Senior Care Tips for Families in Allentown, PA

Senior Care Tips for Families in Allentown, PA

If your loved one receives family senior care in Allentown, PA, you may wonder how you can best support them and yourself as their caregiver. Providing support to elders is an important role that many family members are happy to fulfill, but it isn’t without challenges. If you’ve embraced an at-home family care position for your loved one, here are a few tips that help you give the most compassionate, quality care possible.


Tips for Caring for the Senior in Your Life   

Familial caregiving is such a gift. It allows your elderly or disabled loved one to receive the loving support they need within the comfort of their home. Agencies like AmeriBest Home Care are honored to come alongside family caregivers and provide them with the training and resources they need to excel as a family personal aid. 

Routine Assistance and Daily Care  

Your family member’s needs can vary, ranging from assistance with transportation to help with basic needs like dressing. It’s important to continually assess how much support your loved one requires. While you want to ensure they receive adequate care, especially regarding nutrition, hygiene, and medication management, giving them some autonomy is also crucial. Collaborating with your relative regarding things like meal planning or social activities can help them maintain their sense of independence. 

Companionship and Emotional Support  

Aside from assisting with daily routines, being there for companionship and emotional support is a valuable aspect of family caregiving. Emotional wellbeing is important for their overall health, so take time to check in with them about how they’re feeling. Keep your communication open and honest, showing patience and compassion when they express struggles or concerns. Your mental wellbeing as a personal aide is important too. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, connecting with family caregiver support groups who can listen and empathize can be a worthwhile activity. 

Reach Out for Support and Resources  

Aging and the need for care can take a toll on both caregivers and the individual receiving support. You may experience financial concerns, need professional support, or just want to connect with resources in your area. Fortunately, home care agencies like AmeriBest, and local coalitions on aging, such as your State’s Aging Services Department, are often a wealth of knowledge and resources for family caregivers. 

Financial Considerations and Legal Concerns  

While family caregiving is a wonderful option for most families, it’s important to have a plan in place for long-term care if and when the time comes. Budgeting, deciding advance care directives, and understanding your legal responsibilities should all be discussed before the need arises. An attorney or financial planner can help you get these items squared away so you can continue providing quality care to your loved one without the stress of future planning.


Caring for Yourself as a Caregiver  

Being a family caregiver is undoubtedly rewarding. Still, that doesn’t mean it is without challenges. Take some time for self-care and balance your responsibilities and wellbeing with the support duties given to your loved one. It’s essential to recognize when you’re becoming overwhelmed or stressed and seek support when you need it. Utilizing respite care or a personal aide through a home care agency can help give you a break while ensuring your relative receives the best care possible.

Senior Care Tips for Families


Let Us Help You with Senior Care in Allentown, PA

AmeriBest Home Care is a preferred agency for individuals seeking senior care in Allentown, PA. Not only do we support family caregivers with training, resources, and financial compensation, but we can also step in when needed. Our home care services staff are compassionate, skilled, and able to give you some respite. We are conveniently located in Allentown, Harrisburg, and Philadelphia to assist you with your senior care needs. 

Call us at 1-800-HOMECARE to learn more about how we can help.

Comprehensive Senior Care in Harrisburg, PA: What You Need to Know

Choosing the best care for your elderly loved one is an important decision. There are various options for senior care in Harrisburg, PA, including family caregiving and professional in-home caregiving services. Each option can give your family member the assistance and support they need. However, it’s important to understand the various types of senior care and assess how much help your loved one needs before selecting the best senior care option for your family.


What are the Types of Comprehensive Senior Care in Harrisburg, PA?  

Elder care services can range from transportation to and from appointments to senior living facilities that oversee all aspects of daily routines and wellbeing. Senior care services all aim to provide compassionate support to enhance your loved one’s physical health, emotional wellbeing, and quality of life. However, they can vary in how comprehensive they are.


Home Care Services 

Home care agencies, like AmeriBest Home Care, provide support to elders in the comfort of their own homes. They generally can assist with various aspects of daily living, such as meal preparation, shopping, bathing, transportation coordination, and medication reminders. In addition, home care services can offer companionship when you cannot be with your loved one.


Family Caregiving Services  

Individuals who want to provide quality care for their elderly loved ones can become family caregivers. Often, through a home care service agency, such as AmeriBest Home Care, individuals can receive the training, access to resources, and ongoing support needed to provide home care assistance to their elderly or disabled family members.


