Movies for Caregiving – Add It to Your Watch List!

Movies for Caregiving - AmeriBest Home Care

When you’re busy being a caregiver, life can get a little hectic. Between house tasks, errands for your loved one, family matters, and career work, it can be hard to find a moment to breathe.

But for your own mental and physical health- it’s important to press pause, and take a moment to relax, and have a little fun. Before you tire out.

And what better way to do so, then sitting back in the comfort of your own home (maybe even with some popcorn and a drink) and watch a movie?

Though we often just think of movies as a silly means of entertainment, movies actually have the power to affect our moods and emotions in ways that can really help. Movies give us more to think about, stories to relate to, and characters to make us laugh with.

And there are movies for all types of occasions and moods.
Here are some great movies to add to your watch list, for all different occasions as a caregiver.

A little support…

Sometimes watching other caregiving stories can be just the antidote when you’re feeling down or alone. These three caregiving movies show us, that as caregivers, we are not alone. And that there are others who understand the stress and emotional toll caregivers go through.

Our heart-warming movie recommendations:

  • The Theory of Everything
  • Silver Linings Playbook
  • Still Alice

Music for your loved ones…

It’s been known for a while that music actually has the ability to jog memories and physical reactions, particularly with patients of dementia and/or Alzheimer’s.

If you’re having a movie night with your senior, try something a little old and a little musical. If you know a movie they really loved as a child, give it a try! It might be just the thing to brighten their day.

Our musical-movie recommendations:

  • Westside Story
  • South Pacific
  • Sound of Music
  • The Music Man
  • My Fair Lady
  • Guys and Dolls

Black family eating popcorn while watching movie at home

Something to lift your mood…

Comedy is an amazing thing. It’s able to make us roll with laughter, even when we weren’t in the greatest mood to start with. If there’s been some tension in the house, watching a comedy with the whole family, or just with your loved senior, could be the thing to relieve the strain.

Our comedy recommendations:

  • The Princess Bride
  • Ghost Busters
  • Mrs. Doubtfire
  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Something to inspire you…

Lastly, when you’re feeling a little stuck in the monotony of life’s daily chores- a movie with a heroic character or tale of perseverance can really be the thing to get you unstuck.
We all have peaks and dips in our productivity and motivation. And a good movie can help us out of a dip and back on the track we’re aiming for.

Our inspiration recommendations:

  • A Beautiful Mind
  • Forest Gump
  • Dead Poets’ Society
  • Good Will Hunting
  • Life of Pi

Countering the Stress and Reaping the Benefits

Countering the Stress and Reaping the Benefits - AmeriBest Home Care

Caring for a loved one can be tough.

And finding the right balance between taking care of your own needs and taking care of your loved ones’ need, is the hardest part.

That’s why so many caregivers find themselves running out of steam and out of spirit. They exert so much energy racing around between work, family, and personal activities –trying to make it all work just right –they eventually burn themselves out.

And that takes an emotional toll not just on the caregiver, but also on the loved one. Because our loved ones know when we’re stressed. They know when we’re exhausted, and they know when they’re part of the cause. Which makes them unhappy, too.

It’s an unfortunate cycle.

Luckily- it doesn’t have to be that way!
Caregiving doesn’t have to be a chore; it can be a passion, kindness, and a career.

When you become a professional caregiver with AmeriBest Home Care, we help you strike the balance you need to make you and your loved one happy.

Here are just some of the many benefits of becoming a professional caregiver.

Making Bank

For most caregivers, the biggest emotional toll is stress from finances. How do you take care of your loved one while also making enough money to do so? The anxiety of working all day in order to support yourself and your loved one, and then spending all night actually taking care of your loved one is difficult for anyone to handle.

That’s where professional caregiving comes in. When you sign up with AmeriBest Home Care to become a registered caregiver- you get PAID to CAREGIVE.

Yes, that’s right. You heard us correctly: becoming a professional caregiver allows you to get paid for what you’re already doing!

