Our First Corporate-Wide Surveys!

Our First Corporate-Wide Surveys! - AmeriBest Home Care

Good morning!

We are launching our first corporate wide surveys.  These are all anonymous surveys that will be conducted via Survey Monkey and will be sent to the following groups:  caregivers, patients and the corporate group.  We are conducting this survey in order to get a better understanding of employee morale, satisfaction (customer and associate), engagement/communication at AmeriBest and service.  Your opinions are important to us, and this survey is your chance to express those opinions. We will be collecting the data through the month of March, conducting analysis and will formulate a resulting communication and actions items as deemed necessary.  We ask that you be honest as these are anonymous.  All information is helpful in building a stronger company going forward.  Below is the link to click on that will take you directly to the survey questions.


We would like to get 100% participation in order to ensure that each and every associate’s voice is heard.

Thank you for devoting your time and providing candid input.

Stay Up-To-Date on The Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Philadelphia, PA

Stay Up-To-Date on The Coronavirus - AmeriBest Home Care

Dear AmeriBest clients, caregivers and staff, here are the resources for you to stay updated on coronavirus (COVID-19).

What you need to know about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) – CDC Brochure.

COVID-19 in Pennsylvania updates – Pennsylvania DOH Brochure.

For more updates by the CDC, please visit their website:
Chinese 中文
Spanish Español

WHAT IS Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China.

Coronavirus, a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the virus causes respiratory infections. 3D illustration.


Symptoms of the COVID-19 can include:
• Fever
• Cough
• Shortness of breath

The symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure. Reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying.

WHAT CAN YOU DO To Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones Against Coronavirus?

  • Cover any coughs or sneezes with your elbow, do not use your hands!
  • Clean surfaces frequently, such as countertops, light switches, cell phones and other frequently touched areas.
    Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
  • Contain – if you are sick, stay home until you are feeling better.
Healthy lifestyle, hygiene, and prevention of viral and bacterial diseases.

The Truth Behind Caregiving: Stats and Prognosis

The Truth Behind Caregiving - AmeriBest Home Care

A Caregiver Defined

Before we jump into the technical details, let’s take a moment to define what a caregiver really is and does.

In its basic form, caregiving is simply caring for the needs and wellbeing of another. This could be for any age- children, young adults, or seniors. And so, a caregiver is someone who provides this caregiving service for another individual.

Now, within the caregiving world, caregivers are divided into two categories regardless of the age of their recipients: volunteer caregivers and paid caregivers.

Volunteer caregivers are generally those who care for a family member and thus do not get paid.

Paid caregivers, on the other hand, are often professional health aides who require a salary or stipend to work.

However, as we’ll explain further on, you can actually be a caregiver for your family and get paid. Stay tuned!

The Facts Uncovered

  • In a study done in 2015, Americans were placed at around 34.2 million for the number of unpaid caregivers that provided service to adults aged 50 and older. Which is basically saying, that caregiving is in high demand, and yet not many caregivers are receiving compensation.
  • In 2013, the economic value of volunteer caregivers was placed at 470 billion dollars. That means, that the amount of work volunteer caregivers complete, as well as the type of work they provide, is worth billions. And yet, many caregivers don’t know that they can actually be getting paid for the valuable services they provide.
  • Females make up most of the caregiving world. Although the number of male caregivers is on the rise, most of the work still currently lands on women’s shoulders. Women often spend more time caregiving for family and clients than men do. This means that women have less time to commit to themselves and/or a full-time job.

Family Members Turned Caregivers

Unfortunately, we are living through a time where there are simply not enough caregivers to go around. Many place this crisis on the fact that now most baby boomers are reaching an age where they need more at-home health care.

For this reason, many family members take up the role of primary caregiver for senior parents and loved ones, instead of hiring outside help. While caregiving is a wonderfully selfless job, if it’s done unpaid, it makes life a little harder on the caregiver.

When you’ve got a full-time job, kids, hobbies, and your own health to consider, it’s difficult to come home and give the rest of your energy to caregiving. Especially, if you’re pressed for money and time.

