Finding Peace of Mind with Reliable Home Care Services in Harrisburg, PA

Finding Peace of Mind with Reliable Home Care Services in Harrisburg, PA

Home care services in Harrisburg, PA, offer a variety of benefits to loved ones. But just as important is their ability to promote peace of mind. You will feel better knowing your elderly relative is well cared for.

This article will discuss the various ways home care agencies in Harrisburg, PA, take the stress of caring for a loved one off your shoulders.

You Know Your Loved One is Safe

You worry about your elderly loved ones. You may wonder if they will fall, eat something unhealthy, fail to take their medicines, or become the victim of a violent crime.

A caregiver will look out for them. They will make sure they eat healthy and take their meds. They will check that windows and doors are locked. They will assist them when getting up and down and keep walkways clean to minimize fall risks.

Home Care is Beneficial to Mental Health

Seniors often get depressed due to isolation and failing health. A home aide offers companionship and prevents them from dwelling on negative thoughts. They can take them to community events where they can interact with others. They can teach them to use social media so they can interact with others virtually.

Home Care Services Improve Physical Health

A caregiver will look out for your loved one’s physical health. They will make sure they stick to the medical routines. They will help them shop and prepare healthy foods. They will keep them safe from falls. If an emergency occurs, they will be there to call for help.

Finding Peace of Mind with Reliable Home Care Services in Harrisburg, PA

It Takes the Stress Off Your Shoulders

Many people care for their elderly loved ones themselves. They feel it will help them save money. They may also prefer to have someone familiar care for their relatives rather than a stranger.

But over time, caregiving takes its toll. You may not have the time or temperament to be a caregiver. You may feel put upon and may even think you are being taken advantage of. The right home care agencies in Harrisburg, PA, will match you with a caregiver that best suits your loved one’s needs and personality. They have senior care training, understand their clients’ temperaments, and can take some of the burden of caregiving off your shoulders.

Home Health Care Provides Resources

Caregivers can provide resources that make it easier to care for loved ones. They can recommend the best medical alert solutions, suggest community groups, and recommend equipment that helps loved ones get around. Their input will add value to your life.

AmeriBest is Your Perfect Solution for Home Care Services in Harrisburg, PA

AmeriBest is a top choice for home care services in Harrisburg, PA. We provide various non-medical services, including meal preparation, medication reminders, transportation, self-care assistance, and much more. We offer a professionally trained staff, quick and easy care, and the ability to deliver peace of mind.

Caregiving is tough. Don’t go it alone. Contact AmeriBest today. We will help you and your loved one achieve a higher quality of life.


Navigating the Costs of In-Home Health Care in Harrisburg, PA: What to Expect

in home health care harrisburg pa

There comes a time in many people’s lives when they find that their elderly relatives need extra care. Home health care is a good option as it allows seniors to get the care they need at home. It is also more affordable than residential care. But it can still cost a considerable amount. This article will review your options for paying for in-home health care in Harrisburg, PA, so you can determine how to make it more affordable.

Does Medicare Cover Home Care in Harrisburg, PA?

Medicare provides coverage to seniors meeting specific eligibility requirements as follows:

  • You have an illness or injury-related mobility limitations that prevent you from leaving your home without help
  • A medical provider has recommended that you don’t leave your home because of your condition
  • You are under a doctor’s care
  • You require treatment from a skilled practitioner

If you meet these requirements, you can receive coverage for:

  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Part-time or intermittent skilled nursing
  • Speech therapy
  • Medical social services
  • Certain medications
  • Medical equipment and supplies

Medicare doesn’t pay for:

  • 24-hour daycare
  • Meal delivery
  • Homemaker services like cooking and cleaning
  • Assistance with daily activities

Does Insurance Cover Home Care in Harrisburg, PA?

Private insurance may cover a portion of home care services. Like Medicare, it will cover skilled in-home care, but it does not cover medical care. Check with the agency beforehand to ensure they accept your insurance.

Do Veteran’s Benefits Cover In-Home Health Care Harrisburg, PA?

Veterans of any age may qualify for homemaker care if they meet eligibility requirements and if the care is available. They may be eligible for care that includes:

  • 24/7 nursing
  • Physical therapy
  • Assistance with daily tasks
  • Pain management
  • Respite care

They may receive assistance in the comfort of their home or at assisted living centers, adult day centers, private homes, and nursing homes.

