This month is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. If you do not have a loved one in your family who suffers from Alzheimer’s or another brain-related medical challenge, you are in the minority. Though few know it, the Alzheimer’s Association’s annual Facts and Figures report states nearly half of American senior citizens age 85 and older have Alzheimer’s. This is just one of many interesting facts and figures worth highlighting during Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month.
Even if you do not have a parent or a grandparent suffering from Alzheimer’s, you can do your part to provide life-changing assistance to those battling dementia. If you would like to provide care for Philadelphia Alzheimer’s patients, consider becoming a care provider with AmeriBest. Let’s take a quick look at some facts, figures, and other tidbits related to Alzheimer’s that most people are surprised to learn.
Alzheimer’s is More Common Amongst Women
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, about 65% of those who have Alzheimer’s disease are women. This fact comes as a surprise to many people as there is a common misconception that Alzheimer’s disease is primarily a problem suffered by men. Women are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s at some point in their life simply because they tend to live longer than men.
Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease Start as Early as 30
Most people incorrectly assume Alzheimer’s is a disease that strictly pertains to the elderly. However, upwards of 5% of those who have Alzheimer’s suffer from the type dubbed early-onset. The sad truth is individuals can begin displaying the symptoms of Alzheimer’s as soon as age 30.
Caregiving is Becoming Increasingly Important
It is quite shocking to learn more than 16 million individuals are working as caregivers for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. Though some Alzheimer’s patients are partially autonomous, the vast majority require considerable assistance.
You can earn money by providing assistance to the ill, the injured, the elderly, and those with dementia by working for AmeriBest. This is your opportunity to earn a living while improving another’s quality of life, develop new relationships with those in Philadelphia, and also helping relieve pressure from a senior’s family members.
Alzheimer’s is Becoming an Increasingly Expensive Societal Problem
The aggregate cost of long-term care services and overarching health services for Alzheimer’s care is quickly approaching $300 billion. It is interesting to note about three-quarters of the cost of care was paid through Medicare and Medicaid. The balance was paid out of pocket. The aging baby boomer cohort will spur even more Alzheimer’s spending in the years ahead, creating plenty of jobs for caregivers.
AmeriBest Care is a Phone Call Away
We are proud to provide home care service in and near Philadelphia. If you are interested in working as a care provider for Alzheimer’s patients throughout the greater Philadelphia area or are in need of care, reach out to us today. We can also discuss coordinating care for your aging or ill loved one. You can contact AmeriBest by phone at 215-925-3313.