Choosing to bring home care services into your elderly loved one’s life is a big decision. It is often a time of significant change for both you and them. While adding Philadelphia senior care services to your relative’s routine can ultimately be a great source of support and peace of mind, it isn’t without initial challenges.
Fortunately, with careful considerations and thoughtful planning, you can make the experience positive and dignified.
Deciding to Add Philadelphia Senior Care Home Services
It isn’t always easy to know when it’s time to enlist home care services for an elderly or disabled relative. However, recognizing the need for added support is crucial. In some cases, you may notice that your family member needs additional help with things like dressing, meal preparation, or bathing. Alternatively, your loved one’s physician may indicate that they could use some assistance with medication reminders. In ideal circumstances, your relative may let you know that they desire to improve their ability to be social and perform daily tasks and would like some help. Regardless of how it comes about, acknowledging the need for additional support is an important first step to home care services.
Supporting their sense of self-independence
Home care services can enhance elderly individuals’ quality of life. But it’s important that you take steps to maintain your loved one’s dignity and sense of self-independence when making the transition. Open and honest conversations are a great way to foster these feelings. Take time to discuss everyone’s concerns, wants, needs, and preferences. Involving your relative in the decision-making process as much as possible is almost always appreciated. Respecting their wishes and doing your best to facilitate their independence is key to a smooth and successful home-care transition.
Choosing and Preparing for a Home Care Aide
Don’t rush into choosing a home care assistant, as selecting the right provider is important. Consider established and reputable agencies, like AmeriBest, that provide highly skilled and compassionate staff who can offer tailored services based on your family’s needs. In some cases, these agencies may also be able to work with you to become a family caregiver for your relative by providing training and compensation. Asking questions and scheduling a consultation or meeting may be helpful when deciding which caregiver to choose.
After deciding, prepare your loved one and their home for the caregiver’s arrival. You may need to do some light house cleaning and organization to make the space accessible and conducive to home care support. Safety concerns like securing medications or modifying potential hazards are also important. You can assist the caregiver by providing any necessary information upfront, such as dietary restrictions, medication plans, and emergency contacts. Together with the home care personal care assistant, your family can work out a care plan that suits everyone’s goals, preferences, and needs.
Remaining Flexible
As soon as the home care services start, it’s important to remain open to adjustments. Monitoring how the process is going for your relative and the caregiver is essential. As they get to know each other, things should become more seamless. Make time to listen to feedback from everyone involved, which can be gleaned through regular check-ins. Adjustments can then be made based on any concerns shared.
Let AmeriBest Help You Transition Smoothly
At AmeriBest, we understand that your goal is to enhance your relative’s quality of life while ensuring they feel valued, independent, and comfortable. Our team of skilled professionals is ready to support you during this journey, answering your questions and working with you to find the best home care option for your family. With locations in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Allentown, PA, AmeriBest is available to make your loved one’s home care experience dignified and fulfilling.