The new year has finally arrived. The transition to 2021 presents an opportunity to put a nightmarish 2020 in the rearview mirror and focus on a better future. Whether you are a senior citizen or a caregiver, this is the perfect time to establish one or several resolutions. Let’s take a look at some suggestions for 2021 resolutions for the elderly and those who care for them.
Welcome a Helping Hand
There is no shame in accepting assistance from others. Even if you championed self-reliance your entire life, the time has come to let others help you. Think of accepting the assistance of others in the form of home care as gratitude for all your hard work in years prior.
Reach Out to Old Friends
If you have not talked with a friend in years, make 2021 the year of change. Pick up the phone or write a letter to friends you have not spoken to in the past year(s). There is no reason to feel guilty about the prolonged silence as it is easy to lose touch with others. Have a phone conversation, interact through videoconferencing, or handwrite a letter to old friends, and you will feel that much better about yourself. Just as important is the fact that you will have something to look forward to in the new year as you await responses to your letters and rekindle friendships from years past.
Make an Effort to Learn Something New
Just because you are a senior citizen does not mean you have to stop learning. Seize the opportunity to learn something new in 2021. Learning how to use a tech device or starting a new hobby stimulates your brain and makes you a more interesting person. Furthermore, you might make a new friend or two during the learning process.
Get Your Paperwork in Order
Though no one wants to think about the paperwork such as wills, testaments, and power-of-attorney documents, it is in your interest to get this information in order. Gather and organize all the documents pertaining to your assets, insurance policies, financial information, will, testament, power of attorney, and so on. Once all the documents are created, signed, and filed, you will enjoy a truly invaluable peace of mind.
Philadelphia Caregivers: Provide Care Like Never Before
If you are a caregiver, this is a golden opportunity to provide care to others, especially senior citizens and those with disabilities. Go out of your way to make seniors comfortable, keep a smile on your face, and focus on the positive when interacting with those in need of assistance. Be the bright light that continues shining during these dark times, and you really will provide those around you with much-needed hope for the year ahead.
Patiently Teach Seniors the Ins and Outs of Technology
Teaching the subtleties of today’s computing technology to a senior citizen requires time, effort, and patience. Take your time when communicating how computers, the internet, and other technology is used.
Anticipate the senior you are guiding will make mistakes when learning the ins and outs of these complex tech devices. However, if you remain patient and reinforce the importance of making progress, you will eventually succeed in helping others learn how to use video chat, social media, email, or other digital socialization tools. These tools will help the seniors you care about to socialize with others as prolonged social distancing continues amidst the pandemic.
AmeriBest Home Care Philadelphia is Here to Help
You have the power to provide your loved one with care in their own home through AmeriBest. Reach out to us today to find out more about our in-home care service. You can contact us by dialing (215) 925-3313 or by emailing info@ameribest.org