Most adults have no idea how to sign up for home health aide programs. If you are looking for home health aide programs in Harrisburg, PA, AmeriBest Home Care can answer your questions and offer guidance. Make a list of everything you’d like to know, at least right now. Inevitably, with all the paperwork involved in hiring a home caregiver, more issues arise.
One resource where you can find professional in-home caregivers in Harrisburg, PA, is Medicaid. Medicaid pays for in-home care (to one degree or another) in all 50 states. There are financial considerations and the need for a physician’s recommendation, but it offers relief. But more than that, Medicaid certifies agencies like AmeriBest Home Care. A company must abide by rules to work cooperatively with Medicaid for payments. Those rules protect you, as Medicaid will do regular surveys to ensure the regulations are met.
It doesn’t stop there. The State itself offers many senior services. They can coordinate things like durable medical systems and emergency response systems.
Getting Started
Individuals who are 65 or older and have a disability can apply for help from Medicare and Medicaid. Your disability must be a “qualifying” one. Medicare and Medicaid are secondary to any personal insurance you have. Many health insurers do offer in-home caregiving, like the services AmeriBest provides, but it may have a deductible and hour limit. For example, a person recovering from surgery has some personal insurance but must contribute $15 per 4-hour visit.
If you haven’t already signed up for Social Security, do so. Once you are enrolled, Social Security automatically signs you up for Medicaid. This applies to regular Social Security and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), depending on your circumstances. By way of illustration, a man of 54 becomes disabled due to surgery. He, his loved ones, or the hospital social worker, can apply for SSDI, through which they can receive in-home aide services.
A Closer Look
Remember, Medicare only covers in-home services when they are deemed medically necessary. Your case will be reviewed annually and signed off again by a physician who provides a plan of care. This is not necessarily a bad thing. If problems have worsened, you may qualify for more aide hours.
Pennsylvania participates in the Home and Community-Based Service Plan, funded by the federal government. It proves support beyond what you need for your health. There are 12 HCBS services for which you can apply currently, each with different types of eligibility.
Don’t forget to check to see if you have a long-term insurance policy through your place of employment. Usually, people sign up for these at hiring and then forget about them because any costs come right out of their paycheck. If you have it, keep it. The older you are, the harder it becomes to get this type of insurance.
AmeriBest Home Aide Programs in Harrisburg, PA
The face of caregiving is constantly undergoing a lift or a tuck of some type. It’s AmeriBest’s responsibility to remain aware of those changes and the benchmark for best practices. Our trained staff will review your options with you so you can make informed choices.
To contact us for more information, use our online contact form, email info@ameribest.org, or call 717-545-2920 or 1800-HOMECARE