A simple solution to this: Get paid to be a caregiver.

Getting Paid to be a Caregiver with AmeriBest

It’s no secret- you can get paid to be a caregiver.

At AmeriBest, we’ll help you find the position that suits you best.

Then, we’ll train you!

No stress, no worry.

We want you to be the very best caregiver you can be. And we’ll give you all the tools, education, and experience necessary to accomplish that goal. But most importantly, we’ll get you the money you deserve.

With the AmeriBest training program, you’re not just learning any old task. You’re learning a career. And in doing so, you’re becoming a part of a caregiving family that has your best interests at heart.

When you’re ready to get paid for the work you do, give us a call at 1800-HOMECARE or 215-925-3313.

Winter Safety Checklist for Seniors: Prepare and Protect

Winter Safety Checklist for Seniors - AmeriBest Home Care

Every winter, we cross our fingers and wish for a magical winter wonderland.
We hope for a dreamy world of white covered treetops and fluffy snow blankets.

After all, what better suits the holidays?

But, with this beauty, comes a bit of danger.
This winter season, prepare and protect your elderly. Let your loved seniors enjoy the crisp, white holiday magic while also staying safe and warm.

How to keep seniors safe in the winter?

The key ingredient to keeping elderly parents safe in the winter is preparation.

It’s extremely important to be ready before the chilly weather hits. Once the snow arrives, it’ll be too late to get what you need. Especially, if you need to order some of the safety equipment online.

So, think smart and plan ahead.
It’s never too early to start prepping for winter safety.

How to prepare your senior for winter weather?

Don’t let the stress of prepping get to your head.
Here’s a winter safety checklist to help protect your senior during the rough winter weather!

  • Shovel – This one’s a no-brainer. You can’t expect your senior to trudge through the thick snow.
  • Car Ice Scraper – If you or your senior have a car, you’re definitely going to want one of these. Particularly, a scraper with an attached snow brush. Otherwise, you might find yourself having quite a hard time driving. After all, we wouldn’t want you to miss any doctor appointments because you couldn’t clean your car of snow and ice.
  • Salts – If you want your loved senior to be able to walk on the paths that you just shoveled, it’s crucial you put down melting salts. Slipping on ice is a huge danger to elderly parents.
  • Candles – Hopefully you won’t need this. But in the case of a snowstorm and/or blackout, you’re going to be glad you had extra candles around. A flashlight works too.
  • Throw Blankets – It’s so important that your senior stays warm. Seniors often get chilly faster than middle-aged adults might. And, with chills can come all sorts of illness. Make sure your senior is feeling warm and toasty inside, no matter how cold it gets outside.
  • Medication Refills – It’s extremely scary when you’re snowed in for a day or two and your senior runs out of his or her medication. Don’t let that happen. If you know a storm is on the horizon, make sure your senior has plenty of pills and vitamins to last through a snowstorm. Put in the orders for refills right away if any are running low.
  • Things That Make Your Senior Happy – Unfortunately, winter is often the time that seasonal depression hits the hardest. Yes, the world is beautiful when covered in snow, but it’s also darker. And, if your senior is stuck at home, it can be a lonely time. Make sure your senior is happy and of high spirits by keeping some favorite things on hand. This could be favorite movies, favorite games, favorite foods. Anything that brings a smile to your senior no matter the circumstance.

5 Holiday Ideas Your Elderly Parents Will Love

5 Holiday Ideas Your Elderly Parents Will Love - AmeriBest Home Care

Holiday planning can be tricky.

Of course, you want your holiday plans to include fun and meaningful activities with your family. But, finding activities that everyone wants to do? Well, it’s not always the easiest thing to accomplish.

Especially with aging parents. Because you have to find activities that go beyond the generation gap. Activities that are easy and easily accessible. Activities that will really bring you and your parents closer together for the holiday season.

It’s a tall order.

Lucky for you, we’ve created a list of 5 wonderful holiday ideas aging parents will love. If you were having trouble making plans, check out this list for some easy, meaningful tips and activities.