Medicaid for Homecare Harrisburg, PA

Medicaid is health insurance for low-income individuals. It supports home health care. Eligibility varies from state to state.

Financial Assistance for In-Home Health Care Harrisburg, PA

State non-Medicaid programs assist low-income seniors who are not eligible for Medical. They are often called “nursing home diversion programs.” Eligibility requirements and funding vary from program to program and state to state.

Other Options

Families interested in in-home health care in Harrisburg, PA, may explore other money-saving options. They can investigate tax credits and deductions that they can use to counter the expense of health care services. They can also research programs that allow seniors to save in other ways. They may offer discounts on home payments and utility bills.

Some non-profits offer care assistance for seniors with certain health conditions.

Contact AmeriBest Caregivers in Harrisburg!

If your loved one is ready for in-home care services in Harrisburg, AmeriBest is a choice provider.

AmeriBest offers high-quality, non-skilled home care services for the valued members of our community. We work with a variety of insurance providers. Our skilled staff will make your loved one feel comfortable in their homes. Contact us to learn more! Call 1800-HOMECARE and get the care you need and deserve.

Home Care Services in Harrisburg PA: Enabling Dignified and Personalized Care

home care services harrisburg pa

Some seniors resist getting home care services in Harrisburg, PA, as they get older. But they don’t realize that home care can make them more independent. With personalized care, they will be treated with dignity and can participate in the things they enjoy doing. Read on to find out what you should look for in a provider that offers dignified and personalized home care in Harrisburg.

What is Personalized Home Care?

Home care should not be one size fits all. Personalized care is the best option for customer satisfaction. It must consider the following:

The Needs of the Client: Different clients have different needs. Some may require general assistance with everyday tasks. This type of service encompasses meal preparation, shopping, light housekeeping, companionship, and more.

Other seniors may have medical needs. They may require special care for conditions they are dealing with.

The agency you work with should offer various services following your loved ones’ needs. You should not have to pay for more than you require.

Your Client Personality: It’s essential that the client feels comfortable with their caregiver. The agency should match seniors with aides best suited to their personalities.

Schedule: The agency should schedule care that fits the client’s and family’s needs. Some families may only require care when caregiver relatives are at work. Others may need temporary care when relatives are on vacation. Some will require 24/7 care, while other seniors only need care for a few hours a day. A customized schedule will add convenience and save clients money.

How Do Home Care Services Promote Independence and Dignity?

Some seniors may see home care as taking away their independence. But they don’t realize that a health aide will make them more independent by allowing them to age in place. Here are some ways they will help improve your loved one’s quality of life.

Errand Assistance: The caretaker can provide transportation and errand assistance. They can take them to social events, accompany them on shopping trips, and more. They will help them maintain an active lifestyle.

Organization to Make Tasks Easier: The aide can organize the home to make tasks easier. For example, they can place all bath items near the bath so seniors can bathe themselves. They will place medications in critical locations. They will make it easy for clients to stay on their medication schedules.

Improves Health: A home aide keeps seniors healthy by encouraging them to exercise and eat right. They will offer mental stimulation. As a result, the client will be more mobile and alert. They will perform more tasks independently.

Some seniors feel that home care services in Harrisburg, PA, will hinder their lifestyles. However, personalized, dignified care can make them more independent. It will improve their quality of life.

If you are looking for home healthcare for your loved one, call Ameribest first. We provide high-quality non-medical healthcare to valued members of our community. Our staff is well-trained, caring, and compassionate.

Contact us to learn more about what we have to offer.

Home Health Aide Services in Harrisburg, PA

Home Health Aide Services in Harrisburg, PA

Living independently works best when we engage in an active lifestyle; however, as we grow older, that engagement can be harder. Let’s look at the ways that a caregiver or home health aide could help seniors enjoy aging at home, in Harrisburg, PA.

Reclaiming Abilities

As we age, even simple tasks can become more challenging. Arthritis, limited mobility, and chronic health conditions can all impact our ability to perform daily tasks. Home health aides help seniors find ways to make these tasks easier. In some cases, this means doing things for the senior they’re no longer able to do. In others, it involves helping them select mobility aides and find alternate ways to do things.