Fulfilling Career Goals

Becoming a professional caregiver isn’t just a one-time duty- it’s a career. When you sign up with AmeriBest, we won’t just leave you to figure things out on your own. We’ll teach you all you need to know to be the best caregiver you can be. Then, we’ll help you out onto the field, and get you set up to caregive.

When caregiving is your career, you’re not just helping your loved ones, you’re helping yourself too.

Smiling carer with senior in rest home

 Getting Support

When you’re caring for a loved one on your own, one of the most tiresome things is not having the support you need- whether this be emotional, mental, or physical.

But, as a professional caregiver with AmeriBest Home Care, we make sure you always have the support you need. Our friendly staff is always there to give you an extra hand when you have questions. And our mentors are there to guide you through it all.

With AmeriBest, you’re not just working alone- you’re working with a family and a network. You’re working with a full support group that backs you every step of the way.

Everyone needs a little bit of help. Even caregivers.

Caregiving is Hard- Give Yourself a Break

Give Yourself a Break - AmeriBest Home Care

Being a caregiver is a wonderful opportunity.
It’s a role that allows you to finally give back to your loved ones, make them happy, and watch them enjoy life.

But, it’s also a role that can be tiring, and a little difficult at times. Because being someone’s sole caregiver is full time job. And that can be hard to manage when you’ve got your actual full-time job to attend to and your own family to take care of.

Many caregivers think the solution to managing both their own life and their senior’s life, is to push themselves even harder; to spend less time leisurely, and more time running around. But this strategy can be detrimental to both your and your family’s health. Because it will eventually just wear you out.

The real solution to managing both your own life and your senior’s, is to make sure you take breaks and give yourself the rest you need. The real key to being a good caregiver, is knowing when to let yourself have some time off to recuperate and refresh. It’s extremely important to notice the signs of fatigue before the real fatigue hits, and give yourself time to rejuvenate.

If you’re feeling energized you’ll do a better job at, well, everything. You’ll be happier, healthier, and your loved senior will be better off knowing you’re doing well.

So, how does one strike this critical balance? How does one attentively care-give, while also watching their own personal health?

Providing care for elderly

Ask for help!

Premium Homecare to the Rescue

Hiring homecare assistance gives you time to rest while making sure your senior is getting everything he or she needs. You can hire experienced nurses to watch over your senior on the regular. Or, you can hire trained assistants to stay with them just when you want a vacation.

Either route you choose, will give you the extra time you need to keep yourself going strong. No one works well when they’re burned out. But by getting yourself some extra help, you’re giving yourself time to relax and time to keep from tiring yourself out. This way, when you do spend time caregiving, you’ll be able to do it happily and with your best efforts.

Contacting a Homecare Agency for Help

When you call up a homecare agency for help, they’ll offer a wide range of services for you and your senior.

At AmeriBest we offer all kinds of services from physical therapy, to housekeeping, to transportation, to occupational therapy, and more. Our nurses and practitioners are all well trained and experienced to give you the help you need.

We cherish your and your senior’s health and happiness, at AmeriBest. When you hire an AmeriBest nurse or assistant, you’re hiring more than just a nameless face- you’re hiring a friend that cares. You’re hiring someone that’s going to give you the little bit of extra help you need to keep both you and your senior enjoying life, love, and good times.

Healthy Springtime Activities for Seniors

Healthy Springtime Activities for Seniors - AmeriBest Home Care

Start saying your goodbyes to freezing temperatures and icy winds because spring is on its way!
Which means, it’s time to start planning those springtime outings and activities.

As we get older, it can be harder to push ourselves to make time for meetups with others. But it’s extremely important for seniors to connect and socialize. Because, we humans are not meant to be alone. Connecting with others keeps us emotionally healthy, and keeps our brains working on optimal levels.

So, this spring, plan activities that will get you up, moving, and making some new friends.

  • Chess in the park

As cliché as it may sound, playing chess in the park is a great way to get outdoors and meet new people. Not only that, but it’s also a great way to keep your mind sharp.

