National Long-Term Care Awareness Month: A Brief Guide

National Long-Term Care Awareness Month

Put your hands together for National Long-Term Care Awareness Month!

For seniors and caregivers alike, this is an incredibly important month. National Long-Term Care Awareness Month brings attention to the emotional hardships, the medical benefits, and the financial advantages of lasting homecare and caregiving.

In honor of the month, we’ve put together a quick guide on everything you need to know about long-term care.

What Is Long-Term Care?

Long-term care for seniors is centered around individual health and personal care. The goal of long-term care is to help with everyday tasks, enabling seniors to live their best lives stress-free and comfortably.

Long-term care is generally intended for seniors with disabilities, serious injuries, or ongoing medical conditions.

What Does a Long-Term Caregiver Do?

A home health aide providing long-term care usually helps with:

  • Dressing
  • Meal prep
  • Hair, skin, foot, nail, and oral care
  • Laundry
  • Transportation
  • Light housekeeping
  • And more

Trained health care providers can also offer long-term medical care, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and skilled nursing.

A caregiver providing long-term services doesn’t just go through the rote motions of routine but also creates a safe and warm environment for seniors.

How to Get Paid for Caregiving?

The majority of long-term care is done at-home. And, it is mostly done un-paid by family or friends. While providing care for a loved one is an extremely rewarding endeavor, it can also be time-consuming and emotionally draining.

If you or someone you know is providing long-term care, lighten the burden, and get paid to be a caregiver! You can get paid to do the work you’re already doing by simply signing up as a home health aide.

When you sign on to work with a premium home care agency like AmeriBest Home Care, you’ll receive more than just a job,  you’ll receive a lifelong career. AmeriBest provides its caregivers with paid training, competitive pay, flexible hours, medical benefits, career encouragement, and more.

National Long-Term Care Awareness Month

Who Can Get Paid for Caregiving in PA?

Pennsylvania has multiple programs that offer un-paid caregivers a chance to get reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses pertaining to their caregiving. Expenses such as food, medical supplies, health services, and more.

With these programs, many adults acting as primary caregivers can receive compensation for their work, even if they are caregiving for family members or friends.

However, if you’re looking for more than just reimbursement, working as a professional caregiver can provide you with financial security and life satisfaction.

At AmeriBest Home Care, we are committed to providing exceptional home health and personal care services to seniors and members of our community. And, when you join the AmeriBest family, you’re joining a cause. A cause to make sure no senior gets left behind. That every senior, no matter physical ability or financial status, is given a real opportunity to live their very best lives.

What could be more rewarding?

Join the AmeriBest family, and get paid to be a caregiver!

Сall today at (215) 925-3313 or 1800-HOMECARE (for PA residents).

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Tips and Advice for New Cancer Caregivers

Ameri Best- home care agency in philadelphia

As we begin Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we want to take a moment and help all those new to the caregiving world.

Caregiving is a wonderful and fulfilling role, but it comes with its hardships. That being said, we’ve put together a list of easy tips and helpful advice for new caregivers who will be working closely with patients diagnosed with cancer.

In solidarity with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, here are 5 tips for new caregivers:

1. Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About It

Breast cancer is not taboo.

In fact, one of the best ways to help cancer patients, past and future, is to talk about breast cancer and raise awareness. By openly discussing breast cancer, you remove the stigmas that dance around it. You allow men and women to feel comfortable asking questions and getting tested. You give victims and survivors an opportunity to share their stories and emotions. And, you offer knowledge and insight to those who would otherwise go unaware.

In a sense, talking about breast cancer is almost just as important as any treatment could be.

2. Brush up on Your Facts

The medical industry is constantly publishing new research and documentation. Reading these findings and staying up-to-date on the latest breast cancer news can help you better serve your seniors. Knowing the facts will enable you to make informed decisions in regard to your seniors’ health care, as well as allow you to have constructive conversations with your seniors about breast cancer.

It’s also wise to brush up on the basic facts regarding breast cancer (what it is, preventative care, treatment, etc.), so that you can feel comfortable answering your seniors’ questions on the topic.

3. Ask for Guidance When Needed

Sometimes you just need an outside opinion or new perspective. There’s no shame in that. Even the most experienced medical professionals ask advice from one another. Because, at the end of the day, we’re all in this together.

If you’re feeling uncertain or unsure, never be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to other medical professionals in the field, caregivers, or experienced friends for a little advice and guidance.

4. Separate Your Emotions

Make sure you’re taking your own emotional health into account.

As a caregiver, it’s all too easy to get swept up in the emotions of those you care for. And, sometimes those emotions are extremely intense.

For that reason, it’s important to listen to your seniors and understand what they are going through, but do not let their pain become yours. Know where your emotions end and where your seniors’ emotions begin.

Sympathizing without taking on another’s emotions is a skill that often comes with years of practice. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, the best thing to do in the beginning is give yourself a little break – a morning, an afternoon, or a day off. And, be sure to remind yourself of the wonderful work you are doing as a caregiver.

Join our caregivers’ team, contact us today! 215-925-3828

Staying Safe as a Home Health Worker (Official Guidance)

As home health workers, we care for those vulnerable and at-risk to get severely ill from COVID-19. Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your clients. Below is the City of Philadelphia – Department of Public Health’s official document for home health workers.

You can also download this brochure by clicking here. Stay safe!




Protecting the Senior Community of Philadelphia During COVID-19

With so many heads turned toward the actual COVID-19 virus, the number of deaths caused by other indirect factors has received little to no attention.

