“In the United States, cigarette smoking is declining. However, the use of other tobacco products has remained unchanged or increased in recent years. Disparities in tobacco use also exist across population groups. The good news is that we know what works. Progress to reduce tobacco use in the United States can be accelerated by:
-Extending comprehensive smokefree indoor protections to 100% of the U.S. population.
-Raising the price of tobacco products to prevent youth from starting smoking, and encouraging tobacco smokers to quit completely.
-Expanding national media campaigns so that ads air more frequently and for longer periods.
-Helping tobacco users who want to quit by providing cessation resources that are readily available and affordable, and increasing awareness of these resources.
-Fully funding comprehensive statewide tobacco control programs at CDC-recommended levels.
-Expanding tobacco control surveillance, research, and evaluation efforts.”
Read more here: https://www.cdc.gov/features/worldnotobaccoday/index.html

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