You don’t need to be an expert in the game, just sit down and have some fun. You can bring your own chessboard to the park, or find a park near you where they’ve already got springtime chess events happening. It’s simple and easy.

Active retired seniors, two old men playing chess at park


  • Gardening club

Most people think of gardening as a lone activity. But it doesn’t have to be! If you love gardening and want to share the experience with others, join a gardening club. This will give you the opportunity to talk about something you love with others who love it too. Some gardening clubs have their own gardens that they grow communally. Others might have just a few communal plants or so.

  • Walking club

Exercising is something we all have to do if we want to stay happy and healthy. So, why not do it with others? Joining a walking club can be just the thing you need for some extra motivation and a new friend or two.

Being part of a walking club, makes the tedious work of exercising into something fun and enjoyable. Plus, it gives you an added layer of safety, because if anything happens to you on the walk, someone else will be there to pick you up and get you back on your feet.

  • Water aerobics i.e. Swimming!

Going to a public pool is another great way to turn exercising into a social activity. Indoors or outdoors, swimming is an extremely healthy form of exercise. And, when you do it at a public pool, you have the opportunity to connect with others who are also there for a healthy sport.

Elderly woman in pool

Don’t Forget to Ask for Help

Some of these springtime activities can be difficult to do or arrange all on your own. If that’s the case, ask for a little help! Never be afraid to ask for help- especially, when it comes to your health and happiness.

At AmeriBest, we’re here to help you with all your needs and concerns! Which includes helping you arrange springtime social activities. We’ll get you to where and when you need to be in a safe, convenient, and reliable manner.

Happy spring!

4 Must-Read Winter Caregiving Tips

4 Must-Read Winter Caregiving Tips - AmeriBest Home Care

With strong winds, freezing temperatures, and slippery roads, winter can be a dangerous time for the elderly. In fact, winter tends to have more casualties and accidents for elderly than any other season.

Now, this doesn’t mean you should make your senior stay indoors all day to avoid the weather. Because truth be told, that can be just as unhealthy. Rather, you simply need to take the right precautions to keep your senior safe and sound!

Here are 4 easy tips for winter caregiving!

  • Accompany your senior
    The biggest danger for seniors walking in winter weather, is the chance of slipping and falling. Black ice, slush, and even bad rain, can make it hard for seniors to stay upright. Although falling may not sound like a big deal, it can be quite serious for elderly, because their bodies don’t hold up as well against sudden impact.

For this reason, it’s best to always accompany (or have someone else accompany) your senior when going outside during harsh winter weather. Hold your senior by the arm or elbow, so you can catch them if they start to miss a step- especially when crossing the street.

  • Make sure the heating works
    Double check the heating is optimally functioning in the house and car! If you know some rooms are a little draftier than others, you may want to get some additional space heaters. It’s highly recommended to do a quick maintenance check before the winter weather truly hits. This way, if there is any problem with the heating, you can have it fixed before it’s too late.
  • Winter gear is a must
    This is for both outdoors and indoors. Be sure your senior has a good, warm coat, hat, pair of gloves, and scarf. The last thing you need is for your senior to get sick with a cold, or worse. Also, be sure your senior has a pair of warm, sturdy snow boots. A good pair of boots will better prevent your senior from slipping.

Tip: Though it might sound like a lot to spend on just ‘clothes,’ if you spend the extra money on getting good winter gear, you’ll spend a lot less on medical bills later on.

An elderly grandmother with an adult granddaughter at home.

Now, for indoors, winter gear comes in the form of blankets, socks and nonslip slippers. People often forget about winter gear for the indoors. But it is just as important, if not more important. Because chances are your senior spends more time indoors than outdoors. In which case, it’s crucial that your senior has the necessary clothes and whatnot to keep warm and toasty.

  • A little shoveling goes a long way
    Even if your senior isn’t going outside while it’s snowing, he or she might still want to get the mail or newspaper at the end of the driveway. In which case, walking down snowy steps or an icy driveway will be a big danger. Save yourself the worry, and always shovel around the house during bad weather. And, don’t forget to add some salt as an added layer of safety!