Independent Senior Living Facilities  

Independent living facilities can be a great choice for largely independent elders who would rather enjoy engaging in enriching activities than dealing with monotonous tasks like chores. These facilities offer various activities, plenty of social interaction, and freedom from daily hassles.


Assisted Living Facilities 

Assisted living facilities can be just as engaging as independent senior living, but they’re designed for individuals who need a little more support with routine tasks. Most assisted living facilities offer medication management, meal preparation, bathing, dressing, exercise classes, and social clubs.


How to Choose the Best Senior Care 

How do you pick the best senior care option in Harrisburg, PA? Here are a few things to consider.


Assess their needs  

It’s wise to start by assessing the senior’s physical, mental, and social needs. You may want to consider how mobile they are, whether or not they have health or memory concerns, and their interest in maintaining social connections. Working with a healthcare provider can sometimes help you make a quality assessment.


Consider the costs 

Caregiving of all types can come with a variety of costs. For example, assisted living facilities require financial compensation, but studies have also found that family caregivers often spend around 26% of their personal finances to assist with supporting their loved ones. Thankfully, there are usually assistance options for family caregivers and sometimes funding options for other home care services, too.


Think about location, convenience, and family involvement 

One of the biggest benefits of home care services like AmeriBest Home Care is that your senior can stay right where they are. This means you won’t have to travel further to visit them, and the family can stay closely involved in their care and life. If you do choose an independent or assisted living facility, be sure to consider its location and how convenient it will be for your family to visit and stay in constant communication about your loved one’s well being.

Senior Care


Ensure Quality Care with AmeriBest Home Care in Harrisburg, PA 

Ensuring your loved one receives the best quality care from a compassionate, highly trained individual is imperative. AmeriBest is one of the preferred providers of in-home care services in Harrisburg, PA, and the surrounding areas. Our experienced staff offers various services, including medication reminders, transportation, light cleaning, meal preparation, and self-care assistance. We empower seniors by helping them lead more independent lifestyles and provide their family members peace of mind.
We also make care more affordable and comfortable for elderly loved ones by providing training so you can get paid to care for your relatives. We offer benefits, competitive pay, and a supportive environment. AmeriBest is conveniently located in the heart of Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Allentown; contact us to learn more about our Philadelphia home care services.

Navigating Healthcare Appointments: Our Role in Senior Transportation in Philadelphia, PA

Senior transportation is a key aspect of in-home caregiving services. Transportation can take many forms, from walking with a senior to driving them to and from medical appointments. Similarly, your elderly loved one may require transportation for various reasons. If you’re searching for senior transportation in Philadelphia for your elderly or disabled family member, in-home personal care aides may be an excellent solution.


The What and Why of Senior Transportation in Philadelphia  

Senior transportation is a broad term. It most often refers to vehicle transportation when an elderly individual can no longer drive themselves. However, personal care assistants can also aid with physical transportation, such as walking alongside your loved one to their neighbor’s house. Both forms of transportation can benefit elderly individuals in many ways. Transportation allows your loved one to access various resources, including medical appointments, grocery stores, and community events, and maintain social connections. In-home health aide transportation services for seniors keep them connected in a convenient and friendly manner.


Transportation To and From Healthcare Appointments; Our Role  

According to AARP, seniors should see their primary healthcare provider at least once a year. However, as you age, the number of medical appointments often increases. Having rides to and from these appointments is critical for your aging loved ones.


Effortlessly arrangement   

In-home personal assistance, like the support offered through AmeriBest Home Care, offers safe, reliable, and convenient transportation to and from medical appointments. Arranging transportation is easy and eliminates the hassle of navigating public transportation or commercial services like Uber or Lyft. Home health care means that you can arrange to have someone available to transport your loved one exactly when they need it.


Friendly service    

Unlike public transportation or rideshare services, which can be unfamiliar and daunting, senior transportation in Philadelphia through a home care aide is friendly and comforting. Your loved one will likely develop a report with their assistant. Similarly, their aide may learn your family members’s preferred routes or arrival times, ensuring their journey is as smooth and pleasant as possible.


