If you’ve been looking for a caregiver home health aide (Harrisburg, PA), you are not alone and you may face hurdles. Throughout the US there is a shortage of family caregivers. As a result, the Health and Human Services Administration has created a National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers.
The strategy includes 150 actions focused on the private sector aimed at supplemental assistance with resources, particularly in long-term care. The RAISE Family Caregiving Act’s advisory panel joined in the effort, along with the public and professionals in the universe of home health care.
Caregivers, be they family members or trained professionals like AmeriBest Home Care Caregivers in Harrisburg, PA, have a critical role in the health and well-being of homebound individuals. Everyone ages and many of us will face a moment when we need assistance. It’s a difficult moment, challenging a person’s sense of individuality and pride. We all need somebody in our corner, and non-skilled caregivers do just that. They keep the company, assist with daily activities that are challenging for the care recipient, and provide invaluable support.
Who’s In? And Who’s Affected?
In this, the ACL (Administration for Community Living) joins in the 2022 strategy by presenting a vision and recommendations to help caregivers. They are gathering contributions and commitments from as many sectors both private and public as possible.
Consider that there are over 50 million people annually who require health assistance to maintain their quality of life. Of those, 70% utilizing home care are aged 65 or over. Many adults would not otherwise have the financial resources needed to maintain physical, emotional, and mental support without efforts such as this.
It is understandable that families WANT to help their aging loved ones, but it’s simply not always practical, or possible! For one, the family rarely has training in handling their loved one’s needs effectively. For another, the busy nature of life means that non-professional caregiving becomes spotty.
Most people caring for someone 50 or over have minimally part-time jobs, and their own core families to care for.
The average number of years family members contribute to caregiving is 5. It’s easy to burn out! This is where a dedicated home health aide agency like AmeriBest steps in as a helpmate. When you don’t want to consign an individual to a nursing home, trained aides in the home are a great solution!
While cost may concern you, Medicare, Medicaid, and various health insurance marketplaces have coverage for home and community-based services, provided by a caregiver home health aide in Harrisburg PA. There are some requirements for coverage, including personal resources and income, which is why it’s wise to work with a navigator who can walk you through the red tape. They make the process easier, as can an agency representative!
The Next Step
When you know your loved one wants to remain in their own house, and you know you cannot give them the time and attention they need for well-being, reach out to AmeriBest Home Care for Services in Harrisburg, PA.
There are several ways to reach us to get your all-important questions answered.
Call us at 1800-HOMECARE or 717-545-2920
Email us at info@ameribest.org
Use our contact page HERE.
Would you like to become a paid family caregiver home health aide in Harrisburg PA?
Please submit your application HERE.