Learn to Care for Your Grandparents While Getting Paid

Learn to Care for Your Grandparents While Getting Paid - AmeriBest Home Care

The hardest part about caregiving for family, is having to give up precious time from work.

Because less time at work equals less pay, which can be difficult when you’ve got your own bills to pay and family to take care of.

But what if we told you, it didn’t have to be that way? Nowadays, you can easily keep earning money while still caring for your grandparents. In fact, you can get paid to care for your grandparents!

It’s a total game changer. And here’s how that change can ultimately change your life!

  • No More Financial Stress
    Say goodbye to the financial crunch and worry that comes with having to split all your time between financially supporting yourself and caring for your grandparents. Luckily, getting paid to care for your grandparents, takes the worry out of the situation! Not only does it take out the worry, but it adds in some additional relief.
  • Extra Downtime
    When getting paid to care for your grandparents, you’ll find that you have way more time for other things, and other people. You’ll finally have time to finish that project you started months ago, or catch up with old friends, or maybe even have some much-needed self-pampering nights. Whatever it is you like to do with your time, it’s up to you! Because now you’ll actually have the time to do it.
  • Better Care for Your Grandparents
    With less financial stress and more free time, you’re sure to be less overwhelmed. Which means, that you’ll actually be able to enjoy caring for your grandparents, as opposed to dreading it. And when you enjoy what you do, you tend to do a better job of it. You’ll be able to pay more attention to your grandparents, give them the consideration they deserve, have more patience for their needs, and most importantly, laugh, love, and appreciate every moment you spend with them.
  • A Happier Life
    It’s no magic formula, it’s just simple math. When you don’t have to worry about money, and you have more free time to accomplish your goals, and you can rest assured your grandparents are getting the care they need- you’re going to be happier. You are going to be a happier person, with a happier life.

Middle aged black man bringing roast meat to the table for the Sunday family dinner with his partner, kids and their grandparents, front view

So… Now What?

Make the move to change your life! It’s that easy. There are two main ways you can get paid for caregiving. The first, is to apply for the right financial aid services and receive payments/stipends for you and your grandparents. The second, is to become a licensed caregiver and get paid for the work you do.

Have any questions? Interested in learning more? Give us a call at (215) 925-3313, or 1800-HOMECARE.

At AmeriBest, we’ll help you and your loved one in any way we can! So, learn to get paid for giving care to your grandparents and change your life in the process.

What more could you want?

5 Easy Tips to Help You Care for Aging Parents

5 Easy Tips to Help You Care for Aging Parents - AmeriBest Home Care

After years of them caring for you, it might be time to return the favor and start caring for your aging parents. This includes setting up a comfortable space for them to live, making sure their daily needs are met, making sure their daily wants are satisfied, and keeping them healthy and happy.

While that may sound like a lot to manage, it’s completely doable. Especially, if you create a care plan that takes into account both yours’ and your parents’ needs and limitations.

So, to help you better care for your aging parents here are 5 easy tips!

  • Create a Budget

When caring for aging parents, the first step is creating a budget- one for yourself and one for your parents. Before you can choose the best caregiving option for you and your parents, you’ll need to figure out how much money you can actually afford to spend. The most important question will be: are you paying or are your parents paying? Where will the money be coming from?

Once you’ve calculated a budget for how much you can afford to spend, the next step is to research which caregiving options align best with your budget.

  • Choose a Space

After you’ve got the budget set, you need to answer the next big question: where will you be caring for your aging parents? You can either move your parents into a communal home for the elderly, where they will be monitored and taken care of by staff members. Or, you can keep them at home, where you can watch over them and be sure they get the attention they need. Many parents prefer to stay in the comfort of their own homes, where they feel safe and at ease.

  • Plan for the Future

It’s an uncomfortable topic, but it has to be done. It’s extremely important to talk to your aging parents about what they want for themselves and their future, should something unfortunate happen where they can no longer make decisions later on. So that you don’t find yourself having to make hard choices on their behalf without knowing what they would want, talk to your aging parents now.

