The End Of Root Canals?


Awesome advancement in dentistry!

“What if damaged teeth could heal themselves without the need of a root canal? Apparently, that’s what Harvard and the University of Nottingham are trying to figure out. They believe they can create stem cell stimulated fillings.”

Could you imagine? A world where teeth could heal themselves!? What are your thoughts? Click this link for more info.



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Sugar and your mental health



“Most people know that eating too much dessert and processed food can contribute to physical health problems like obesity and type 2 diabetes. Far less attention has been given to the impact of a high-sugar diet on mental health, though numerous studies have shown the deleterious effects a sweet tooth can have on mood, learning and quality of life. In addition to inflating waistlines, sugar and other sweeteners, including high fructose corn syrup, honey, molasses and maple syrup, may contribute to a number of mental health problems:”


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Healthier food choices.

Healthier food choices - AmeriBest Home Care

“The choices you make about what you eat and drink matter. They should add up to a balanced, nutritious diet. We all have different calorie needs based on our gender, age, and activity level. Health conditions can play a role too, including if you need to lose weight.”
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Say No to Sugar



“About 10% of the US population are true sugar addicts, according to Robert Lustig, professor of pediatrics and member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California, San Francisco. What’s more, research suggests that sugar induces rewards and cravings that are similar in magnitude to those induced by addictive drugs.”

Read more here:…/hea…/sugar-detox-food-drayer/index.html

Just cutting out sugar can make a big difference in your health. Are there healthy meals that you love that that are sugar free? Share them with us here or on our Facebook page. We can’t wait to hear from you.
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Make Health Your Resolution in 2018


Make 2018 the year that you take care of yourself. What are your resolutions? We want to hear them.

New year 2017 change to 2018 concept, Hand flip wood cube


“Tip 1. Make an appointment for a check-up, vaccination, or screening. Regular oral and medical exams and tests can help find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better”

See more tips here: