

Organ Donation Pros:

  • Knowing you Helped Others: Organ donation saves one, if not many, lives. 
  • Comfort upon Death: Knowing your loved one’s organs went forward to save others provides consolation and closure in the midst of tragedy. 
  • Comfort in Life: As a living donor, you’ll learn about some of the lives you’re helping (no specific names, of course, but situational information).
  • Full Body Donation: Should someone choose to become a full-body donor for medical research, the studies can lead to solutions for diseases in the future. Medical students can learn through working on cadavers, and in most cases, the organization accepting the donation provides a free return of the individual’s ashes.

Becoming an Organ Donor

If you want to learn more about becoming an Organ Donor, your caregiver, home health aid can become a bridge for learning more. It’s essential that an individual, or their power of attorney, can speak about personal wishes after death. The process includes:

  1. Signing up as a donor
  2. Register as a donor
  3. Add your status to your state identification
  4. Sign and carry your donor card (or let people know where to find it with other vital documents)
  5. Tell your medical care providers about your choice
  6. Include your directives in a living will

No matter what, AmeriBest is here for you. We have offices in Harrisburg (717-545-2920) and Philadelphia (215-925-3313). Or you can call any time: 1-800-HOMECARE.

Interested in working as an in-home care assistant? Start HERE.

January: Cervical Health Awareness Month

According to the American Cancer Society, cervical cancer was once one of the most common causes of cancer death for American women. 

It happens a lot less often than it once did, but yes, it is still a threat to many women.

According to the ACS (American Cancer Society) roughly 4,250 people in the U.S. died from cervical cancer in the year 2019.

The primary reason that fewer individuals are dying of cervical cancer these days is an increase in the use of the Pap test.

Cervical cancer is more prevalent in less developed regions of the world. In 2018, around the world, approximately 311,000 individuals died from cervical cancer.

This type of cancer is curable, particularly when treated in the early stage.

Will the stage at diagnosis matter?

Absolutely. In general, the earlier cervical cancer is diagnosed, the better the results. This type of cancer usually grows slowly.

A Pap test is able to discover abnormal cells on a cervix before they grow cancerous. It’s referred to as carcinoma in situ or stage zero cervical cancer.

Removing those cells may assist in preventing cancer from initially developing.

General cervical cancer stages are:
  • Stage One: Cancer cells exist on the cervix and might’ve spread into the uterus.
  • Stage Two: Cancer has grown outside of the uterus and cervix. It has not spread to the bottom part of the vagina or the walls of the pelvis.
  • Stage Three: Cancer has spread to the pelvic wall, the bottom part of the vagina, or is impacting the kidneys.
  • Stage Four: Cancer has reached beyond the pelvis over to the bladder lining, the rectum, or to distant bones and organs.

The five-year relative rates of survival based on those diagnosed with cervical cancer from the years 2009 – 2015 include:

  • Localized (confined to uterus and cervix): 91.8%
  • Regional (reached beyond uterus and cervix to sites nearby): 56.3%
  • Distant (reached beyond the pelvis): 16.9%
  • Unknown: 49%

Is there anything you can do to prevent it?

There has been a substantial reduction in the fatality rate since the Pap test came onto the scene.

One important thing to do to prevent cancer includes getting routine Pap tests and checkups as advised by a doctor.

Other methods of lowering your risk involve:

  • asking the physician if you ought to receive the HPV vaccine
  • obtaining treatment if pre-cancerous cervical cells are discovered
  • having follow-up tests done when there’s a positive HPV test or an abnormal Pap test
  • quitting or avoiding, smoking

Are you or your loved one experiencing cervical cancer?

You may require some support and care at home because of cervical cancer or its treatment. At AmeriBest Home Care our home health care professionals are dedicated to providing high-quality comprehensive home health and personal care services to valued members of our community. A lot of emotional and practical support is available to you. We offer Philadelphia home care services in a dignified and respectful manner. Your home health care professional manages your healthcare while you’re in your home. They’ll help with all non-medical issues that arise. Please call us at 215-925-3313 to find out how we can help you or your loved one.

January: National Glaucoma Awareness Month

Glaucoma is a condition that damages the optic nerve of the eye. Usually, it happens once fluid accumulates in the front area of the eye. This additional fluid increases the eye’s pressure and damages the optic nerve.

Caregiving for someone with glaucoma

The following tips might help to promote eye health and control high eye pressure:

  • Consume a healthy diet. Consuming a healthy diet may help to maintain your health; however, it will not prevent glaucoma from growing worse. Several nutrients and vitamins are critical to eye health, which includes antioxidant vitamins A, E, and C; selenium; copper; and zinc.
  • Safely exercise. Routine exercise might decrease eye pressure within open-angle glaucoma. Speak with your physician about a suitable exercise plan.
  • Restrict your caffeine. Consuming beverages that have large quantities of caffeine might raise your eye pressure.
  • Frequently sip fluids. Only drink moderate quantities of fluids during any given time within the course of a day. Consuming one or more quarts of any liquid within a brief time might temporarily raise eye pressure.
  • Sleep with an elevated head. Utilizing a wedge pillow that keeps the head raised slightly, around twenty degrees, has been proven to decrease intraocular pressure when sleeping.
  • Take all prescribed medication. Using eye drops or other medicines as prescribed may help to obtain the best possible outcome from treatment. Be certain that you use the drops precisely as prescribed. Or else, the optic nerve damage in your eye might grow worse.

Glaucoma is a condition that damages the optic nerve of the eye. Usually, it happens once fluid accumulates in the front area of the eye.

Alternative medicine (discuss with your medical provider!)

A few alternative medicine approaches might help your health overall; however, none is an efficient remedy for glaucoma. Speak to your physician about their potential risks and benefits.

  • Herbal remedies. A few herbal supplements, like bilberry extract, have been claimed to be remedies for glaucoma. However, more studies are needed to show their effectiveness. Do not use herbal supplements in replacement for proven therapies.
  • Relaxation methods. Stress might trigger acute angle-closure glaucoma. If you are at risk of that condition, figure out some healthy ways to cope with your stress. Meditation and additional techniques might help.
  • Marijuana. Studies show that marijuana can lower eye pressure in those who have glaucoma, yet only for 3 – 4 hours. Other traditional treatments are more effective. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, marijuana is not recommended to treat glaucoma.

Are you or your loved one experiencing glaucoma?

Once you receive a glaucoma diagnosis, you are possibly facing long-term treatment, routine checkups to slow down and prevent vision loss as much as possible. You might need some care and support in your home because of glaucoma or its treatment. At AmeriBest Home Care our home care professionals are committed to offering quality comprehensive personal care services to valued members of our community. We offer Philadelphia home care services in a respectful and dignified manner. Your home care provider will help with every non-medical issue that arises. Also, they can help you follow your doctor’s orders. Call an AmeriBest home health care provider today at 215-925-3313 to find out how we can be of help to you or your loved one to stay independent at home!

An Inside Look at Everything You Need to Know About the Omicron Variant

The Omicron variant of coronavirus comprised only 3% of all cases in the United States this past week.  This variant is now the dominant strain of the virus.  South Africa and several other nations have also revealed Omicron has quickly become the dominant variant of the virus in less than a month’s time.  This rapid spread is concerning to say the least.

It is clear that Omicron spreads faster than Delta and other variants.  However, the good news is that the early data indicates Omicron symptoms are not as severe as those of Delta and the original strain of the virus.  Here’s a closer look at everything you need to know about Omicron.

Omicron is Worth Taking Seriously

Governments and businesses around the world are afraid of Omicron for good reason.  This variant of COVID-19 is highly contagious and potentially deadly, especially when transmitted to those who have not been vaccinated.  Though preliminary data from Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer indicates their booster shots aren’t as effective against the Omicron variant as hoped, Moderna representatives revealed their booster is quite effective against the variant.  