Bake some treats.

Everyone loves food.
Particularly holiday treats.

Choose one of your or your parents’ favorite holiday goodies, and bake away!

This is a great activity because it allows you to chat and catch up while doing the activity. And, it’s extremely accommodating. You can bake standing up, sitting down. You can bake more challenging treats like gingerbread houses or easy treats like cake mix brownies.

Baking is so versatile, you can’t go wrong.

Bring out the old photos.

Some of the best memories are created while sharing old memories.
Dust off the old photo albums and pull up some chairs for the whole family to see.

Reminiscing about the good ol’ days is always a fun and meaningful activity. The pictures you find or the memories you recall will make you smile and cry. By the end of the night, you might even find yourself rolling with laughter.

It’s a wonderful experience for all.

Decorate galore.

Where you spend your holidays is almost as important as how you spend your holidays.
If the room is drab and sad, no amount of lively activity will brighten the mood.

So, bring some extra cheer into the house with a bit of decorating!

Like baking, this is another activity that allows you to talk and spend quality time with your elderly parents. Even if they can’t reach all the tall places, they’ll still enjoy chatting while you climb up a ladder.

There’s nothing more magical than creating something together.

See the show.

If you’re looking to get out of the house, some of the most wonderful shows play this time of year. Operas, Broadway shows, plays, or even just movies. Your choices are unlimited.

Find a genre or theme both you and your elderly parents love.
Then buy the tickets, and head on out!

Pro Tip: Plan this activity in advance. Tickets during this season sell out fast!

Book a spa.

Whether it’s foot massages for the dads or manicures for the moms, spas are a great holiday activity.

Not only do spa days get you out of the house, they do so while being easily accessible to aging parents. And, if you can book a room together, you’ll have plenty of time to chat about life and other fun things.

Happy holidays!

Headaches and Back Pains: What’s Really Going on Inside Your Body?

Headaches and Back Pains - AmeriBest Home Care

Headaches and back pains are amongst the most common complaints of seniors.

As we get older, it’s not uncommon to develop sore muscles or chronic pains in our bodies. But, that doesn’t mean we have to live in misery.

Now a day, there are all sorts of remedies and solutions to alleviate headache and back pain.

The first step in alleviating body pain is identifying what and where it is. Next, is understanding the cause. And lastly, is finding the solution with which to approach the problem.

Here are some questions and answers to steer you on your way to a painless life.

Is it a chronic pain or acute pain?

When identifying head or back pain, you need to recognize whether it is “chronic” or “acute.” Because that’s one of the first questions a doctor will ask you.

Chronic pain can be described as more of a dull sense of pain over an extended period of time. You might be able to function normally with the pain, but it is still there. And it is still irritating.

Acute pain, on the other hand, is a sudden burst of pain. It can be described as sharp or intense. It is a pain that might really make you stop what you’re doing and pay attention to it. But it’s likely not to last long, and certainly not as long as chronic pain.

Being able to categorize your pain as chronic or acute, is a huge step in finding a remedy.

What causes persistent headaches and back pains?

Unfortunately, there is a myriad of items that could cause head pain or back pain. Causes can range anywhere from lack of sleep, poor posture, arthritis, disease, ulcers, and cancer.

We’re not trying to scare you with those last few examples. But we do want you to understand the wide range of causes that can be the triggers of chronic pain.

Are headaches and back pains connected?

When seniors complain of back pain or head pain, they often complain of the other as well.

This observation has led to new scientific research on the subject. Researchers are now suggesting that there is, in fact, a connection between the two pains. Doctors are hoping that the research found may lead to a new and improved remedy- a remedy that targets both pains at once.

The wish is that as one pain lessens, the other will as well.

What can I do to alleviate my headaches and back pain?

It all depends on what the cause of your pain might be.

For chronic headaches, doctors will often prescribe medicinal treatments to alleviate the pain.
For chronic back pain, on the other hand, the solution is often exercise or physical therapy. Back pain is usually associated with weaker muscles, and so strengthening stomach and back muscles is thought to help lessen the pain.