A decrease in time and stress   

Traditional transportation methods, like buses, ridesharing, or commercial services, aren’t always easy, timely, dependable, or accommodating. It can be stressful for elderly or disabled individuals to figure out the logistics of making it to and from their medical appointments, potentially increasing the likelihood of them not going at all. While family members often make every effort to help when they can, taking time off from work or family activities to transport an elderly loved one can be stressful and time-consuming. Using a home health care aide to provide transportation is a convenient solution for everyone.

Adaptable care    

Prioritizing transportation for elderly or disabled loved ones is a vital service. Still, sometimes, these individuals may need more support than a ride. In-home assisted living services go beyond transportation. You can work with home care agencies, like AmeriBest Home Care, to find support for various aspects of daily living, including help with personal routines, medication management, companionship, meal preparation, and light housekeeping.  Home health aide services are versatile and adaptable, helping your loved one maintain the best quality of life as they age.

Navigating Healthcare Appointments


Find Out How AmeriBest Home Care Can Transport Your Loved One    

If you’re searching for senior transportation in Philadelphia, PA, AmeriBest Home Care can help you navigate the array of services available. We are conveniently located in the heart of Philadelphia, as well as Harrisburg and Allentown, which are ideal locations to provide senior transportation to your loved one. Whether it’s a medical appointment, personal errand, or long-awaited visit with friends, our transportation services can make the journey as smooth and stress-free as possible. 

Call us at 1-800-HOMECARE to learn more about how we can help. 

Understanding the Benefits of Assisted Living for Seniors in Philadelphia, PA

Assisted Living for Seniors

Assisted living personal aides can offer your loved ones the support, safety, social interaction, and fulfilling lifestyle they deserve. Your senior loved one likely spent much of their life helping provide these things for others, maybe even you. Now, through assisted living in Philadelphia, PA, you can return the favor, ensuring they’re well-cared for and enjoying a physically and mentally rich and convenient lifestyle that suits their unique needs – all from the comfort of their own home.


Benefits of Assisted Living in Philadelphia, PA   

In-home assisted living caregivers can tailor their support and services to each person, offering just the right amount of care to largely independent seniors who may need some help with daily tasks.


Help with Routine Needs    

Activities of daily living are often one area where seniors may need support. How much support can vary, ranging from bathing to providing meals and offering transport to and from doctor’s appointments. Assisted living caregivers, like those at AmeriBest Home Care, can help coordinate all of these things, providing transportation coordination, aid, and medication management. During the times when you’re unable to provide family caregiving, you can be confident that your loved one is getting the help they need.


Companionship and Stimulation      

Continued care isn’t the only benefit of assisted living in Philadelphia, PA. A personal care assistant can provide intellectual stimulation and opportunities to socialize. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, individuals who complete mentally stimulating activities may have a lower risk of cognitive decline. Your loved one’s aid may be able to play games, help them with technology, or even just engage in friendly conversation to make sure they stay mentally engaged and fit.
Socialization is just as important as stimulation. While you and your family probably make every effort to see your loved one as much as possible, having an assisted living caregiver fill in the gaps is excellent for companionship. The transportation caregivers offer is yet another way they can help seniors remain socially active, reducing feelings of isolation.


Active Lifestyle    

If some routine activities are challenging for your loved one, they may be less likely to maintain an active lifestyle. However, some studies have found that decreased physical exercise may be associated with increased cognitive decline. Fortunately, assisted living caregivers may be able to make an active lifestyle more convenient and enjoyable. Whether your loved one wants to go for a short walk or engage in some simple stretching, having the knowledge that a trained staff member is supervising them and ready to step in should they need help may make them more likely to get active!


Peace of Mind    

Personal care assistants are great for providing family members peace of mind. You can rest assured that your senior is safe and secure. It can be simple things, like checking a smoke detector if there is a low battery warning, or, just the assurance that your loved one isn’t alone.
Perhaps one of the most comforting aspects is that in-home living assistance allows families to stay involved. Top-notch assisted living facilities may be far from your home, sometimes even across state lines. But when you use at-home caregivers, like those at AmeriBest Home Care, your elderly family member can stay right where they are, comfortably at home and close enough for regular visits!

Support for the elderly


Learn more about the benefits of assisted living for your elderly loved one    

AmeriBest Home Care in Philadelphia, PA, is honored to provide support services to elderly loved ones in Philadelphia, PA. If you think your family member could benefit from support or you would like to discuss home care vs senior care communities, contact us. We can review the different types of care available and help you find the perfect fit for your family member. AmeriBest Home Care is available in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Allentown, PA.Â