Female Community Nurse Visits Senior Couple At Home

  • Know Your Limits

Taking care of aging parents can be physically and emotionally draining sometimes. That’s why, you have to realistically estimate how much time and effort you can put into caring for them, without damaging your own life.

  • Consider Extra Help

If you feel yourself getting worn down, you always have the option to call for some extra help. Look for home care services that offer trained medical attendants and personal care assistants. This way, you get the benefits of having a professional look after your parents, while also keeping your parents comfortably at home.

Plus, having someone else that you can rely on to take care of your parents, can be a real stress reliever when you have medical questions or simply want some time off.

Life Hack: Get Paid for Caregiving

Life Hack: Get Paid for Caregiving - AmeriBest Home Care

We all know job hunting is hard. We all know getting hired is even harder.

That’s why so many people find themselves jobless in a harsh reality. In the past year, unemployment rates in America increased to 3.9%. That’s roughly 6.3 million people in America with no job, and no income.

BUT, we’re here to fix that.

If you like helping others, we’ve got the job for you! At AmeriBest, you can get PAID for caregiving. We pay YOU to take care of others. It’s as simple as that.

Here’s just some of the great things we offer our employees:

Big Opportunities

With plenty of jobs to offer, AmeriBest is always looking to hire. Positions range from registered nurses, to physical therapists, to occupational therapists, to medical social workers, and more. There’s a whole list of great job opportunities to choose from. All you have to do is pick one and we’ll set you up on the road to success!

Don’t be afraid to find your dream job at AmeriBest.

Built-In Training

After choosing your dream job, we won’t just send you out onto the field to deal with the work alone. First, we’ll train you. You don’t need to have any prior medical knowledge- we’ll teach you everything. We’ll teach you all you need to know, so you can rest assured you’ll be ready and right for the job when the time comes.

Female Community Nurse Visits Senior Man At Home

Reliable Benefits

Our employees matter to us, and so does their health. If you’re working with us, we do our best to make sure you’re healthy and happy, always. Which includes giving you dental, vision, life, and medical insurance. With reliable medical benefits, you won’t have to stress about your own health anymore.

After all- you can’t take care of others, if you don’t take care of yourself first.

Excellent Pay

We offer competitive rates for non-competitive hours. We understand that many of you may be coming from homes where you need to be home some of the time. We strive to accommodate individuals from all lifestyles and backgrounds. So, we offer maximum flexibility with our competitive salaries.

AND, we offer holiday and overtime pay, so you’ll always be compensated fairly.
We care about doing what’s right by all our employees.

Great Environment

At AmeriBest, we pride ourselves on fostering a safe and nurturing place for our employees to work. The kind of environment where you comfortably grow at your own pace, and make a meaningful difference in the world.

Feel free to check out our excellent client and employee reviews!

A Better Future

At AmeriBest, we don’t just give you a job for the present. We give you a life for the future. That’s why we set you up a 401k. So, you can already start saving for retirement, now. Not only that, but with our training program, you’ll have a new practical skillset that you can use anytime, anywhere.

With a job at AmeriBest, you’ll be set for life.

How to Help Avoid Medical Debt in 2019

Health spending and unexpected medical bills are the two most feared financial occurrences for Americans, but the odds are much higher for seniors. According to American Health Economy Illustrated, seniors aged between 65 and 74 account for eight times the health spending of those that are aged 18 to 24. Although Medicare is there to pick up the bill, in many cases people find that they’re not covered for everything they need, and even then Medicare often only covers 65% of the elderly’s medical expenses. What then, can be done in order to help avoid the arrival of unexpected medical bills? Try following these simple guidelines for 2019 to reduce the risk of having to cough up huge sums of cash for medical costs.