Exercising Regularly

Exercise is important to a healthy life. Fortunately, it doesn’t require rigorous workouts at a gym. Walks in your neighborhood and gardening both provide seniors with the ability to get out and move around. T’ai Chi and low-impact aerobics are also excellent for helping seniors maintain balance and coordination and improve their health. Home health aides help ensure seniors don’t over-exert themselves and can help them manage more challenging aspects of exercise when they have limited mobility or a health condition.


Our ability to socialize is a mark of our independence. Home health aide services help seniors get out into their community for religious services, outings with friends and family, and even volunteering.

Mental Engagement

We need to exercise more than our body as we age. We also need to exercise our minds. Home health aides provide companionship services that can involve playing games, putting together puzzles, and engaging in hobbies.

caregiver home health aide harrisburg pa

Updating the Home

Home health aides help seniors evaluate their home for risks and make improvements as needed. They can help install handrails in showers and next to toilets. They can also help rearrange the home to avoid clutter and make items seniors need daily accessible without having to reach or bend.

Keeping a Regular Schedule

We often think of keeping a schedule as a need for a busy life on the go, when we’re balancing a career, family, and free time. However, seniors in their retirement years also benefit from a regular schedule. It helps ensure that they set aside time for exercise, meal planning, and social engagement. Managing a schedule also helps seniors ensure they make important appointments. Home health aides help seniors monitor their schedule and make changes when needed.

Are You Looking for a Caregiver Home Health Aide in Harrisburg, PA?

If you’re looking for a caregiver home health aide in Harrisburg, PA, for yourself or a loved one, contact us today. One of our program coordinators can discuss your needs and help you select the program and services that are right for you.

Enhancing Quality of Life: The Role of Home Care Services in Harrisburg, PA

home healthcare harrisburg pa

As Americans grow older and life expectancy increases, well-being and quality of life will become increasingly more important. Home healthcare in Harrisburg, PA, plays a crucial role in supporting elderly residents. Let’s explore how a caregiver or a home health aide can enhance the quality of life for you or your senior loved one.


Promoting Independence Through Home Healthcare in Harrisburg, PA

Maintaining independence is vital for the overall well-being of senior citizens. Caregivers and home health aides offer personalized support tailored to a senior’s individual needs, ensuring they can continue living in the comfort of their own homes. By helping seniors with activities, they may struggle with due to limited mobility, chronic illness, or disability; caregivers are able to help seniors live independently and build their sense of independence.


Ensuring Safety and Security

At AmeriBest Home Care, we recognize that independent living for seniors requires safety first. Our expert caregivers help seniors identify potential hazards and create a secure living space to reduce the risk of falls and injuries. A caregiver also provides peace of mind for seniors and their families, who know someone is available immediately if there is ever an emergency.


Social Engagement and Companionship

Loneliness and social isolation are significant challenges many seniors face. Home care services in Harrisburg, PA, like AmeriBest Home Care, play a vital role in combating these challenges by providing social engagement and companionship. From transportation services to companionship activities like hobbies and meals, our caregivers are present to help improve seniors’ quality of life. By helping to facilitate social engagement, caregivers and home health aides help the seniors build community and foster a sense of belonging and participation.


Personalized Healthcare and Medication Management

Whether managing an illness, chronic health condition, or disability, medication is often a crucial component of a senior’s healthcare. However, managing medication can be challenging for seniors. Home Health care services in Harrisburg, PA, provide medication reminders and help seniors manage multiple prescriptions. They can also help seniors remember prescription refill requests and help them navigate the complex healthcare system to ensure their needs are met. This helps to improve seniors’ overall health and well-being, contributing to an improved quality of life.


Nutritional Support and Meal Planning

Nutrition is another key component to a good quality of life. Our caregivers and home health aides assist with grocery shopping, meal preparation, and monitoring of dietary restrictions. They can also help seniors make healthy choices in foods and plan out snacks to help them keep their energy up throughout the day.


Are You Looking for Home Care Services in Harrisburg, PA?

If you’re looking for a caregiver or home health aide for you or a loved one, contact us today. One of our program coordinators can discuss your needs and help you select the program and services that are right for you.