It is clear that the best protection against Omicron is full vaccination including a booster shot.  Though President Biden and other world leaders are certainly stressed by the lightning-quick spread of Omicron, they do not believe it is cause for panic, especially if the percentage of vaccine-boosted individuals continues to climb. 

Omicron Data is Slowly Trickling In

Aside from the slightly diminished severity yet heightened transmission rate when compared to Delta and other coronavirus strains, not much else is known about Omicron.  The data about this new variant is expanded with each passing day yet it will take some time to gauge whether Omicron should spur lockdowns and forced vaccinations for entry into businesses, public spaces, and other buildings.  The United States federal government has responded to the initial data by encouraging Americans to get tested for the variant prior to socializing with family during the holiday season.

Big Pharma’s Response

Through Moderna executives are adamant their booster shot is effective against Omicron, the limited data released by Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer isn’t as reassuring.  The heads of all three pharmaceutical giants have indicated they are prepared to reformulate their vaccines to better mitigate the impact of the Omicron variant of the virus.  Furthermore, the United Nations’ World Health Organization has stated the Omicron variant’s risk to the worldwide populace is “very high” based on analysis of early data.

Moderna’s initial booster data derived from lab testing indicates the half-dose boost jab heightens neutralizing antibodies by nearly 40x.  A Moderna booster of a full dose is that much stronger, spiking antibody levels by an impressive 83x.  However, it must be noted the full-dose booster of Moderna has more severe side effects than those provided by Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson.  If Omicron continues to spread throughout the United States and the rest of the world, it is possible that Moderna’s full-dose shot will be used as a booster instead of the half-dose booster.

Coordinate Home Care Through AmeriBest Home Care Today

AmeriBest’s Philadelphia home care specialists are here for the senior in your life.  Reach out to us today to find out more about our services.  You can reach AmeriBest by phone at 1-800-HOMECARE.  If you prefer to reach us online, fill out our contact form, or send a message to our team at

COVID Mandates for Healthcare and Home Care Workers 

Philadelphia senior citizens and residents of other age cohorts will be happy to learn the city has achieved a comparably high vaccination rate for healthcare industry workers. Government officials at the federal level highlight Philadelphia’s vaccine mandate for its elevated vaccination rate. The high rate of vaccination among the city’s medical industry personnel is especially important now that the highly contagious Omicron variant of the virus is rearing its ugly head.

About Philadelphia’s Vaccination Mandate

The city of Philadelphia issued a coronavirus vaccine mandate as the summer drew to a close. The mandate has lead to nearly every single hospital employee in the greater Philadelphia area being fully vaccinated against coronavirus. Furthermore, the city’s health department reports more than 95% of the city’s nursing home employees are fully vaccinated against the virus. This statistic is especially striking when juxtaposed with the comparably low 75% vaccination rate of nursing home employees throughout the rest of the country. 

However, it must be noted the definition of “fully vaccinated” has the potential to change as time progresses. It is quite possible only those who receive a booster shot will be considered fully vaccinated by the time winter comes to an end. At the moment, more than 75% of all Philadelphia residents are fully vaccinated, meaning they have at least two vaccine shots. Though this percentage is lower than that of those who work in local hospitals and nursing homes, it is still an encouraging sign. 

Why Philadelphia’s Vaccine Mandate is so Important

Pennsylvania has one of the nation’s highest rates of hospitalization stemming from coronavirus infections. The state’s intensive-care units are struggling to provide care for individuals who require intubation and other forms of assistance. Sadly, nearly 400 individuals were hospitalized in early December in Philadelphia alone.’s city data shows the city’s hospitalization trend is moving in the wrong direction as a mere 200 were hospitalized within the city’s limits prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Philadelphia’s high vaccination rate is the elevated employee retention rate. The vast majority of local Philadelphia hospitals and nursing homes retained nearly the entirety of their staff despite the vaccine mandate. The Pennsylvania Health Care Association reports that of the city’s 47 nursing homes, an average of seven individuals departed their posts as a result of the vaccine mandate. 

