Caregivers in Allentown, PA, are likely facing the same rewards and responsibilities as caregivers nationwide. AARP estimates that 50.3 million adult caregivers in the United States provide unpaid care to their family members. Many of them probably want to give the best support to their loved ones, caring for them in the comfort of their own home instead of using an unfamiliar caregiver or assisted living facility. But at the same time, that can mean making tough decisions.
Family caregivers often spend their earnings or savings on care-related resources, like transportation. They may also have to endure long commutes to and from their relative’s home and take time off work to provide support. The value of family caregiving can’t be understated, but neither can the challenges.
Fortunately, there are resources available to caregivers in Allentown, PA, who want to be paid for their compassionate care.
Ways Caregivers in Allentown, PA Can Get Paid for Family Caregiving
If you’re considering becoming a paid family caregiver in Pennsylvania, it’s essential to understand the eligibility requirements and steps needed to receive financial assistance for your care.
Pennsylvania’s Medicaid Programs
Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that offers waivers that can compensate family caregivers. Various programs and waivers are available to residents, like the Managed Long-Term Services and Supports program (MLTSS) and the Home and Community-Based Services waiver (HCBS), which are available to caregivers in Allentown, PA.
To qualify through Medicaid, eligibility criteria must be met by both the caregiver and the recipient. These requirements are often functional and financial. First, the recipient will need to be deemed as requiring care for daily living activities, which a medical practitioner usually does. Next, they will need to be considered financially eligible for Medicaid. Once considered eligible, they can work with their county’s case manager or Independent Enrollment Broker to be enrolled in the program and determine which waiver best suits their needs.
The caregiver is generally required to be a family member. However, there are sometimes additional stipulations regarding age and relation to the recipient. In most cases, the program or waiver requires the family caregiver to receive some sort of training. That’s where AmeriBest Home Care can help.
Partnering with a Home Care Agency like AmeriBest Home Care
Medicaid waivers will not pay family caregivers directly. Instead, a participating home care agency, such as AmeriBest Home Care, must hire an approved family caregiver. The family member will become a regular employee, receiving compensation and accessing available benefits. Regular paychecks and benefits can take a huge burden off both the family caregiver and the loved one they are supporting.
Additionally, the agency will provide training, information, and ongoing development to ensure caregivers can offer the best support possible. AmeriBest Home Care is dedicated to providing continuing mentorship and development to all of its staff. We’re proud to partner with family caregivers in Allentown, PA, who are selflessly committed to their loved ones.
Are There Other Avenues for Caregivers in Allentown, PA, to Be Paid?
Medicaid is often the most sought-after way to get paid as a caregiver in Pennsylvania. Medicare does not offer payment for long-term care, regardless of whether the caregiver is a family member.
However, there are sometimes other possibilities for financial support. The US Department of Veteran Affairs is one option. For veterans who meet the eligibility requirements, an Aid & Attendance offering can increase the recipient’s monthly budget, which can then be used to pay a family caregiver. Alternatively, the Administration on Aging and Department of Aging Services may be able to offer some assistance for transportation, meal plans, respite, care, and housing, although they cannot pay you as a caregiver directly.
A final option is long-term care insurance. Certain insurance providers offer compensation for caring for a dependent family member. Still, it’s important to be aware of your coverage and premiums.
Why Caregivers in Allentown, PA, Turn to AmeriBest Home Care
AmeriBest Home Care is the ideal solution for families as a home care agency that hires, trains, and mentors family caregivers. We give you the resources and training you need to care for your loved one and receive compensation for doing so. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for both caregivers and their family members.
Contact AmeriBest today to learn more about becoming a paid family caregiver and all of the resources we have to offer.