No matter where you live, you’ve probably come across a family caregiver or a professional home health care aid, like those provided by AmeriBest Home Care in Harrisburg, PA. The sad reality is that (as of this writing) 133 million people have at least one chronic illness. Families are left with difficult decisions. Do they send them to a facility, or do they find a way to keep their loved one in the comfort of their home?
If they choose in-home health services, the family of the said individual may try and become the caregiver, attending to all the needs of their loved one. As you can imagine, the strain is palatable. Effectively they are trying to balance two lives into the time allowance for one.
What is Aging in Place?
But there’s good news. Relief is on the horizon with AmeriBest home care services in Harrisburg, PA. The person involved can “age in place.” The idea is to give seniors a sense of independence while maintaining matters of safety and other supports. The individual has greater self-esteem and a more positive attitude. There is less stress, and an in-home aide helps with socialization, too. For the family, having a professional caregiver is less expensive than facility care.
What About Medicare?
When an individual cannot afford home healthcare, Medicare coverage. Can provide financial help if you qualify. A person has to be homebound, require periodic care, and have a doctor who will prescribe the service. Additionally, Pennsylvania’s Department of Health and Human Services can cover some of the costs involved. If you are not sure if your family makes for a good candidate, call the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (215-765-9040) and get some answers. The staff at our AmeriBest home health services can also help guide you through the jumble.
It is worth noting that both Medicare and the Pennsylvania Department of Health Services will allow you to choose an aide. Your children, cousin, aunts, etc., can work in your home and get paid. This takes aging in place to another level of well-being. Now your loved one not only stays home but has a known individual caring for them.
Home Health Care: a Closer Look
A person receiving home health care receives different services than other people. It’s vital they receive individualized care. One person’s needs are not the same as someone else. At AmeriBest, we are committed to tailor-made care plans. Yours might include more than trained aides. Perhaps the person needs physical therapy, for example. That requirement goes into the plan, along with any other specialized necessities.
Basic services include:
- Light housekeeping
- Meal preparation
- Nutritional menus
- Socialization
- Bathing
- Spotting a person with mobility issues
Our compassionate and well-trained aides help individuals achieve self-sufficiency within their limitations. They keep an eye out for changes in a person’s behavior, speech, walking, etc. Any oddity immediately gets communicated to the person’s medical care team.
There are several ways to contact us for further information:
Phone: 717-545-2920
Email: info@ameribesthomecare.com
We look forward to hearing from you!