A caregiver’s job is not easy. Caregivers must deal with the emotional stress of caring for a loved one who is prone to health emergencies. They may need to take time off work, which leads to financial issues. Fortunately, several resources make a caregiver’s life easier. Programs are available throughout the state. Read on to learn more about how a family caregiver in Philadelphia, PA, can find the required help.
Resources for a Family Caregiver in Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia Support for the Aging
The Philadelphia Support for the Aging (PCA) offers various support options for family caregivers. They will assess your situation and match you with a state-run program suited to your family’s needs.
They may refer you to Community HealthChoices so you can work with a Managed Care Organization, or they may have you enter the OPTIONS program to receive care on a sliding scale. If you enter the OPTIONS program, a service coordinator will develop a customized plan that ensures your loved one is well cared for.
Pennsylvania Department of Aging
The Pennsylvania Department of Aging aids family members who act as primary caregivers to senior loved ones. Each caregiver is assigned a care manager who comes to the home to assess the family’s needs and works with them to develop a plan. They offer care management, education and training, home modifications, and other services.
The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) pays family members to care for their loved ones. It also offers medical aid to people receiving care, helping relieve the financial strain of caregiving.
Many relatives also find caring for their loved ones to be a rewarding experience. They know their senior relative will receive quality care. It allows aging family members to grow older in the comfort of their homes.
Reach Out for Help
A family caregiver in Philadelphia should reach out for help when they need it. They should not feel too proud to ask a friend or family member to take over when they need support. They may also hire a caregiver or turn to a friend for respite care.
Care for Yourself
Caregivers must prioritize their health. Caregiving can be stressful, but you must prioritize eating healthy and exercising. Stress management exercises can also lighten the load.
A caregiver should also maintain social connections so they feel less isolated and are not prone to burnout. Ensure you have the time to meet with family and friends. Caregiver support groups can also be helpful.
AmeriBest Can Help A Family Caregiver in Philadelphia, PA
AmeriBest offers several options to help family caregivers. We offer opportunities for caregivers to get paid for caring for loved ones. We provide competitive pay and benefits, a supportive environment, and opportunities to build your future.
We also provide supportive services for families seeking care. Our caring and compassionate caregivers offer various nonmedical services. We will ensure your loved one receives the assistance they require.
Contact AmeriBest today for the support you need in your caregiving efforts.