May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month, meaning this is the perfect time to delve into this important subject matter. AmeriBest is proud to provide service to individuals in the greater Philadelphia area who suffer from high blood pressure. You might have high blood pressure and not even know it. Below, we provide a look at some helpful tips to determine if you have high blood pressure and also explain how blood pressure is measured.
Blood Pressure Risk Factors
Did you know that simply being African-American hikes your chances of having high blood pressure? African-Americans are also more likely to have blood pressure issues that are that much more severe. Additional risk factors include a family history of high blood pressure and age. The older you get, the greater the chance that you will be saddled with high blood pressure. Though few are aware of it, being a man also boosts the chances of having high blood pressure. Insufficient physical activity, an unhealthy diet, consuming too much alcohol, and being overweight are also high blood pressure risk factors. Finally, those who have kidney disease are also that much more likely to suffer from high blood pressure.
The Warning Signs of High Blood Pressure
There is a common misconception that those who experience difficulty sleeping, regular sweating, nervousness, or facial flushing automatically have high blood pressure. Rather, the truth is high blood pressure is a silent killer in that there are not many signs that indicate it is a problem. Contrary to popular opinion, high blood pressure does not spur nosebleeds or headaches.
However, there are a couple of signs that indicate high blood pressure might occur yet these are not surefire guarantees of high blood pressure. As an example, blood spots in the eyes are particularly common amongst those who have high blood pressure. Dizziness and facial flushing also sometimes indicate high blood pressure.
How to Check Blood Pressure
You have the ability to check blood pressure on your own. However, if you do not feel comfortable doing so, one of our Philadelphia home health aides can check your blood pressure for you. If you would like to test your high blood pressure, you can do so at a local Philadelphia pharmacy or on your own at home with the right equipment.
Be sure to sit peacefully for at least five minutes prior to checking your blood pressure. The reading should be taken in a quiet place while seated in a comfortable chair. Do not consume caffeine, alcohol, or other stimulants prior to performing a reading.
AmeriBest is Here to Help
Whether you have high blood pressure or another health problem, AmeriBest can help you live with dignity. We provide home health aide service, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and skilled nursing services. Contact us today at 215-925-3313 or by email at info@ameribest.org to find out more about our services. You can also reach out to our team through our online contact form and we will be in touch at our earliest convenience.