It is clear that Philadelphians are willing to put their self-interest and political differences aside for the greater good. However, it is slightly disturbing to learn that merely 40% of the hospitals in the United States have vaccine requirements. This low nationwide percentage is a large part of the reason why transmission rates are climbing with no signs of slowing down as the Omicron variant continues to wreak havoc throughout Philadelphia and beyond.

AmeriBest Home Care Philadelphia is a Call Away

AmeriBest’s home care team is here to help you and your loved ones live with dignity. If you or a family member need or want home care assistance and you live in the greater Philadelphia area, reach out to us for more information about our service. You can contact our home care team by phone at 1-800-HOMECARE. You can also contact us by email at or online through our convenient contact form.

Do Your Parents Need Home Care Help? Be Mindful of These Signs

Do Your Parents Need Home Care Help Be Mindful of These Signs

Your parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle in Philadelphia might be in need of home care assistance yet too proud to ask for help. You can do your part to ensure your loved one lives with dignity by keeping an eye out for the common signs seniors display when in need of care. If you notice any of the signs detailed below, do not hesitate to ask for assistance from our Philadelphia and Allentown home care providers.

Alterations in Physical Appearance

Be particularly mindful of your loved one’s personal aesthetic. Even a slightly diminished personal appearance is an indication of a senior in need of assistance. Significant weight loss or weight gain is also a sign that his or her nutritional intake should be addressed with the assistance of a meal preparation assistant. 

Furthermore, if you spot bruising and the senior refuses to explain how those bruises occurred or cannot remember how they occurred, it is an indication that he or she suffered a fall. If your parent or other loved one has an odor, it is a sign that he/she failed to bathe properly and should be provided with home care that helps with mobility, bathing and personal grooming.

Mobility Limitations

A senior who fears the challenge of getting in/out of the shower or bathtub or a senior who does not want to get out of bed due to pain when moving, is in desperate need of a home healthcare assistant. The installation of grab bars along with a shower seat will certainly help yet it will not be enough in and of itself. A home care specialist who provides ongoing care and mobility assistance will help your loved one make the transition from bed to the bathroom, into the living room and possibly even outside.

Do Your Parents Need Home Care Help Be Mindful of These Signs

Mood Alterations and Forgetfulness

Though identifying depression in senior citizens is not easy, those who pay close attention to their parent or other loved one will be able to identify changes in outlook and demeanor that indicate depression. Money woes, health issues and the lack of friendships negatively influences mood. If your loved one is more irritable, lacks energy or no longer has interest in the activities he or she enjoyed in prior years, it is a sign of depression.

If you notice alterations in your loved one’s memory, an increase in forgetfulness or the mismanagement of medication, it is an indication of dementia. There is also a chance your family member is suffering from both depression and dementia at the same time. 

Assistance from a home care provider will lift your loved one’s spirit, give him/her something to look forward to and also prevent a spiraling depression that leads to suicidal thoughts. Home care service also provides invaluable reminders pertaining to medication, ensuring your family member takes his or her medication at the scheduled times every single day without exception.

AmeriBest Home Care is Here to Help

If you recognize the signs detailed above that indicate your parent needs home care, contact our Philadelphia home care specialists today. You can reach our home care providers by phone at 1-800-HOMECARE or by email at

Do Your Parents Need Home Care Help Be Mindful of These Signs

Thanksgiving 2021: To be, or not to Be 

This year’s Thanksgiving will be unlike any other. The cost of turkeys has skyrocketed and the fear of coronavirus continues to ominously hang overhead. You can still celebrate the holiday by taking the proper precautions at your Philadelphia home. 