CDPAP in Harrisburg, PA: Empowering Seniors and Their Caregivers to Make Their Own Choices

CDPAP in Harrisburg PA

As individuals age, it becomes crucial to prioritize their autonomy and empower them to make decisions regarding their care. Senior citizens deserve the freedom to choose the type of assistance they receive, ensuring their unique needs are met while maintaining a sense of independence. The Consumer Directed Program (CDPAP) plays a significant role in giving seniors control over their home-based care. Let’s explore why choice is essential for seniors and how the CDPAP in Harrisburg, PA, supports this objective.

Personalized Care and Dignity

Allowing seniors to select their own care fosters personalized assistance tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Everyone’s requirements are unique, and by giving them the freedom to choose, we honor their dignity and individuality. The CDPAP in Harrisburg, PA, enables seniors to select their caregivers, ensuring compatibility and fostering a comfortable and trusting relationship. Particularly, by being actively involved in the selection process, seniors can choose caregivers who are there to stay.

Enhanced Quality of Life through CDPAP in Harrisburg, PA

Having control over their care positively impacts seniors’ quality of life. Receiving care from someone they choose fosters a sense of security and contentment. Studies have shown that empowering seniors in their care decisions improves overall mental and physical health, reduces stress, and enhances their overall quality of life.

Improved Health Outcomes

When seniors can choose their own care, it has a direct impact on their health outcomes. By being actively involved in the decision-making process, seniors can select caregivers who are trained and experienced in addressing their specific health needs. The CDPAP in Harrisburg, PA, ensures that seniors receive care from qualified professionals who can provide specialized support. This personalized approach leads to better adherence to medication regimens, more effective management of chronic conditions, and overall improved health outcomes.

Control Over Care

The CDPAP in Harrisburg, PA provides seniors with flexibility and control over their home-based care. Not only do they choose the caregiver that best meets their needs, but they can also even negotiate the terms of employment with the caregiver. This makes their caregivers accountable to them and their family first and foremost, which provides greater security to seniors and their families.

Participating in the CDPAP in Harrisburg, PA

To participate in the Consumer Direct Program, seniors and their families can access resources through the Pennsylvania Department of Aging. The website provides guidance, information, and eligibility criteria to help them get started.

Choosing one’s care is a fundamental right that seniors should exercise to maintain their autonomy and enhance their quality of life. The Consumer Directed Program in Harrisburg, PA, plays a crucial role in giving seniors control over their home-based care. Through personalized care, improved health outcomes, and the promotion of independence and empowerment, the CDPAP ensures that seniors in Harrisburg, PA, can maintain their dignity, make informed choices, and receive the care they need while remaining in the comfort of their own homes.

Are You Looking for Home Care in Harrisburg, PA?

Lastly, If you’re looking for home health care for you or a loved one, contact us today.

One of our program coordinators can discuss your needs and help you select the program and services right for you.

AmeriBest Home Care in Harrisburg, PA: Redefining In-Home Care for Seniors and Their Families

senior care harrisburg pa

As the aging population continues to grow, the need for reliable and compassionate senior home care services has become increasingly important. AmeriBest senior care in Harrisburg, PA, is dedicated to redefining in-home care for seniors and their families. With a commitment to personalized care and a wide range of services, AmeriBest is transforming the way seniors age in the comfort of their own homes.

Understanding Home Care in PA

Home care refers to a comprehensive range of medical and non-medical services delivered in a person’s home. It is designed to support individuals who may require assistance with,

  • Activities of daily living
  • Health monitoring
  • Personal Care
  • Medication management
  • Companionship
  • Housekeeping and meal preparation
  • Transportation

Home care services are an excellent option for seniors who wish to maintain their independence while receiving the care they need.

AmeriBest Home Care: Providing Exceptional Senior Care in Harrisburg, PA

AmeriBest Home Care is a leading provider of senior home care in Harrisburg, PA, and the surrounding areas. Their team of highly trained caregivers is committed to delivering personalized care that meets the unique needs of everyone. Whether it’s assistance with personal hygiene, medication reminders, meal preparation, or companionship, AmeriBest caregivers provide the highest quality of care with compassion and respect.

Comprehensive Services Tailored to Individual Needs

AmeriBest Home Care offers a wide range of services to cater to the specific requirements of seniors and their families. These services include,

  • Assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and grooming
  • Medication management
  • Mobility support

In addition to our services, AmeriBest caregivers provide emotional support and companionship, helping seniors combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. With flexible scheduling options, clients can choose the level of care that suits their needs, ensuring a personalized and comfortable experience.

Experienced and Compassionate Caregivers

AmeriBest Home Care takes great pride in its team of experienced and compassionate caregivers. They undergo thorough background checks, training, and ongoing supervision to ensure the highest standards of care. Our caregivers are not only skilled in providing physical support but also excel at building meaningful connections with seniors. By fostering a warm and nurturing environment, AmeriBest caregivers create a sense of trust and security for both seniors and their families.

AmeriBest Home Care in Harrisburg, PA, is revolutionizing the concept of in-home care for seniors and their families. With a commitment to personalized care, comprehensive services, and compassionate caregivers, AmeriBest ensures that seniors can age comfortably in the familiar surroundings of their own homes. By redefining senior home care, AmeriBest is making a positive impact on the lives of seniors in Harrisburg and beyond.

Are You Looking for Home Care in Harrisburg, PA?

If you’re looking for home health care for you or a loved one, contact us today. One of our program coordinators can discuss your needs and help you select the program and services that are right for you.

Home Health Care Agencies in Harrisburg, PA

home health care agencies harrisburg pa

An AARP study indicates that 77% of adults older than 50 prefer to age in place.  Home health care agencies Harrisburg, PA can provide the assistance you need to keep your loved one at home as long as possible. They offer help with daily tasks so seniors can live independently and enjoy a high quality of life.

The Benefits of Seniors Aging in Place

Aging in place offers several benefits to seniors. Here are some to consider:

Improves Mental Well-being: Seniors that stay in place are happier. Positive mental well-being is conducive to improved physical well-being. It reduces anxiety and depression that may contribute to pain and disease.

Saves Money: Nursing homes are typically more expensive than living at home with a home health aide. A home health aide is a money-saving option for people on a fixed budget and their loved ones.

Maintaining Community Connections: Many older adults have valuable community connections. They may be friendly with their neighbors. They may participate in community organizations. Checking into a nursing home would mean losing these beneficial ties.

Preserves Independence: Seniors enjoy having control over their lives. They like to make their schedules, shop for items that make them happy, and live in a comfortable setting. Aging at home allows them to continue living independently into their twilight years.

It Benefits Cognitive Function: Age-related memory loss is more likely to affect short-term memory than long-term memory. Taking a senior from their home reduces their connection with their long-term memories stripping their foundation for stimuli. It causes seniors confusion and stress. It increases the risk and severity of cognitive decline.

Home Health Care Agencies of Harrisburg, PA

Home health care agencies Harrisburg, PA support aging in place by delivering high-quality medical and personal care in the comfort of your own home. Facilities can work out a plan that takes care of your loved one’s needs so they can live more independently in other ways. Here are some of the services we offer:

  • Personal care assistance such as help getting dressed, bathing, preparing food, etc.
  • Personal errands: Home care aides can take clients to the grocery store and accompany them on other daily errands. They can also take them to a from doctor visits.
  • Medical Assistance: Aides can provide light medical assistance. They can check vitals, oversee medication administration, and assist with some treatments.

How AmeriBest Can Help

There are many home health care agencies Harrisburg, PA to choose from, but AmeriBest takes an approach that sets us apart.

AmeriBest provides high-quality care to the valued members of our community. We assess our client’s needs and develop a plan best suited to their lifestyle. We match them with a skilled, compassionate aide that fits their personality type and has experience dealing with their conditions.

Your loved one will be happiest aging in place. Ameribest offers the care they need for optimal well-being. Contact us to find out how we can improve your senior relative’s quality of life.

Medicaid Coverage After the COVID-19 Emergency: What You Need to Know

covid medicaid update

As the COVID-19 public health emergency comes to an end, it is essential to understand the implications for Medicaid recipients. Previously, the emergency designation provided a safety net, allowing individuals on Medicaid to maintain coverage despite changes in their circumstances. However, with the conclusion of the emergency, it becomes crucial for Medicaid beneficiaries to take proactive steps to ensure the continuity of their medical insurance coverage.