Know your plan

It may seem obvious, but it’s important to know what you’re covered for, and what you’re not! Check out your health coverage plan from front to back, know how much you’re expected to pay in the case of a health issue, and know whether you have protection against balance billing – something that can often be a financial slap in the face! Being aware of the potential financial outcomes of your medical plan will help you plan ahead and, if necessary, get coverage to fill in the gaps that Medicare doesn’t provide for! Even if you know your plan well, it’s also a good idea to know your network. This is the medical establishments where you’re covered for use under your health insurance policy. Whenever you receive some kind of healthcare service, always be sure to ask whether it’s in your network to avoid unexpectedly high bills for services you thought you had covered!

Homecare as a preventative option

It may sound like an unproductive option – surely homecare costs more, right? However, in the long-run, homecare can actually be a great way of keeping your medical costs down! Frequently seeing a trained medical professional means you’re under constant supervision, helping to catch any health issues early, and acting as a preventative measure for any unexpected health problems. Your home care health professional can give you advice on any extra medical coverage you should get that would suit your needs, saving you money in the long run and keeping you healthy.

Senior woman talking to young care nurse on home visit

Staying healthy

The most obvious preventative measure is to try and change your lifestyle to a healthier one if you have not already done so. Increased exercise, improved diet, and cutting down on smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol all have huge benefits to your health even in old age! Talk to your doctor or health care professional about going on a weight loss or healthy lifestyle plan – it may save you a heap of cash, but will also let you live out your senior years feeling spritely and healthy!

Understanding how best to manage your healthcare in your senior years can save you from being caught unawares with huge medical bills, leaving you to spend your hard-earned money on the finer things in life. Follow these simple steps in order to prevent a financial catastrophe as a result of your health care needs!

How to Become a Home Health Aide in Philadelphia

There aren’t many professions out there that give you the sense of satisfaction you get from being a home health aide. Caring for people that are most in need is both a job and a passion, and for many people, it’s the starting point into a long and fulfilling career! For those that are already caring for their elderly relatives or loved ones, training as a home health aide could mean that you get paid for caring for your relatives. If you’re thinking of a career as a home health aide or if you would like to get paid for caring for your loved one, continue reading below to find out all the key details!

What do home health aides do?

Home health aides provide one to one assistance services for those who need extra help with everyday tasks. The tasks include bath and shower assistance; hair, oral, nail and foot care; medication assistance; cooking, feeding, and preparation assistance; washing and housecleaning assistance; repositioning assistance and emptying urinary and ostomy bags. The range of jobs that HHAs need to complete means that there’s never a dull moment! For many, the qualification to become an HHA is the first step on a long and fruitful career in care and health services.

What are the requirements?

To undergo HHA training in Pennsylvania, you are required to undertake a minimum of 75 hours of training which must include at least 16 hours of clinical instruction. On top of this, you’re required to complete 12 hours of continuing education training for every 12 months that you’re an HHA. The training will include all the necessary care techniques you need to be a fully qualified HHA including assistance training, medication assistance training, washing procedure training, and housekeeping requirements to good cleanliness. Once the training is complete, you will have to undergo a test that covers all of the main elements necessary to gain your qualification. Before you decide on a training program, you need to ensure that the course you’re thinking of is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Health!

A senior woman in wheelchair with a health visitor at home at Christmas time.

Other routes to becoming an HHA

Other than taking the route of an HHA program, there are two other ways to become a fully fledged HHA. The first is through the completion of the nurse aide certification and training. This certification is often sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and is the first step on the road to becoming a qualified nurse so is a great option for those who want to make a career in healthcare. The other option is to complete a competency test developed by the health care agency where you will be working. While this is the quickest and most convenient option, it is the most restrictive, meaning you are unable to move to another agency without completing their competency test first. However, it may be a good option if you’re looking at becoming an HHA to get paid for looking after a loved one or relative.

If you are looking for a career where you feel the rewards of your hard work and dedication every day, or you want to get paid for the care you provide for your relative or loved one, then you should seriously consider becoming a home health aide! The average wage is $22,000 per year, making it a rewarding opportunity both financially and through the satisfaction of helping those most in need!

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