With Harrisburg being the capital of PA, you can anticipate a flurry of activities around the holidays. You read the descriptions and get all excited, but then wonder how well the event will be when bringing your family, including elder members. If you have an in-home caregiver in Harrisburg, PA, breathe a sigh of relief. Your aide can provide many supports to make the event memorable with less fuss on your part.
So where might you go? Since it’s a sweet time of year, why not visit Christmas is Sweet Lights at Hershey? This is a drive-through event (hey, no walking!) with over 600 displays. If you cannot go, your AmeriBest aide can drive for you. Do not miss getting hot chocolate. It’s fantastic.
There’s also Hershey Park, filled with decorations and presenting special programming; You’ll see 5,000,000 lights everywhere you go. Stop at the ticket office for complete accessibility information should your senior family member require it.
For something laid back, head to the Capitol in Harrisburg with your AmeriBest aide and enjoy the incredible tree in the rotunda. While you are there, you may stumble across a concert.
A half-hour away from Harrisburg in York, you can check out a model railroad display featuring a 2,700 ft. layout (a quarter-mile track). The engines might not be circling your tree, but there are regular open houses that will fit your schedule throughout the holidays.
Watching movies at home is fun, but what about going to a real movie theater for your senior’s favorite holiday title? The Majestic Theater (Gettysburg – under 1 hr away from Harrisburg) will show A Christmas Carol on various dates. Take your trusted AmeriBest aide with you so they can settle your senior in, and you grab the popcorn.
About 30 minutes south of Harrisburg, you can gather the family together for the Trail of Lights at Country Creek Produce Farm. There is a driving trail for those with mobility issues. Food and beverages are available (tip: try the doughnuts).
Twenty minutes away on December 1st, your aide could take your loved one to a relaxing, fun wreath decorating. It takes place at the Costwater Distillery.
Move It Inside If You Wish
If you don’t want to travel or the weather makes it impossible, there’s a lot you can do with your family, including seniors! For example, while you’ve seen dozens of outdoor lights, how about making your light festival inside the house? Even if your senior cannot manage the strings of lights, you can bet they’ll want to direct the action.
Play holiday trivia (you can make up the questions or buy a game set). Have a family bingo night, or bake cookies. Just think about the things your family has always enjoyed together and make minor adaptations suited to your loved one’s condition.
In-Home Caregiver in Harrisburg, PA
If AmeriBest already serves your family, your aide will come with a bucketload of ideas for celebrating the holidays. This person can help with planning, shopping, and decorating, making your job much easier.
Considering getting a professional in-home caregiver in Harrisburg, PA? Or becoming one? AmeriBest will answer all your questions! You can reach us in three ways:
Our online contact form: HERE
Email: info@ameribest.org, or
Call 717-545-2920