The Safe Thanksgiving You and Your Loved Ones Deserve

The Thanksgiving celebration does not have to spread coronavirus throughout your family. If possible, move the celebration outdoors so everyone can breathe in the fresh air while enjoying turkey and all the fixings. There is no shame in wearing a mask while around loved ones until Thanksgiving dinner is ready. 

Above all, it will help to keep your celebration small. Limit the number of participants at your Thanksgiving dinner and you will have done your part to prevent the potentially deadly transmission of coronavirus between loved ones. 

Encourage Family Members to get Vaccinated

Vaccination is essential to safeguarding yourself as well as loved ones from COVID-19. If anyone invited to your holiday celebration is not vaccinated, encourage them to get the jab as soon as possible. Even one shot prior to Thanksgiving will help protect your family. 

Ideally, everyone who attends your Philadelphia Thanksgiving celebration will be fully immunized. Immunization helps to reduce the chances of severe illness as well as death. If everyone who attends your get-together is fully vaccinated, the event will be as close to normal as possible.

Thanksgiving 2021, Thanksgiving for seniors

Include the Kids

Kids between the ages of 5 and 11 are now eligible for vaccination. Have your kids vaccinated as soon as possible and you will be able to include them in your Thanksgiving celebration without even the slightest worry. Though your kids will not be fully vaccinated by the big day, partial vaccination will make a meaningful difference both in terms of health and wellness as well as your peace of mind. 

So don’t make any plans for a second “kids” table that is socially distanced from that of the adults. You can include vaccinated kids at the regular dinner table without worry by getting them vaccinated today.

Mind the Ventilation

If those attending your Thanksgiving celebration are not vaccinated, they can still interact with revelers at your home. However, it is in your interest as well as that of attendees to ventilate the area to the best of your ability. Open up the windows, turn on the ceiling fans and use air purifiers. Even opening a door every hour or so will improve ventilation, reducing the chances of a breakthrough case. 

Consider Rapid Testing

Though some family members might scoff at the idea of being rapid tested prior to socializing with their loved ones, it is in the interest of the collective family unit for such testing to be performed. Rapid tests generate results in mere minutes, providing everyone who attends the family get-together in Philadelphia, Allentown, or a nearby community with a truly invaluable peace of mind.

Learn More About Home Care by Connecting With AmeriBest Home Care

There is no shame in asking for Philadelphia home care assistance, especially when the grueling Philadelphia winter arrives. Our home care specialists are here to help you enjoy a high quality of life throughout the winter and beyond. Give us a call today at 1-800-HOMECARE or send us an email at to find out more about how our home care services will improve your quality of life or that of a loved one.

Halloween for the Elderly: COVID-proof Activities and Ideas

Halloween is only a week away. Now is the time to start preparing for trick-or-treaters, scheduling get-togethers and planning for other spooky Halloween festivities. If you are a senior citizen in Philadelphia or the child/grandchild of a local senior, do not assume the elderly cannot partake in all the fun Halloween activities. Be creative and you will find there are several ways to safely participate in Halloween even as the pandemic continues.

Whip up Some Tasty Halloween Treats

You can socially distance without completely skipping Halloween. Stay inside this year, bake some delicious cookies, cupcakes and other sugary concoctions with your family and play some Halloween music to get into the spirit of the holiday. A Graveyard Cake, a Berry Scary Martini and a Brainy Cupcake will lift your spirit and also provide something sweet to enjoy. 

A Halloween Movie Marathon

Instead of venturing out to a Philadelphia movie theater and risking exposure to coronavirus, stay inside and watch a couple Halloween movies with your parent, grandparent or other elderly relative. Fill a bowl with Halloween candy, stretch out on the couch with some warm blankets and enjoy a Halloween movie marathon.

