As your loved ones get older, they may require extra care. You may choose to check your relative into a senior facility. But an AARP study shows 90% of adults over 65 prefer to age in place. Your best choice is to hire an in home caregiver Harrisburg, PA. The aid will assist your loved one with daily tasks. They will help them with personal and medical care. They will provide them with the assistance they need to live independently in their home.
It’s essential to find in home care services Harrisburg, PA that offer the right balance of skill and compassion. This article will discuss what to look for in your home health aide.
The literal meaning of compassion is “to suffer together.” It is a feeling that develops when you see someone suffering and feel motivated to relieve their pain. It is not the same as altruism or empathy but a related concept.
Compassion can be developed, but it cannot be learned. It is an innate quality often found in medical professionals.
So how does compassion come into play regarding in-home care services Harrisburg, PA? A home health aide will see the difficulty their client is having. They will come up with ways to make things easier.
This may include outright assistance. For example, if the senior has trouble eating, the caregiver may feed them.
Or the aid may use an angle that allows seniors to complete tasks independently. For instance, they may help a loved one rearrange their home to give them better access to the items they need often.
Skill is another necessary trait an in home caregiver Harrisburg, PA must have.
There are several skill sets a caregiver must develop. They must know the medical treatments their client needs. Their knowledge ensures they will oversee clients so they take their medications on time. They may also administer medications and treatment if recommended.
There are also several soft skills a caregiver must develop. They must be patient and put their client’s needs before their own. They must be adept at time management to ensure their caregiving duties are completed. They must be observant so they can recognize signs of deteriorating health.
What Sets AmeriBest In-Home Care Services Harrisburg, PA Apart
AmerBest believes we stand out thanks to our skilled, compassionate health aides and nursing assistants. We hire paraprofessionals that are vetted, trained, and covered by insurance. They can help clients with activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs).
We realize our highly skilled staff would be nothing without compassion. Our home aids will show a sense of caring and warmth while dealing with their clients. Our low turnover rate ensures your loved one receives consistent care from the same team member.
The decision to get your loved one additional care is not an easy one to make. Contact AmeriBest to discover what our in home care services Harrisburg, PA entails. We will help improve your elderly relative’s quality of life.