In light of the new studies done, researchers now suspect that exercise and physical therapy intended to target back pain may also help with head pain.

FAQ: Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

FAQ: Post-Stroke Rehabilitation - AmeriBest Home Care

What is a stroke?

Strokes can be divided into two main categories: Ischemic and Hemorrhagic.

Ischemic is the more common of the two types. An ischemic stroke occurs when clots or plague block the blood’s path to the brain. This can happen directly in the brain’s blood vessels or it can happen in other blood vessels that run toward the brain.

A hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, occurs when a blood vessel actually breaks. In some ways, this can be worse because the blood contained within the vessel escapes and damages the brain’s tissue.

Can you recover from a stroke?

The good news is- yes!
The bad news is- recovery can take some time.

Strokes can cause serious damage to the brain. Often times, it damages motor neurons, resulting in physical mobility loss. This can show in the form of speech impairment, facial expression impairment, or limb control impairment.

Recovering from a stroke may not always be as neat as one would like. If survivors are lucky, they are able to recover fully with minimal residual effects. But other times, survivors may be left with some kind of disability to work through.

How long does it take to recover from a stroke?

Depending on the severity of the damage, stroke survivors could take anywhere from days to years to recover.

What is post-stroke rehabilitation?

Post-stroke rehabilitation is a type of therapy treatment.

As aforementioned, strokes often result in some after-effects as an outcome of brain damage. Post-stroke rehabilitation cannot undo brain damage. It is not a cure. But, it can help alleviate and manage symptoms.

Post-stroke rehabilitation works to provide a long-term solution to the aftermath of a stroke. And, to get stroke survivors functioning as independently as possible.

When should you start post-stroke rehabilitation?

Post-stroke rehabilitation begins as soon as a stroke survivor has been stabilized.

There are two ways to begin rehabilitation. If the stroke patient is paralyzed or unable to move on his or her own, a therapist will begin the rehabilitation by physically moving the patient around to increase mobility. If the stroke patient has some mobility control already, the therapist will have the patient independently exercise his or her own limbs.

After that, the main key to successful rehabilitation is continuous and consistent exercising and therapy.

Where to go for post-stroke rehabilitation?

When it comes to rehabilitation, it’s extremely important to do the therapy sessions consistently. And on a regular basis.

Keeping to a regular schedule can be hard for many, especially when it involves coordinating transportation. If this is the case for you or a loved one, we highly recommend hiring a professional home care aid.

When you hire through a home care agency like AmeriBest, we send our therapists and nurses straight to your own home. So that you never have to worry about traveling to your therapy sessions and getting there on time.

At-home rehabilitation is a great time saver and an even greater way to make sure you’re getting the care you need.

Employee Appreciation Day at AmeriBest Home Care!

Employee Appreciation Day at AmeriBest Home Care!

We want to thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!

Please join us for our Employee Appreciation Day.

  • Raffle (Must be present to enter)
  • Food (Provided by Jimmy John’s)
  • Flu shots (Administered by our Nursing Dept)
  • Setup your EVV (Ask about weekly pay)
  • Vendors / Information Booth (Visit our vendors and come SPIN THE WHEEL)

Friday 10.25.2019, 9 am – 5 pm

Click here to make a Facebook reminder: I’m interested!

4 Quick Tips for Stress Relief in Caregivers

4 Quick Tips for Stress Relief in Caregivers - AmeriBest Home Care

If you follow our blog you definitely know by now: caregiving is hard work.

But, you’ll also know that there are ways to make that work easier. And ways to relieve the stress that comes with the job of caregiving.

So, here are 4 quick tips for caregivers when it comes to stress relief.

Get paid for your caregiving.

Let’s be honest. One of the biggest stresses for caregivers is financial insecurity.
Caregiving is basically a full-time job. And when you’re a family caregiver, you’re usually not getting paid for the time spent caring.

Which means, that you’re working a regular job on top of working regular caregiving hours. And, that equals a huge amount of stress.

