The final week of October is Respiratory Care Week. Respiratory care becomes increasingly important throughout the aging process. If you have a senior in your life or are a senior yourself, you will greatly benefit from respiratory care knowledge and strategies. However, most people are understandably unaware as to what this unique type of care is really all about. Here’s a quick look at the basics of respiratory care for seniors.
Recognize the Importance of Respiratory Health for Seniors
Senior caretakers and seniors themselves tend to focus on the loss of bone strength throughout the aging process for good reason. Bone loss prevention is certainly important yet respiratory health is also essential to maintaining a high quality of life through the golden years. A senior with a chronic respiratory problem such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will struggle to perform self-care and complete the activities necessary for daily living.
If you are a caretaker for a parent or grandparent, be sure to wash your hands before interacting with him or her to help prevent the transmission of germs that might cause an infection that leads to breathing difficulties. Even the common cold has the potential to cause breathing problems.
It also makes sense for the senior in your life to minimize interactions with Philadelphia community members during flu season. Ideally, one or two primary caregivers will provide assistance to your elderly loved one during the winter months to minimize the potential transmission of germs and viruses.
Respiratory Care for Philadelphia Seniors
A respiratory problem makes it difficult to perform daily tasks, especially when you reach your 60s, 70s, and 80s. A senior diagnosed with such a condition will require ongoing assistance to do everything from bathing and grooming to meal preparation and even household tasks such as vacuuming.
Respiratory problems have the potential to make it challenging to walk from the house to the car or even from the bedroom to the kitchen. Hold onto your parent’s arm when walking for additional support. The use of a walker or cane will also facilitate safe walking inside and outside of the home.
Mind the Indoor Air Quality
Most senior citizens spend the vast majority of their time indoors. Unfortunately, indoor air isn’t as clean as outdoor air. Though heating and cooling system filters remove some toxins and other particles from indoor air, they don’t remove every potential threat. Change these filters once every month or two to ensure they can trap as many nasty particles as possible. If you vacuum for the senior in your life, use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to eliminate as many allergens, pollen, dust, and other diminutive particles from the living space.
Help the Senior Citizen in Your Life Choose the Right Clothing
An elderly individual who struggles to breathe will find tight clothing makes it that much more difficult to breathe without impediment. In particular, overly-tight clothing around the abdominal region, the chest, and the neck can constrain breathing. Go clothes shopping with your elderly loved one, choose nonrestrictive garments including those with elastic bands for additional flexibility, and he or she will have that much more freedom to expand the chest and diaphragm for easy breathing.
AmeriBest Home Care is Here to Help
Our home care providers have helped seniors throughout the greater Philadelphia area enjoy a better quality of life. Whether you or your loved one has a respiratory ailment, mobility limitations, or simply struggles completing daily living tasks, our Philadelphia care providers are here to lend invaluable assistance. Contact us today at 215-925-3313 or by email at info@ameribest.org to coordinate service at your Philadelphia-area home.