Ensuring Continuity of Medicaid Coverage

According to, certain Medicare and Medicaid waivers and flexibilities that were put in place during the COVID-19 public health emergency will no longer be necessary and will expire. These waivers and flexibilities were implemented to expand access to care, provide flexibility to healthcare providers, and increase the capacity of the healthcare system.

Action Steps To Maintain Your Medicaid Coverage

1. Update your information: Make sure to update your information in COMPASS or contact 1-877-395-8930 or 1-215-560-7226 for assistance.

2. Renewal options:
– Look for renewal forms in the mail and complete them.
– Complete your renewal through COMPASS.
– Renew by phone by calling 1-866-550-4355.

3. Explore alternatives if no longer eligible: If you are no longer eligible for Medicaid, Pennsylvania offers free and low-cost health insurance options. Visit Pennie or CHIP if you have children under the age of 19.

Available Assistance

If you need assistance during this process, the following resources are available: and COMPASS
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services: Contact them at 1-877-395-8930 or 1-215-560-7226 for further assistance.
Pennsylvania Health Action Network: Reach out to the helpline at 877-570-3642 or email for additional support.
– 311 in Philadelphia

Exploring Health Insurance Alternatives

While some individuals may remain eligible for Medicaid, others may no longer meet the requirements. In such cases, it is important to explore alternative options for medical insurance coverage. Pennsylvania provides free and low-cost health insurance alternatives through the Pennie marketplace. For coverage options for children under 19, consider exploring CHIP.

AmeriBest Home Care Is Here to Help

The end of the COVID-19 public health emergency will impact many Medicaid recipients. Taking the necessary steps to maintain medical insurance coverage is crucial. By promptly updating information, renewing coverage, and exploring alternative options if necessary, Medicaid beneficiaries can ensure continuity of care and find peace of mind regarding their health coverage. Remember, assistance is available from various resources to help navigate this process effectively. Take action today to secure your Medicaid coverage and stay protected in these changing times.

Contact AmeriBest at 1800-HOMECARE for further assistance or learn more HERE.

In Home Caregiver in Harrisburg, PA: Providing Compassionate and Skilled Assistance to Aging Adults

in home caregiver harrisburg pa

As your loved ones get older, they may require extra care. You may choose to check your relative into a senior facility. But an AARP study shows 90% of adults over 65 prefer to age in place. Your best choice is to hire an in home caregiver Harrisburg, PA. The aid will assist your loved one with daily tasks. They will help them with personal and medical care. They will provide them with the assistance they need to live independently in their home.

It’s essential to find in home care services Harrisburg, PA that offer the right balance of skill and compassion. This article will discuss what to look for in your home health aide.


The literal meaning of compassion is “to suffer together.” It is a feeling that develops when you see someone suffering and feel motivated to relieve their pain. It is not the same as altruism or empathy but a related concept.

Compassion can be developed, but it cannot be learned. It is an innate quality often found in medical professionals.

So how does compassion come into play regarding in-home care services Harrisburg, PA? A home health aide will see the difficulty their client is having. They will come up with ways to make things easier.

This may include outright assistance. For example, if the senior has trouble eating, the caregiver may feed them.

Or the aid may use an angle that allows seniors to complete tasks independently. For instance, they may help a loved one rearrange their home to give them better access to the items they need often.


Skill is another necessary trait an in home caregiver Harrisburg, PA must have.

There are several skill sets a caregiver must develop. They must know the medical treatments their client needs. Their knowledge ensures they will oversee clients so they take their medications on time. They may also administer medications and treatment if recommended.

There are also several soft skills a caregiver must develop. They must be patient and put their client’s needs before their own. They must be adept at time management to ensure their caregiving duties are completed. They must be observant so they can recognize signs of deteriorating health.

What Sets AmeriBest In-Home Care Services Harrisburg, PA Apart

AmerBest believes we stand out thanks to our skilled, compassionate health aides and nursing assistants. We hire paraprofessionals that are vetted, trained, and covered by insurance. They can help clients with activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs).

We realize our highly skilled staff would be nothing without compassion. Our home aids will show a sense of caring and warmth while dealing with their clients. Our low turnover rate ensures your loved one receives consistent care from the same team member.

The decision to get your loved one additional care is not an easy one to make. Contact AmeriBest to discover what our in home care services Harrisburg, PA entails. We will help improve your elderly relative’s quality of life.