But, there is a solution: get paid to caregive.
If you’re caregiving anyway, why not make money doing it? Sign up with home care agencies, like AmeriBest, where you actually get paid to be a caregiver.

At AmeriBest, we also help our caregivers with career growth, experience, and competitive pay.

Take time for yourself.

You may be tired of hearing this one, but it’s so so important that you take time for yourself to refresh and reenergize.

And, you have to actively set aside time to do so. If you just keep saying you’ll relax when you get a break, that break is never going to happen. You have to choose a specific time, let all your friends and family know, and then take that time for yourself.

Caregiving is demanding work. It requires constant focus and decision making, things that often wear a person down. And, worn down people don’t do good work. Which means, that not only are you harming yourself by not taking time to breathe, you’re also harming those you care for.

It’s okay to take a break. We give you permission.

Find meaning in the work you do.

More often than not, we get caught up in the routine of the work we do. On the one hand, this is great, because the less decisions we have to make in a day, the better. On the other hand, when we’re just going through wrote motions, we don’t challenge ourselves, and we don’t find meaning in the work we do.

As conscious beings, we need meaning. And when we don’t have it, we start to feel stressed out and down about ourselves.

Solution? Once a week, take a bit of time to process what you’re doing and why. Caregiving is important work. It’s work that matters. It’s work that makes a huge positive difference in someone else’s life.

And you need to remind yourself that, every once in a while.

Spend time with friends.

Friends make us happy.
They know what we need, and they know how to make us feel better.

But most importantly, spending time with friends means getting out of the house and focusing on something other than caregiving. So, meeting up with friends every now and then is a great way to relieve stress. Because, whether you use the time to vent or catch up, you’re giving your mind time to relax and enjoy life.

Something we all need to do.
Stay happy!

Welcoming Men into the World of Caregivers

Welcoming Men into the World of Caregivers - AmeriBest Home Care

Or, saying hello to the many that are already here.

For years, caregiving has been dominated by women. Accompanied by the picture-perfect image of a kindhearted young girl sitting beside a senior citizen, reading books and drinking tea.

Okay, so maybe that’s more of the image presented in historical fictional pieces on television.

But the fact still stands: men are not often associated with the idea of caregiving for the elderly.
And the truth is: there are already many male caregivers, and there are many more on their way.

Some men are embarrassed to admit it because of the stereotype that has surrounded caregivers for so many years. And, some men don’t even realize that what they are already doing -caring for a parent or spouse- is, in fact, considered caregiving.

So, for all the men out there who already identify as caregivers, and for all the men out there who want to be caregivers, here are some tips and tricks of the trade specifically for you.

Be proud of what you do.

We sometimes get caught up in the appearance of what we do, and what others might think of the work we do. But, we’ll tell it to you straight: being a caregiver is a wonderful thing.

As a caregiver, you are dedicating your time to helping another life the best life that they can. You are giving up night outs or days in, to make a huge positive difference in someone else’s life.

Caregiving is one of the most self-less jobs you could have. And for that, you deserve all the respect and recognition that one can give.

You should be proud of being a caregiver and yell it to the streets.

Be even more proud of what you do.

Now, there’s another extremely important reason you should be proud of being a caregiver.
When you’re embarrassed about the work you do, it shows in how you work. It shows in the little grimaces you might make here and there, and the sluggishness you might have when doing a job.

Seniors sense this unease and that makes them feel uneasy as well. And, when everyone is feeling uneasy, it makes for a weird atmosphere. Not just weird, but lonely and a little bit sad.

If you really want to be a great caregiver, you need to be proud of the work you do and show it!

Get paid for the work you do.

Since men are relatively new to the field of caregiving, they’re not always part of caregiving communities.

This means, they miss the memo: you can get paid to be a caregiver.

Homecare agencies, like AmeriBest Home Care, will actually pay you to caregive. Not only that, but they’ll also give you the training and advice you might need to be an outstanding caregiver.

Caregiving alone is hard. But when you’re getting paid and you have people to rely on, it makes the whole thing so much more enjoyable.