Working closely with elderly and at-risk patients- caregivers this year have to be extremely cautious with their holiday plans.
However, that doesn’t mean that caregivers can’t still celebrate.
Here are 6 safe ways caregivers of the elderly can have fun and enjoy the holiday season this 2020:
1. Shop Online
Instead of fighting through crowds or waiting on extremely long socially-distanced lines, do your holiday shopping on the internet this year. Stores and brands have put almost all their sales online this season, so you won’t be missing out on savings. Not to mention, it’s easier to shop around for the best price when it’s all just on your computer. Write a cute message, send the gift straight to the recipient, and stay safe the all way through.
2. Participate in Mail-in Gift Exchanges
It’s extremely popular nowadays to do gift exchanges amongst friend groups and larger families. Unfortunately, in-person gift exchanges are not highly recommended this year. But, that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the fun. Conduct your gift exchange this holiday season through the mail! Send your gift with a secret message, and see if your recipient can guess if it’s from you! Getting gifts in the mail is always something different and exciting.
3. Do a Drive-By
Close physical visits may not be so safe for your senior. However, appropriately distanced visits can be okay. A cute way to do this is with a drive-by! Stay in your car and drive by your senior’s house slowly. You can bring fun signs, balloons, costumes- be as creative as you want! A drive-by visit is a great way to show you care and make your senior feel a part of the holiday celebrations.
4. Make Your Parties Virtual
You may not be able to host a big holiday bash, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still celebrate with a party! Invite your friends and family to a virtual holiday party. Play games, chat, laugh and have a blast in a setting that’s safe for all. Simply be sure to set up the virtual call for your seniors ahead of time, because they may not be able to join the call by themselves.
5. Use Water on Your Envelopes
This tip is more to protect others than yourself. If you’re sending holiday cards, letters, money gifts- don’t lick the envelope closed. Instead, use a soft sponge and a bit of water to wet the envelope seal. Using water instead of saliva will help protect all those who come in contact with your letter. Just be sure not to put too much water on the envelope or it may have trouble staying sealed.
6. Order in a Holiday Dinner
If you’re eating by yourself this year, or you’re eating with others virtually- spice things up with a fancy restaurant dinner. Order your favorite holiday foods and drinks. You can even have the same foods delivered to your senior’s home and enjoy a quaint virtual dinner together.
Contact AmeriBest Home Care to learn more about what we offer. Many people feel good about our services because they make their loved ones happier!