Unfortunately, a large percentage of deaths during the pandemic have actually been caused by conditions other than the virus itself. Albeit, not unrelated to the virus.

With all hands on deck dedicated toward helping those immediately affected by COVID-19, fewer resources have been available to those in need of other types of care. Many seniors have suffered from not getting fast enough medical attention, as well as from lack of emotional and financial support.

The struggles have been especially hard for seniors who live alone and rely heavily on friends and family visiting. While social distancing has been a successful precaution against the virus, it has also caused many dilemmas for seniors who need help with daily activities.

In light of these deficiencies, many organizations and outreach groups have stepped up to give a lending hand to seniors in need. From grocery shopping to social phone calls, individuals have been working hard to ensure that our seniors stay safe and secure.

Supporting the Senior Community of Philadelphia

One such group that has persevered in its assistance for older adults is the leading home care agency – AmeriBest Home Care. Located in the heart of Philadelphia, AmeriBest has done nothing but focus on caring for its older adult community during the pandemic.

Here are just a few of the ways in which AmeriBest Home Care continues to care for its seniors and its caregivers.

Continual support for clients.

As an essential business, AmeriBest Home Care has been open and functioning throughout the entirety of the pandemic. AmeriBest’s caregivers have worked tirelessly to find careful and innovative ways of serving their clients in order to ensure that those in need still receive the medical and emotional help they require. AmeriBest caregivers continue to help seniors with acquiring food, medical supplies, medical treatments, doctors’ appointments, as well as help with everyday living activities.

Continual support for caregivers.

AmeriBest’s priority is not just its clients, but also its caregivers who give up so much to help those in need. Right from the start of the pandemic, AmeriBest’s administration dedicated its time to keeping caregivers in the loop with up-to-date information on the virus, as well as guidelines for how to handle COVID-19 situations that could arise with clients. AmeriBest continues to gather and share resources with caregivers to help them protect themselves and be the best caregivers they can be.

Taking COVID-19 precautions.

In order to ensure the safety of both caregivers and clients, AmeriBest Home Care has instructed all caregivers to wear personal protective equipment, wash hands for 20 seconds, use hand sanitizer, and to always be cognizant of coughing and/or sneezing into tissues and not touching their faces.

In addition to the above-mentioned precautions, AmeriBest Home Care also adheres to social distancing, increased office cleaning, the limiting of large social gatherings, and consistent monitoring of any and all virus updates.

For more information on how AmeriBest Home Care is taking steps to ensure the safety of seniors and caregivers alike, give us a call at (215) 925-3313.

We’re here for you.

What It Means to Be a Black Caregiver

What It Means to Be a Black Caregiver

In solidarity with Black Americans all over the country, raise a fist for Black caregivers of Philadelphia.

Despite social and financial inequality, Black caregivers have stood strong against the odds and made a space for themselves in the field of home care. Even now, amidst a worldwide epidemic, they continue to give help and support their clients.

They are the unsung heroes of our community, and it’s time to give them the recognition they deserve.

To all the Black American caregivers – we see you, we hear you, and we stand with you.

Food Drive and Personal Protective Equipment GIVEAWAY

Food Drive and Personal Protective Equipment - AmeriBest Home Care

AmeriBest Home Care will be hosting a Food Drive
and Personal Protective Equipment giveaway!

WHEN: on Saturday, June 27th, from 3 pm to 6 pm
WHERE: 990 Spring Garden St, Philadelphia, PA 19123

If you are an AmeriBest Caregiver or an AmeriBest Patient – WE WANNA SEE YOU THERE
at the back parking lot of our building at N 10th / Spring Garden St.


This is a first come – first serve event.

We will be giving out FREE FOOD such as:
• Milk 🥛
• Eggs 🥚
• Cereal 🥣
• Vitamins 💊 etc.

We will also be giving out Personal Protective Equipment such as:⠀
• Surgical masks 😷
• Hand sanitizer 🧴🤲
• Gloves 🧤

For more information, please call ☎️ 1800-HOMECARE




HELP US IMPROVE: Survey for Patients and Caregivers

Survey for Patients and Caregivers

AmeriBest HomeCare is conducting this survey in order to get a better understanding of employee morale, satisfaction (customer and associate), engagement/communication at AmeriBest and service. Your opinions are important to us, and this survey is your chance to express those opinions.

We will be collecting the data through the month of June, conducting analysis and will formulate a resulting communication and actions items as deemed necessary. We ask that you be honest as these are anonymous. All information is helpful in building a stronger company going forward. Below is the link to click on that will take you directly to the survey questions.

Survey for all Patients:

Survey for all PCAs:

Survey for Patients and Caregivers 1

You can also scan a QR code to easily access the survey:

Download Client’s Survey QR Code

Download PCA’s QR Code

Coping with a Disaster or Traumatic Event

Coping with a Disaster or Traumatic Event - AmeriBest Home Care

Disasters can be challenging to cope with emotionally. You must take care of your emotional and mental health after a disaster and pay attention to how you are feeling. You should also consider how your family members act and feel after an accident, especially if you are in any immediate physical danger.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a set of genuinely exceptional circumstances for many of us. As such, it is natural to feel stressed and uneasy during this time. Make sure you take care of your emotional well-being, as well as that of your loved ones. By doing so, you can ensure that you are ready and able to respond to unexpected situations. Some of the following tips may be useful to you:

Everybody reacts to disasters and calamities in different ways. However, this does not mean that we should neglect or pay less attention to our mental and emotional health. If you have recently experienced a disaster or traumatic event, make sure you take care of your mental health in the aftermath and the well-being of your loved ones.

Download PDF.