If you live with a family member with disabilities or are caring for elderly parents, choosing care can be a hard decision. While the goal of living and aging at home is to live independently, the process of finding quality home care can be less empowering than it should be. That’s why AmeriBest Home Care works closely with families to tailor care, including working with the Agency with Choice program.
What Is Agency with Choice?
To help provide individuals and families more control over their in-home health care, the Office of Developmental Programs made Participant Direction Services (PDS) available. Agency with Choice is one of these services, allowing individuals or their representatives to have direct supervisory control over the care services they receive while the Financial Management Services (FMS), such as AmeriBest Home Care, handles the employer-related paperwork such as payroll and tax records.
What’s the Difference Between Agency with Choice and Contracting through a Care Agency?
Agency with Choice provides individuals and their families with more control over their care. When you contract with an agency like AmeriBest to supervise your care, the standards your caregiver meets are determined by the company. While you are the patient and client the caregiver is responsible for, the agency still acts as their direct supervisor.
With Agency with Choice, the caregiver is considered an employee of AmeriBest for the purposes of payroll, tax, and other employment considerations. However, you directly supervise and manage the care they provide. This makes it easier to tailor the services you need and empowers you or your representative to directly supervise your care.
Who Is Eligible?
Individuals who live with a disability or autism and live at home or with a family member or friend may be eligible for Agency with Choice. Not all in-home care services may qualify for the program. However, services typically covered include,
- In-home and community support services
- Companion services
- Respite services
- Homemaker and chore services
Is Agency with Choice in Philadelphia Right for You?
At AmeriBest Home Care, we want to empower you to choose the right care for you or your loved one. Whether you’re caring for elderly parents or someone with a disability, it’s important to consider your options carefully. Contact us today to discuss your options with one of our program coordinators.