Did you know there are waiver home care programs for seniors with high blood pressure? Waiver programs like those AmeriBest of Harrisburg, PA, participate in allow people to get proper care at home for lower costs than in an institution. As you can imagine, having these programs provides great peace of mind to families and patients alike.
May is dedicated to Blood Pressure Education so that you can help your loved ones who are at risk.
What is Blood Pressure
Blood pressure comes from blood pushing against arteries as it moves through your body. Everyone’s blood pressure rises and falls daily. There are two blood pressure measurements
- Systolic: This number indicates the pressure in your arteries during a heartbeat.
- Diastolic: This measures pressure in your arteries between heartbeats.
Normal blood pressure is considered 120 systolic over 80 diastolic.
What is High Blood Pressure
Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. While your blood pressure may go up with exertion, for example, when it stays up there’s a reason for concern. As your blood pressure rises, the risks of a stroke, heart attack, or heart disease go up.
When your health care provider, or that of your senior, diagnoses high blood pressure, they can then work on a treatment plan for reducing those numbers. Some providers consider 130/80 high, while others pin it at 140/90.
Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
At AmeriBest Home Care Harrisburg, PA, we believe that remaining informed and involved is vital to the care of your elder. We are a top, in-home caregiver with waiver plans and take great strides to educate our staff, too.
You can begin by learning how to take blood pressure at home if you do not have a caregiver, aid, or nurse. It is the only way to know your blood pressure changes. Remember that high blood pressure is called the silent killer because so many people never know they have it.
There are all kinds of equipment you can buy for measuring blood pressure, and it’s not overly expensive. Beyond that, here are some signs of high blood pressure:
- Breathing difficulty
- Chest pain
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Eyes with blood spots
- Flushing
- Nervousness
- Nosebleed
- Pounding in your ears or chest
- Sleep interruption
- Weariness
The longer high blood pressure continues, the more it can damage your arteries. In turn, this leads to heart disease, heart attack, or heart failure.
Brain & Other Problems
If high blood pressure blocks blood to the brain, the lack of oxygen causes a stroke. Additionally, there is a link between high blood pressure and decreased cognitive functions. Adults with high blood pressure face increased potential for kidney disease, too
Prevention & Management
There are some simple things that help prevent and manage high blood pressure. Encourage your loved one to have about 30 minutes of activity a day. Help them prepare a healthy diet, low in salt and alcohol. And find ways of managing stress. Often, having a waiver home care plan for seniors in place not only decreases your loved one’s anxiety but also your own! Self-care matters.
Call AmeriBest’s Harrisburg, PA office any time (717-545-2920), email info@ameribest.org, or use our contact form online for further information.