Hold a Scavenger Hunt

If your parent or other elderly loved one is capable of walking and bending over without significant pain, hold a scavenger hunt on Halloween afternoon. Hide sweets and diminutive Halloween decorations around the house, dress up in a spooky costume and have a contest to see who can find the most Halloween treasures.

Create Your own Halloween Costume

As long as your beloved senior citizen doesn’t have painful hand/finger arthritis, creating a Halloween costume will be fun and fulfilling. Break out the sewing machine, draw some costume designs and bring them to life. Once your Halloween costumes are ready to go, load up on the candy and wait by the door for trick-or-treaters. 

Just be sure the costume you select doesn’t have a mask that restricts airflow.  Also, lean toward costumes that are more of a snug fit than a loose fit as costume elements that dangle or drag are that much more likely to result in a potentially debilitating trip and fall.

Consider Holding a Virtual Halloween Party

In-person Halloween parties will undoubtedly occur throughout the greater Philadelphia area and beyond this October. However, surrounding yourself with potential virus-carriers is especially dangerous if you are a senior citizen. 

You can enjoy the company of others without leaving your home by participating in a virtual Halloween party. If you are a Philadelphia senior citizen, ask your care provider or a family member to help you set up a Zoom videoconference where you interact with your family and friends through your computer and you won’t have to spend this Halloween alone. Be sure to don your favorite Halloween costume during the virtual get-together to enjoy this special time of the year to the fullest.

Schedule Home Care With AmeriBest

There is no shame in asking for help, especially when you have reached your golden years. If you or a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle in Philadelphia need assistance in the home, reach out to AmeriBest today. You can reach our Philadelphia care providers by phone at 215-925-3313 or through our contact form.

What is Respiratory Care and why Seniors and Caregivers Should Know About It?

The final week of October is Respiratory Care Week. Respiratory care becomes increasingly important throughout the aging process. If you have a senior in your life or are a senior yourself, you will greatly benefit from respiratory care knowledge and strategies. However, most people are understandably unaware as to what this unique type of care is really all about. Here’s a quick look at the basics of respiratory care for seniors.

Recognize the Importance of Respiratory Health for Seniors

Senior caretakers and seniors themselves tend to focus on the loss of bone strength throughout the aging process for good reason. Bone loss prevention is certainly important yet respiratory health is also essential to maintaining a high quality of life through the golden years. A senior with a chronic respiratory problem such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will struggle to perform self-care and complete the activities necessary for daily living. 

If you are a caretaker for a parent or grandparent, be sure to wash your hands before interacting with him or her to help prevent the transmission of germs that might cause an infection that leads to breathing difficulties. Even the common cold has the potential to cause breathing problems. 

It also makes sense for the senior in your life to minimize interactions with Philadelphia community members during flu season. Ideally, one or two primary caregivers will provide assistance to your elderly loved one during the winter months to minimize the potential transmission of germs and viruses.

Respiratory Care for Philadelphia Seniors

A respiratory problem makes it difficult to perform daily tasks, especially when you reach your 60s, 70s, and 80s. A senior diagnosed with such a condition will require ongoing assistance to do everything from bathing and grooming to meal preparation and even household tasks such as vacuuming. 

Respiratory problems have the potential to make it challenging to walk from the house to the car or even from the bedroom to the kitchen. Hold onto your parent’s arm when walking for additional support. The use of a walker or cane will also facilitate safe walking inside and outside of the home.

Mind the Indoor Air Quality

Most senior citizens spend the vast majority of their time indoors. Unfortunately, indoor air isn’t as clean as outdoor air. Though heating and cooling system filters remove some toxins and other particles from indoor air, they don’t remove every potential threat. Change these filters once every month or two to ensure they can trap as many nasty particles as possible. If you vacuum for the senior in your life, use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to eliminate as many allergens, pollen, dust, and other diminutive particles from the living space.

Help the Senior Citizen in Your Life Choose the Right Clothing

An elderly individual who struggles to breathe will find tight clothing makes it that much more difficult to breathe without impediment. In particular, overly-tight clothing around the abdominal region, the chest, and the neck can constrain breathing. Go clothes shopping with your elderly loved one, choose nonrestrictive garments including those with elastic bands for additional flexibility, and he or she will have that much more freedom to expand the chest and diaphragm for easy breathing.

AmeriBest Home Care is Here to Help

Our home care providers have helped seniors throughout the greater Philadelphia area enjoy a better quality of life. Whether you or your loved one has a respiratory ailment, mobility limitations, or simply struggles completing daily living tasks, our Philadelphia care providers are here to lend invaluable assistance. Contact us today at 215-925-3313 or by email at to coordinate service at your Philadelphia-area home.

National Cholesterol Education Month With the CDC

National Cholesterol Education Month With the CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has designated September as National Cholesterol Education Month. Cholesterol levels are often neglected as most people don’t want to make the dietary and life changes necessary for optimal health. However, the longer your cholesterol level remains elevated, the greater your chances are of suffering a serious health problem. Let’s take a quick look at why everyone living in and near Philadelphia should do what they can to keep their cholesterol level at a healthy level.

A Brief Explanation of Cholesterol’s Importance and Potential Harm

Cholesterol is a perfectly natural part of biological functionality. If cholesterol were not present, the human body would not be capable of creating healthy cells. However, there is good and bad cholesterol. The good variety, high-density lipoprotein, known by the acronym of HDL, assists in the elimination of the bad cholesterol from the body. Bad cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, referred to with the acronym of LDL, causes plaque to form in the arteries, heightening the chances of vascular problems, heart disease, clots, and even heart attack or stroke.

When Should Cholesterol Be Checked?

In an ideal world, cholesterol will be checked much sooner than it actually is. The average person living in Philadelphia waits until there is a serious health problem to address a cholesterol problem. Some people refuse to go to the doctor, meaning they don’t even know their cholesterol is high.

Adolescents and kids should have their cholesterol levels gauged by a medical professional. Those age 20 on up should have their cholesterol level checked once in every 4-6 years. However, those who have a high risk for cardiovascular disease due to genetics or lifestyle flaws (hamburger and fries, anyone?) should have their cholesterol checked every couple of years or even annually.

National Cholesterol Education Month With the CDC

Cholesterol in the Context of Race

Did you know that African-Americans are much more likely to have higher cholesterol levels than members of other races? In particular, African-American men are likely to have elevated cholesterol. This comparably high level is the result of a unique form of a gene found in African-Americans.

Tips To Keep Your Cholesterol Under Control

The most important thing you can do to keep your cholesterol at a healthy level is practice mindful eating and maintain a healthy diet.

Do not eat mindlessly in front of the TV or computer! Read food ingredient labels when shopping for groceries. Zero in on food products that do not contain trans fats. Trans fats elevate cholesterol and even damage the heart if consumed in excess or at a high frequency.

It will also help to prepare food the right way. Cut the fat and skin off from fish and meat prior to cooking it. This approach maximizes your protein intake while minimizing the amount of fat consumed. Instead of deep fat frying or breading your food, opt to poach, bake or broil it. Choose a healthy cooking method and you will have done your part to minimize your fat consumption, ultimately keeping your cholesterol in check.

Establishing a consistent workout routine also helps to lower your cholesterol. Exercise on most days of the week to feel the difference. Weight management also helps.

Quit smoking – within just one year of quitting, your risk of heart disease will be half that of a smoker!

Drink alcohol in moderation – surprisingly enough, moderate use of alcohol is linked with higher levels of HDL (the “good”) cholesterol.

Get Assistance With AmeriBest Home Care of Philadelphia

We are eager to provide you or your loved one in the greater Philadelphia area with assistance. Our home care services are held in high regard by our local community. Give us a call today at 215-925-3313, reach out to us via email at, or contact our team online to find out more about how we can help improve your quality of life with expert home care.